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12-03-2009, 07:47 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Dear Sri Justin Ji,
When you say you are searching for a Guru with Adi Shankara's parampara, there are a few options:
1) Visit any of the five Shankara Mathams and take one of the pontiffs to be your Guru. All these Mathams are orthodox in the sense that they emphasise both rituals (Purva Mimamsa) and Vedanta.
2) There are Advaitha follwers such as Chinmayananda or Sivananda or Dayananda Saraswathi who have established parampara starting with inspiration from Adi Shankara. Their desciples are now available as Gurus. These will be less orthodox than the matham pontiffs. They are vedanta purists
3) There are some Gurus who have found advaitham as the Truth, without even knowing about Adi Shankara, just by their own experiences. Ramana Maharishi and Nissarga Dutta Maharaj are great examples of these. These are the most liberal of the advaithins, in the sense that theit advaitham is not intellectual but rather mystical/spiritual.
4) There are numerous 'New Age' advaitha gurus, such as Sri Sai Baba or Ananda Mayi Ji and others.
I follow Ramana Maharishi, because his teachings resonate with me. And in a way He chose me as a desciple.
I would encourage you to know all these Gurus and their teachings and choose one according to your proclivity. Once you do that you will immediately see your Guru choosing you as a desciple (and in our custom, the Guru chooses you).
Good luck.
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