Mantra - An introduction
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05-13-2011, 03:52 AM
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Oct 2005
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I was given to understand that vedic mantras are sound vibrations cognized by vedic rishis and passed on to the posterity. And that we are supposed to be reproduce the same exactly so that the sound vibrations match the original. So far so good. Now on further reading of vedic mantras, I gather that the rk-mantras are to be chanted out aloud and the yajus mantras are to be just muttered (Upamsu).
If I take the case of the most revered gayatri mantra, the mantra is in rk format and the vyahritis are in yajur veda. So should the mantra be chanted out loud or should be muttered? But the usual practice is that this mantra is used for japa, mentally recited and neither spoken out loud nor muttered. Why so? Secondly, if the mantra is chanted mentally, how would it cause in the vibrations in atmosphere etc. as we normally understand?
Now taking the case of rudra prasna, as it is a yajus (notwithstanding some riks) should it not be muttered? But when one goes to any rudra-yajna (usually ekadashini rudra yajna) one finds the priests are normally chanting the mantra at the top of their voice. So are the injunctions like "upamsu" not valid?
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