It is not 'take it easy policy'. There is a clear cut difference here. When a religion is not considered a burden, when a religion is not perceived to be thrust on oneself against one's wish, when a religion does not ordain this and that, when a religion does not indulge in coercion and threat (silent but powerful threats), when a religion does not interfere in one's day-to-day life, when a religion does not impose military like training, when a religion does not pit one against another following a different religion, when religion allows one to criticize and question itself, when a religion guides one at the times of one's confusion and distress, when a religion gives every one (even outsiders) great mental peace, when a religion offers finite solutions to so many questions hitherto unanswered, when a religion gives you great happiness and comfort, when a religions lives on so long as the cosmic order exists, that is called 'Hinduism'. I am proud to call myself a Hindu.