சந்திரமங்கள யோகம்
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02-05-2011, 04:06 PM
Join Date
Nov 2005
Senior Member
I also went by Vedic astrology initially, but later I found that KP method is more accurate.
It differs from the vedic method in predictions.
Suppose, Mesha is the lagna and in the eleventh house moon is posited in sathayam
and mars is in avittam. Moon will have to give what Rahu is supposed to and Mars
its own.
AFter having considered the star lords, we will have to reckon with the rasi lord also
which is saturn.
Next, we will have to see where Rahu and saturn are placed. If Rahu is in the fifth
house, it will give what sun is supposed to; if saturn is in 8th house it will give what
mars is supposed to.
Then we have sukshma lord also whose calculation is lengthy. I am avoiding it now.
Then we will have to see the significators and accordingly predict. It seems rather
involved, but once we understand the basics, it becomes easier to predict.
As you rightly have pointed out, and this is my view also, God's Grace is very
Once, a gentleman went to a Kerala astrologer and asked him to cast the horoscope
of his new-born i.e., born about two months ago. The astrologer asked him the
date, time and place of birth and immediately asked him to come after a month.
After he left, the astrologer's friend who was with him then, asked him why did he
send him without casting the horoscope. The astrologer replied - what is the use of
casting the horoscope of a child who is going to die in 15 days time. And the child
passed away within 15 days. The astrologer had divine grace.
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