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Old 03-14-2011, 12:50 AM   #6

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When we conduct training programmes in the corporate sector the first step is to identify the section of the employees to whom the programme is addressed. Once that is done you design the programme to suit their needs. Then you call only those employees who satisfy the basic requirements. In courses on Spirituality this is not always done. There is no pre requisite qualification for attending a course. Some people like Maharshi Mahesh Yogi have understood the problem and have designed courses. But generally it is not done.

When I met my Guruji for the first time, he almost threw me out. I was looking for a particular mantra for initiation and he flatly said it is not possible. After a number of visits over a period of two years one fine morning, he said, " Here is your Mantra. Take it ". His evaluation took nearly two years. During this period he taught me the rituals of Tantra and also advised me time and again about what the mantra can do to my day-to-day life.

My Guruji blesses everyone with words like Sarva sowbagyam etc. But he has always blesses myself and my wife with only "May you get Siddhi of your Mantra."

At the end of all this verbiage what should be the plan of action for beginners. In my opinion

1. If it is convenient for you to attend one of the various courses please do. But check up whether the course meets with your requirements and your attitude towards religion, God, and spirituality.

If you are a Bhakta at heart and you go to an Ashram and get initiation into a Vedantic Mantra you will have problems. If you are a devotee of Vishnu and are initiated with Om Namah Sivaya there will be problems. It will take a long time for the Guru/Teacher to understand you and give the appropriate mantra. This is done for renunciates. But for an ordinary person it is a time consuming process and even if you are prepared to wait, your Guru/Teacher may not have the time.

2. If you have problems will you get after sales service? Many problems are solved by discussion with Guru Bhais. That is people who have the same Guru/Teacher and practice the same kind of meditation. If you have a community then you can discuss and get help. People who belong to other traditions will not understand your problem even if they are adepts in their path.

3. If you do not find a course of your choice or liking then follow the Sadhana laid down by Swami Sivananda. In the words of Swamiji

Easy method of Sadhana in worldly environment

Here I, present a very easy method of Sadhana by which, he can attain consciousness even while he is living in the world amidst multifarious activities. You need not have a separate room and time for meditation. Close your eyes for a minute or two once in every two or three hours and think of God and His Divine Qualities such as Mercy, Love, Peace, Joy, Knowledge, Purity, Perfection and so forth during work and repeat mentally Hari Om or Sri Ram, or Rama Rama or Krishna Krishna or any Mantra according to your taste. You should do this even during night time, whenever you happen to get up from bed to pass urine or on any other account. Though you are unable to get up during sleep specially for this purpose, you should do this practice at least occasionally when you slightly change your posture of sleep. This sort of habit will come only by practice. Feel that the body is a moving temple of God, your office or business house is a moving temple or Brindavan, and every activity, walking, talking, writing, eating, breathing, seeing, hearing etc., are offerings unto the Lord. Work is worship. Work is meditation. Here the mantra is not any esoteric mantra. It should only be a simple mantra used in Nama Japa or prayer.

For Bhakthas of MAA I would advise the following prayer as Mantra

" Sarvamangala Mangalye , Shive, Sarvartha sadhake,

Saranye Thrayambake Gowri Narayani Namosdhudhe"

You do not need a Guru and no side effects.

You do this simple Sadhnaa and Japa/meditation with simple mantras. You will get a Guru if a Guru is necessary for your spiritual advancement.

(To be continued)

Note: This was originally written for a Western (mainly U.S) audience.
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