the importance of lord indra
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11-04-2009, 02:13 AM
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Oct 2005
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Dear Anand and Shri Pannvalan ji,
Faith varies from person to person. It can even vary from parent to child. And i suppose so does the definition of a value system.
I do agree with you. But please also take into consideration that there are people to whom such things are a matter of interest, as just a subject. And what may be a fruitless pursuit to one, might just be a matter of interest to another.
Deification of zoomorphic, anthropomorphic, nature elements, and so on has a lot to do with evolution of thought, evolution of society, provides clues to the movement of people, growth of civilization and so on.
If one would like to accept that the vedas are anadi, its perfectly fine. At the same time, if one wants to rely on various data, including scientific, that both humans and languages have a beginning somewhere in the timeline of this universe, then well, they too have a place under the sun.
Who knows someday in future there may be deification of various genes...
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