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Old 03-06-2011, 06:27 AM   #35

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Dear Professor Nara Ji,

Vedic astrology is based on the observed connections between the astronomical positions of planets and a person's birth. Rules have been laid out based on this for predictive astrology. I am an amateur practicing this for many years. To my constant amazement, there indeed is a very strong correlation between the planet positions and the lives of human beings.

But, in your statements, you have said that it is 'absurd' to think that there is any effect of these inert planets on human lives! You did not say, let us look at this phenomenon with an open mind - your mind refuses to accept anything beyond the currently known physical science. It is also presented as though the astrologers are not forthcoming to be subjected to any 'controlled study' of the discipline. Actually the issue is the reverse - no scientist wants to undertake such a study, because there is apprehension on two fronts: 1. What if the study finds a correlation and 2. The reputation of such a scientist amongst the generally non believing, scientific community who do not believe in such 'superstitions'. They do not want to give any credence to the discipline, instead dismissing the discipline as 'not based on science'. I was trained as a scientist, so I know.

The recent news from a scientist from Minnesota is another example. He got confused between the Sayana and Nirayana systems and very openly stated that people's astrological birth signs are not valid! Did he at least understand the differences between the systems? Did he do any study of both disciplines? Nope. His starting thesis was that astrology is bunk and so he thought he found a major 'glitch' and to get publicized, he made an untenable discovery!

The reason I am saying all this is what Sri Nacchinarkiniyan Ji writes above has the same treatment from you in terms of you saying that such accounts should not be written by someone who should know better!

He has already stated when he started this thread that he will account for certain things based on BELIEF. Yet you seem to think that it is wrong to write such stories.

Science has it's limitations. It is not a holy grail, to account for everything and anything of the human condition. They do not have the tools necessary to fathom such things as moving a needle by mind etc. So to dismiss anything not proved by science out of hand with derision, saying it is only belief, in my mind is a limitation on imposes on oneself, without an open mind.

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