My metaphysical experience in Chennai
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10-16-2009, 12:39 AM
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Oct 2005
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If you were to ask any yoga practitioner on kundalini awakening, he would consider your above statment as false; simply because spontaneous kundalini awakening has no other basis other than purva karma.
This is the first time i hear Kundalini awakening is a result of Purva Karma. I tried to find out the relationship between purva karma and spontaneous Kundalini awakening, but i am unable to find. Could you please give any such link or a yogi who claims this?
If you were to put forward your basis of alien abductions or alien influence, those people (yogis) might (and very probably wud) smile it off as something completely baseless.
I have been through this, i know where this will end. I have posted it on forums, and whenever i post them, people post replies in a suppressing manner trying to mock my information on this subject(aliens). Then i try to explain, ultimately it leads to community harrasment or the thread being closed. I already see symptoms of such happening so i come to the conclusion that proceeding further is not fruitful.
In the west they have a theory about the aliens. The aliens are operating in a covert manner and they do not let people reveal information about them(their brutality) to the public. If information is revealed, it would project that they are benevolent or spiritual entities. This happens on forums and other public discussions. The primary tool used is mocking of the person who raises the subject. But then there were researchers with Ph. D studying the aliens and providing substantial supporting logic, it was found that these researchers die a mysterious death. It is a very strange phenomenon.
Other Mysterious Deaths...Lest We Forget
For this reason, i compiled all my work in my book i mentioned in my first post. For those of the members who require elaborate explanation, please go through my book. In chapter 5 i have given how it all started in my life and how i learnt about this phenomenon.
The main goal of the entities aliens or "dhanavas and daityas" is the suppression of Vedic knowledge so that people do not have any knowledge and they turn materialistic. For this reason Religions came into being and all of the religions of Kali Yuga have "Teachings" which people are blindly being directed to follow. I find all these teachings are directed towards suppression of Vedic knowledge and scriptures like the one in Adi Sankara's preaching.
Hinduism is different from the religions in the sense that there are no set of "teachings" for its followers to follow. It is based on the Vedas which are pure knowledge. This way of life is what the daityas and Dhanavas want to get rid of from earth so they can prey upon humanity. I suppose in the next three or four centuries or generations, this will be achieved.
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