Thread: Hindu Religion
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Old 03-04-2010, 04:45 AM   #2

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Amidst all these apparent chaos, scandals and worry about declining moral standards, it is easy to lose hope and get dejected. We can forgo hope on fake people, but can’t afford to lose hope on our gods. Let us be good human beings and help each other wherever possible. That is the bare minimum one can do in our journey towards self-realization as shown in our scriptures and which I am confident, will ultimately take us one step closer to the lotus feet of god.

Hari Om!!!
Sri Madhan Gopalan,

The last paragraph quoted above, is an answer to all the questions you have posed in your post.

The character of profit seeking ventures is to make profit, in whatever available way. Media too is not exception.

In the guise of advocating against sex, they will publish sexy pictures, titillating clips.

In the guise of speaking against drugs, they will write or show all about drugs , what it is,where it is available, how to procure etc that those who do not know about this also are attracted to it.

In the guise of speaking against crime on women, they will give vivid(sometimes all imaginary) descriptions .

In the guise of speaking against religious discrimination, they may actually in effect do exactly opposite..
Similarly in the case of religious men also ,they will make musclemen out of mud, make them Super Heroes first. Then they themselves tarnish them, break them into powder.

In any field of human society, there are fakes now a days. The incidence is increasing in some territories considered quite sacred earlier. Like Doctors, Medicine manufacturing , .... religious field is also one of them.

As far as there are people ready to be cheated, cheaters will be there. But why so much noise when it comes something related to religion is:- people used to have fond faith in them ,and were confident that there are no cheaters in religious field. In politics or such similar fields, one is not shocked if a fake/corrupt one is caught and exposed. People take it a natural character of such filed. But something in field of defence, we get shocked , because, we take it as sacred and sanctified and out of purview of corrupt and corruption.

But , even now huge majority in almost all fields are genuine, and sincere. A speedy and just system of judicial system and law enforcement ;and vigilant and alert public conscience only can prevent the fakes.

The pubicity and shock element when somebody -even far related to Hinduism-- is exposed for wrong ---is also due to same explanation. nobody usually expects such a thing to happen.

For critics -within or external- anything is an opportunity to throw stones.If not this, they will invent some other one.. That is all !!!

Hence ,again I invite your attention to last para of your own post,which itself makes your whole post superfluous.

Gakeincidoniac is offline


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