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Old 09-21-2011, 08:28 PM   #8

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MangaLA sAsana gOsham

எங்கும் பரந்து பல்லாண்டொலி செல்லா நிற்கும் சீர்

The serene sound of "Om namO VenkaTeSAyA" amidst terrible crowd will be reverberating once we near the DwAra PalakA. Of course, the sound of "GovinDA! GOvindA!' will be ringing in our ears right from Tirpati station, through the bus uphill , in the VaikunTam complex and we can listen to this till we return to Tirupati in bus.

Such a type of craze, manifesting into typical sound is perhaps only and in one an only Tiurmalai.

Is there any other place which can boast of such an atmosphere? There would be an unanimous 'NO" i can hear.

Generally, when devotees go to temple we can usually see them praying for their well being, their family s well being and so on. In rare cases some saints pray for well being of all "Loka kshemArtham"

Can we find any devotee praying for the welfare of the Lord. I can hear the sound 'PeriyAzvAr'. As we know Azvar s are separate class submerged in the auspicious qualities of the Lord and Periyazvar still further.

A community at Azhagar Koil , during festivals don new dress, eat food after getting the blessings of Para svami. What do they pray-

punath thiNai-k kiLLi pudhu avi kAtti-vun pon aDi VAzhga - inak kuRavar pudhiyadhuNNum ...
Long Live your Golden Divine Feet... PeriyAzvAr tirumzohi - 5-3-3

புனத் திணைகிள்ளி புதுஅவி காட்டி உன் பொன்னடி வாழக என்று இனக் குறவர் புதியதுண்ணும் எழில் மாலிரும்சோலை-பெரியாழ்வார் திருமொழி -௫-௩-௩

Having this in mind, PeriyAzvar spells out that

in this divya desam, at all places in all minds we can hear the ringing sound of
'TiruppallANDu' for EmperumAn.

எல்லாவிடத்திலும் எங்கும் பரந்து பல்லாண்டொலி செல்லா நிற்கும் சீர் திருமாலிரும்சோலையே!--பெரியாழ்வார் திருமொழி ௪-௨-௨

ella idathilum engum parandhu pallAnDoli sella niRkum SEr TirumAlirumsOlaiyEa! -PeriyAzvAr Tirumzohi 4-2-2.

Can all the minds talk about EmperumAns welfare here? Most of the people come and seek their welfare?

The Vyakyanam is wonderful in this regard. ananya-prayojanarOdu, prayojana parar vAsiyARa ellAvidangaLilum enRa padi.

i.e Those who come for their welfare also join those who talk of EmperumAn s welfare.

How is it possible? Those who come for their welfare talking of His welfare?

Text for MamunikaL vyAkyanam:

indha nila midhi thAnea thangaL prayOjanathai maRandhu mangaLA sAsanathail mULumpadi paNNumAithu

இநத நில மிதிதானே தங்கள் ப்ரயோஜனத்தை மறந்து மங்கள சாசனத்தில் மூளும்படி பன்னுமாய்த்து.

On treading on this divya desam, the mind which comes to seek their own welfare gets transformed and they also indulge in mangaLA sAsanam.

A commentator just not just stop with giving meanings. Here is another example of mAmunikaLs commentary style and greatness in analysing the contents.

எங்கும் பரந்து பல்லாண்டொலி செல்லா நிற்கும் சீர் திருமாலிரும்சோலையே

That is why perhaps this has become சீர் திருமாலிரும்சோலையே

vanamamalai padmanabhan
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