My metaphysical experience in Chennai
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10-16-2009, 04:09 AM
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Oct 2005
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This happened in the year 2000, June'
My eldest son passed out Plus two but didn't score the expected marks. We wanted him to do engineering degree from a good college in Tamilnadu but due to our caste tag, I was convinced, he will not get into good college. Mentally I was not willing to pay capitation fee for admitting him to an engineering college.
My (late) father scolded me like anything for my son's non-performance and told me to look for a arts/science college.
I decided to admit him in an arts/science college and applied for few colleges. But except one college which was not very popular at that time, there was no response from other colleges.
I always pray to my village Goddess `Nithya Kalyani Amman' and that night before sleep I prayed Her sincerely to show the way for my son. That night I got a dream in which my son was getting admission in Loyola college, Chennai (Year after year adjudged as best college in India by the popular magazine `India Today').
Next day early morning, my son went out to meet one of his friend. The friend has managed to get a seat at Loyola only on the previous day through some influence and was about to leave for the college to pay the fees. Friend's father has asked my son to come along with them to Loyola so that they can try a seat for him. My son went along with them. Fortunately he was carrying necessary records with him. There was a big Q in front of the principal room and my son also joined the Q to personally meet the Principal. I went for my official work and at about 10.30 A.M got a call from son saying that if I join him, it is better since the Principal is giving some spot admissions.
I immediately rushed to the College and at around 12 noon we met the Principal. He asked me what course you want for your son. I said Bachelor of Computer Application. He said `I can give you B.Sc (Computer Science).There is hardly any difference between both the courses. I couldn't believe myself for a moment. I immediately accepted his offer.
My son passed out of Loyola and subsequently did his MBA from a premier Institution of the country. He has just completed 26 years and has reached the position of `Acting General Manager - Marketing' in a multi-national company in gulf.
I always believe in Bhagavath Geetha - Whatever happened is good, whatever happening is good and whatever is going to happen will always be good only.
Both my son and me cannot claim credit for anything. It is all due to the blessings of `Nithya Kalyani Amman'.
All the best
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