Thread: joseph iyengar
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Old 02-21-2010, 01:38 AM   #18

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Sri.Nachi Naga,
With due respect to your opinions, I think that 'advaitham' has nothing to do with either brahma, vishnu or Shiva. Advaitham, as i have read was essentially connected to either saguna or nirguna brahman. But I like to understand things in simple terms to suit my limited thinking capacities.
Cheers! sagunam brahman is lord shiva lord brahma lord vishnu=trinity of forces with their shakthi, parvathi saraswathi lakshmi to manifest.

nirgunam brahman = advaitham = poornamidam........the sloka is a shanthi mantram as a reach this stage is Phd...sarva siddhi prapthi rastu...

we can only experiance it as individuals a non-duality existence...but experianced teachers from time of gaudapada and before him have experianced advaitham...

bhagavath pada adi-shankara acharyaal,avataram took place to let vedam/scriptures of sanathana dharma regain its exalted position in the world and propagate advaitham.buddhism,jainism influence waned considerably during his time....

nachi naga.
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