Bhaja Govindam - Sri Jagadguru Adi Sankaracharya
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11-28-2009, 12:32 AM
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Oct 2005
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Sow. Sri. Renukakarthikayan,
"If i had not mistaken the person who was reciting and memorising the Dukrin Karane grammar was doing so to get employed by the king and get a handsome income(correct me if wrong)."
It is not mentioned in the song that old man trying to recite grammer composed by Pannini for the sake of getting an employment by the king or getting a hansome income. If it is mentioned like that, then, honestly I don't see anything wrong with that either. Learning is encouraged for the elderly to keep the dementia away.
Even for a 6 month course, cramming the answers the night before the exam will not help to understand the subject; it should have been learned through the period of the course. for the long multiple decades of life (old man has to be 70 years or above), what is the point of thinking about God only at the death bed ? It should have been done all through the life. We don't know much about that old man. I would not pass judgement on that old man. If I knew the Pannini grammer, I would have taught him that. By the way, this is not 'vidhandaa vaadham'. I work in 'aged care sector'. I have in my care residents aged between 72 yrs and 101 yrs (One lady passed away at the age of 102 last month). I always teach them 'new tricks' (which they have forgotten) in caring for for themselves. But, you know these informations already, if I am not wrong.
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