Dear Shri Nacchinarkiniyan, I made my comment only because your account of Mayandi was presented as fact. Now, you have confirmed it is only your belief. I will leave it at that. This statement is not acceptable. It gives an impression that all beliefs are equally valid. Religious beliefs including the so called psychic powers are unsubstantiated beliefs, AKA, superstitions. On the other side what we have are (a) established facts, abd (b) beliefs that are derived from careful observations but still lacking clinching proof. To claim equal status with this kind of beliefs to the ones you espouse is unacceptable. I don't know what kind of scorn you are talking about. Please understand that it took scientfic process to establish any benefit meditation may offer. It is not just asserted. Also, scientific process is all about seeking the truth and is not about clinging to past beliefs. They are never shy about owning up to any mistakes. The process of observation and verification is never ending. No theory is accepted unless it is established and verified. That is what scientific reasoning is. Cheers!