Thread: Are you Hindu
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Old 09-24-2011, 01:30 AM   #37

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The reason why I chose to post on that was that attempts have been made and have succeeded in projecting an image of Hinduism abroad which is not true. They have succeeded in taking Tantra, Folk Hinduism and many other aspects out of their own version of Hinduism.

Just to quote an example, is it not strange that when in India the vast majority of the Hindus eat non-vegetarian food, we are trying to make out that Vegetarianism is a prime requisite for a Hindu? We swear by the Vedas, but deny that that the Vedic rituals included Animal Sacrifices.

You are right. Hinduism is like a Mall. But attempts are being made to turn it into a Monotheistic religion and an intolerant religion.

I will talk about this later.

My post is aimed at NRIs who should be aware of such attempts.
You are contradicting others constant posters here who claim that even Tam Brahmins have become non-vegetarians. There is a misconception about hindu's in countries outside India. They have met mostly Vegetarian Hindus, and also Know that cow is sacred to Hindus. Some of the so called swamis who have established their ashrams, and derive their following, have strict code of vegetarianism. Those are private groups and can preach what they want.

Can you blame the Non-Indians, if they form an opinion of most Hindus, on the basis of few they meet? There is no motive in that.
If you are pointing to ISKON:
They might be an embarrassment to section of Indian.

Please consider that they are very well organised, and have a lot of following. My hats off to them. They are promoting their brand of Hinduism.
infarrelisam is offline


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