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Old 12-25-2009, 06:38 AM   #13

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Oct 2005
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Chennamma is an Andra Village femenine Diety -no doubt.It has only metamorphsed into Chelliamma (Not selliamma) during the Nayaka dynasty rule in Madurai(Viswanatha Nayakaperoid and next 100+ years-somewhere around 1563 to 1659or so,till the Nawab of Arcot Mohammad Ali gave the right to British East India Company-Robert Clive- to collect taxes from 72 Paleykars in South Tamil Nadu--Paleym is a telugu word-Veera Pandia Katta Bommu(Bomman),Ettayapuram Ettappa Nayaka were all Telugu Kammavaar Nayaka-Paleykars-(just like the present day Thiru.Vai.Gopalaswamy of MDMK---During Madurai Ruler Ko(u)marappa Nayaka period the Paleykars were asked to do "Prana Pradhishta" of Jakkhamma,Chennamma(Chelliamma) in four corners of villages under their control as "Graama Paadhkaappu Devathas.".Even villages were named after the Diety as "Chennamaa Devi-Chnnarajapuram etc.
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