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09-08-2009, 07:32 PM
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Oct 2005
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Dear Sri s.ramakrishnan Ji,
Let me tell you what I know of this subject. My explanation is based on having practiced amateur astrology for a long time in my life, as well as having read a bit of our scriptures as well as the writings of several luminaries.
Yes, the prarabdha karma for this life determines your karma phala in this life. But prarabdha karma has two parts - part of the karma you have accumulated in previous lives and a part you do in this life. Only Easwara knows which parts manifest when. This life's karma is created by your 'free will'.
Now, what is 'free will'? It is what you choose to do in this life ON THE MATTERS PERTAINING TO DETACHMENT (or towards reducing your karma). As Ramana Maharishi says, the freedom to act on your part is only whether you follow our scripture's instruction to be detached from action. Because. your action is also pre-determined.
Now having said that, you can not sit idle and say that what is going to happen is going to happen and so I give up. Because inaction and sloth lead to adharma and you accrue negative karma due to that. For example, let us say, one's father is dying of a terminal disease. One can not then sit back and not aggressively seek treatment. Because it is one's dharma towards his father to seek medical help.
Positive as well as negative karmas are bad in our religion, because they both make you to have rebirths till the balance sheet is zero. So, do not worry about karma. Do your dharma, and while doing it be detached. Ramember, there are four paths to do the act of getting to the zero balance sheet fast.
Hope this explains.
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