Siddhas. Who were they? What did they practice and teach? --I
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02-23-2011, 06:55 PM
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Nov 2005
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Though there have been many Siddhars in Tamil Nadu, the following are classified as the most important under the name பதினெண் சித்தர்கள்.
Sri Pathanjali Siddhar
Sri Agasthiar Siddhar
Sri Kamalamuni Siddhar
Sri Thirumoolar Siddhar
Sri Kuthambai Siddhar
Sri Korakkar Siddhar
Sri Thanvandri Siddhar
Sri Sundaranandar Siddhar
Sri Konganar Siddhar
Sri Sattamuni Siddhar
Sri Vanmeegar Siddhar
Sri Ramadevar Siddhar
Sri Nandeeswarar Siddhar
Sri Edaikkadar Siddhar
Sri Machamuni Siddhar
Sri Karuvoorar Siddhar
Sri Bogar Siddhar
Sri Pambatti Siddhar
There are some small variations in the names from different sources.
Some of the books talk about Navanatha Siddhars.
The NavaNathas are
Sathya Natha
Vaguli Natha
Adi Natha
Anadi Natha
Mathanga Natha
Matsyendra Natha
Gajendra Natha
Gorakka Natha.
It is clear that the term Natha was used as a title for Siddhars in Tamil Nadu.
The nine Nathas are mentioned in the Siva Siddhanta tradition.
Here is the Wikipedia article on Saiva Siddhanta which shows its origin in Kashmir and subsequent development. This article is based mainly on the the writings of Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami one of the greatest Gurus of modern times. He was not only a Saiva Siddhanta Guru but also an authority on Hinduism.
Shaiva Siddhanta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When I said small variations in the list, it was an understatement. The list varies between different sources. No two books agree. This is one of the major problems.
The list I had given contains names which are otherwise also well known like Pathanjali, Agasthyar, Thirumoolar, Dhanvantari and others.
With a large number of Siddhars having lived in Tamil Nadu over a period of time, it is possible that many lists could be prepared.
And also these could include Siddhars who never lived in Tamil Nadu, but who were the original Gurus of the tradition.
Like Pathanjali is the author of Yoga Sutras. He did not live in Tamil Nadu. Because Siddhas were followers of Yoga, Pathanjali's name has been included. Agasthya's name is included because of his connection with Tamil language. Dhanvantari is the God of Medicine.
Siddha research was prompted more by commercial considerations than a quest for knowledge. The research was done to promote Siddha Vaidya and Medicines. They had to show it as exclusive to Tamil Nadu. Of course then Tamil chauvinism took over. Of course the Nadi Josyas of Tamil Nadu had their own axe to grind with Agasthyar and Kaka Bujundar.
But the inclusion of certain names enables us to trace the origin of the Siddhar Tradition.
About the names of the Siddhars.
It is generally accepted that the Siddhars were all Yogis. They practiced Yoga. Kundalini Yoga.
Now there are some groups who would like to claim the Siddhars as their own.
1. Saiva Siddhanta: Thriumandiram is a text which lays great emphasis on Yoga. But portions of that also deals with Mantras. Some of the chapters emphasize Saktha worship. So the claim that Thirumandiram is pure Siva Siddhanta is not substantiated. The claim that all Siddhars were Saiva Siddhanta followers also does not bear out.
2. Yoga: Recently there has been a claim from the followers of Kriya yoga (Babaji) that all the Siddhars were Kriya yogis. Though Thirumandiram mentions Kriya Yoga often, the interpretation of Kriya Yoga is not the same as Babaji's followers. And the claimants of Kriya Yoga are not only Babaji's followers. There are other claimants who are much closer to the Siddhars.
3. Sri Vidya: As I said earlier Saktha worship is detailed in Thiru Mandiram. Sri Vidya also emphasizes on Kundalini yoga. But there is no confirmation that all the Siddhars were followers of Sri Vidya especially the modified Brahminical form.
The list would vary depending upon the point of view. The Saiva Siddhanta list, The Yoga list and the Sri Vidya list.
But Saiva Siddhanta, Yoga and Sri Vidya are closely inter connected. That is the reason for this confusion. More about the inter-connection later.
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