sridhi baba
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03-27-2011, 07:33 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
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namaste everyone.
My thoughts on the subject of worshipping gurus as gods:
• Every Hindu is taught in early life, about the four first-known gods:
mAatru devo bhava | pitru devo bhava | AchArya devo bhava | atithi devo bhava ||
--taittirIya upaniShad 1.11.3
This veda-vAkya prescribes that a Hindu should adore his/her mother, father and guru as gods, and serve a guest considering the person as a god.
• Thus, there is absolutely nothing wrong in worshipping the parents and the guru as gods in the form of a mUrti--image. In fact, the very act of saying 'namaste' is recognition of divinity in the person addressed, which is a rudimentary form of advaita.
‣ RamaNa maharShi built a temple for her mother and made his devotees worship her as mAtru-bhUteshvara, in his Ashramam in TiruvaNNAmalai.
‣ Recently, HH shrI Jayendra Sarasvati SvAmigaL sanctified the MaNimaNDapa temple for KAnchi ParamAchArya at Orikkai
‣ KAnchi ParamAchArya himself knew and approved some of his devotees worshipping him with a portrait and performing puja in their puja rooms.
The purport of all the fanfare that goes with the Hindu bhakti is to involve the populace in their veneration of gods and gurus, in thought and action, because bhakti is a necessary preliminary step for seeking jnAnam.
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