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Old 10-15-2009, 06:50 PM   #11

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These are the symptoms of alien influence or demonic influence

19. Seeing through closed eyelids

20. Kundalini experiences
Is the ability to see thru closed eyelids due to alien influence or demonic influence?

Sri Adi Shanakra wrote this:
Kim jyotistwa bhanumaanhani me raatrou pradeepikam
syadevam ravideep-darshan-vidhou kim jyothirarAkhiahi me
Chakshustasya nimeelan-adi-samaye kim dhirdhiyodarshane
kim tatrahamato bhavanparmakam jyotis-tad-asmi prabho

The underlined means something like: 'What is this light that shines (even) on closing the eyes, that lights up the mental perception / darshan of thee'?

So was Sri Adi Shankara influenced by aliens or demons?

And kundalini experiences? How are they influenced by aliens or demons?

In what way wud these things be the "symptoms" of alien influence or demonic influence
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