Thread: joseph iyengar
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Old 02-21-2010, 12:24 AM   #16

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Oct 2005
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Dear Sri Nachi Naga:
Why do you think Sri Joseph should migrate to Advaitham philosophy?
After all, didn't Sriman Ramanuja come from Advaitha?

Vaishnavas are sustainers of creative aspect of the lord and the creative aspect of the lord evolves from the destroyer aspect of the lord to destroy ignorance.all three are interconnected in nature by the lord himself.

sriman ramanuja acharya comes from the lineage of the destroyer of ignorance to sustainer.simply put,he is from lord shivas,lord brahmas blessings,to sustain lord vishnus reality.that was needed during his time,as chaos prevailed.not that chaoticness in unavailable now,but we are tolerant of each other.that is why sriman ramnuja acharya,invited everybody and was preaching one and all,without any distinction.look what his followers are doing,they have become so exclusive,that they will not worship lord shiva or lord brahma.

vaishnavas have their ishta devatha as pradanam,namely lord vishnu.

more often than not,people align as groups,failing to admit,all three are indeed one only.when one realises all three are indeed one,then advaitham shines perenially.

so joseph in my opinion,will ultimately gravitate,to the trinity as one,if he has the grace of the trinity.otherwise he will just stick to va.

nachi naga.
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