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Old 10-16-2009, 01:57 AM   #20

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Oct 2005
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Dear Siddhanta,

I have not read your book but have read the book "Kundalini Yoga" written by Swami Sivananda Saraswathi. There could be other books but if you have not read this then you have not read about Kundalini Yoga. He cites the following methods of arousing the Kundalini:

Kundalini can be awakened
1. by Pranayama, Asanas and Mudras by Hatha Yogis;
2. by concentration and training of the mind by Raja Yogis;
3. by devotion and perfect self-surrender by Bhaktas;
4. by analytical will by the Jnanis;
5. by Mantras by the Tantrikas;
6. and by the grace of the Guru (Guru Kripa) through touch, sight or mere Sankalpa.

Rousing of Kundalini and its union with Siva at the Sahasrara Chakra effect the state of Samadhi and Mukti. No Samadhi is possible without awakening the Kundalini.

For a selected few, any one of the above methods is quite sufficient to awaken the
Kundalini. Many will have to combine different methods. This is according to the growth and position of the Sadhakas in the spiritual path. The Guru will find out the real position of the Sadhaka and will prescribe a proper method that will successfully awaken the Kundalini in a short period.

I find the above to be a logical and scientific explanation for arousing the Kundalini.

He further states below:

"One should become perfectly desireless and should be full of Vairagya before attempting to awaken Kundalini. It can be awakened only when a man rises above Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and other impurities. Kundalini can be awakened through rising above desires of the senses. The Yogi, who has got a pure heart and a mind free from passions and desires will be benefited by awakening Kundalini. If a man with a lot of impurities in the mind awakens the Sakti by sheer force through Asanas, Pranayamas and Mudras, he will break his legs and stumble down. He will not be able to ascend the Yogic ladder. This is the chief reason for people going out of the way or getting some bodily infirmities. There is nothing wrong in the Yoga. People must have purity first; then a thorough knowledge of the Sadhana, a proper guide, and a steady, gradual practice. When
Kundalini is awakened there are many temptations on the way, and a Sadhaka without purity will not have the strength to resist".

The above shows spontaneous Kundalini awakening is not possible unless through many births before there is accumulated merit and in this birth you are born as an elevated soul. In any case, I don't think it is something awakened by aliens especially the bad ones.
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