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Old 10-27-2010, 01:46 AM   #27

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Oct 2005
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I also had had many conversations like sri. Ramanujam,with my foreign acqueintances in New York and over a periodod of 12 years(1998-2010) and convinced them that Hindus also believe in ONLY ONE "Supreme Being"(BRAHMAM) and Learned Scholars call that ONLY ONE Supreme Being by many names--names are many and NOT Gods are many--"Ekam Sat-Vipraaaha Bahudha Vadhanthi(Rg Vedham)---"Ekam Sat- Na Dwithiyam( Chand.Upanishad--6-2-1]!) "Eko Bahunaam--Chetanaachetanaanaam Yo Vidhadhaathi Kaaman"-(Katha Upanishad--5-13)--When Brahmam is Vaasyam--Vyaaptham(Immanent-Transcendent--=Brahmam is VISHNU---"Anthar Bahischitha Sarvam Vyaatha Naarayana Sthithha--When Brahmam is benevolent,auspicious,Brahmam is Sivam--"Sivam,Sivakaram,----Sivaathmaanam,Sivotthamam,Siva Maarga Pranethaaram------" When Brahmam is "Kevalam"=Unique -no second thing to compare--Brahmam is "Kaivalyam"--When Brahmam is Chetanam ,Brahmam is "Chaitanyam"--now in our exchanges they do not use the terms Poly Theism,Pan Theism,Heno Theism etc about Hinduism
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