Dear All, It has been pondering over my mind for several years. Due to one's karma of the previous birth, he comes into existance in the next birth either as animal, man etc. Even as a human being, he/she borns in a rich family, poor family etc. This are absolutely due to past karma. So, when the environment in which one put in is by his/her last birth's karma. Therefore, his attitude and actions also depends on his environment/circumstances in which one is born/put in. Over and above this, the planets in one's horescope is also depends on the 'poorvajanma karma'. Based on horescope, one tells what would his future and how his life going to be. When such being the case, what is an independent action in one's life. In other words, everything is pre-determined. Therefore, there is nothing that one can do. EVerthing is already decided and one's thinking and action all depend on such pre-determind thing only. In short, one is destined to be atheist he will be or if he is destined tobe otherwise, he would be. Therefore, there is no independent action of any one. Everthing is pre-determined. IS THIS THEROY CORRECT OR NOT !! IF NOT WHAT IS THE REASONABLE LOGICAL EXPLANTION !! CAN ANYONE HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS MORE CLEARLY ? REGARDS BALACHANDRAN