We Are All Hindus Now - Newsweek article
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08-18-2009, 09:06 PM
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Oct 2005
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Hinduism is nothing but showing the way of leading a Great and Purposeful life. It is not religion per se. It is the embodiment of all teachings and practices and procedure which the mankind should undertake to lead a peaceful and meaningful life throughout.
We, the most Hindus, consider Sri Adhi Sankara, St. Jesus and Prohpet Mohd as the greatest souls born on the earth to impart great teachings to the mankind to get an upliftment in life and to realize what the souls should realize on this earth. Sri. Adhi Sankaracharya is considered to be re-incarnation of one form of Sri. God Siva himself (which is Rudra form).
Hinduism embraces all and it is universal and even not limited to this earth alone. It pervades thousands of galaxies believed to exist in the universe. We, including christians, Muslims, Buddhists, must all be really grateful to the Legend-Philiosopher cum Universal GURU Sri. Adhi Sankarar who had overhauled the entire aspect of Hinduism and came out with great teachings, hymns, etc which aims at relieving the mankind from all the burdens - spiritual as well as matrialistic.
Unlike many describe the Hindu Vedas (four vedas such as Rig, Yajur, Sama, Adharvan) as the just ancient scriptures, the Vedas are certainly immortal having no start or no end like GOD himself and it was not written by anyone...The hymns of Vedas are prevalent everywhere in the atmosphere of the universe like the God. Vedas are ONLY collected (not writen) by individual Rishis, Munivars and Sadhus and put in the right form so that the reciters will get amazing and immense benefits out of it. More over, the Vedas are not to be written and learnt. Rather, it needs to be recited and by-hearted. That is why, in ancient days, the disciples are taught vedas via GURUKUL system which is the best system of education now as every scholar, in India and abroad, admires it even now.
Rishis and Saints, by their spiritual power were able to understand the vibration of vedas from the atmosphere, grabed them and imparted those vedas and its great mantras to their disciples in oral form. Because, in all sanskrit mantras, the vibration and pronounciation of letters very important. Recitation of sanskrit mantras in the right form gives great benefits spiritually and materially. Sanskrit is the FATHER of all languages, not only Asian languages but also all European, East and Western languages as many scholars had researched and found out with surprise. In Tamil Nadu, people call the sanskrit as "VADA MOZHI(North Language)" but they (not only they but also the whole world) should stop calling this as VADA MOZHI but the "Language of Universe". Even, the athiests (Naathigas - non-beleivers of God's existence) recit Sanskrit Veda mantras with right pronounciation and correct vibration, the same would give them benefits. That is the greatness of Sanskrit and the Veda Mantras.
The word "OHM" is universal and this is the sound we can hear in the whole universe even when all the sounds in the earth disappeared for some reasons. The Sanskrit word "OHM" is all pervading and this gives great releif to the reciters irrespective of the Castes, creed, religion, community. This is the ultimate thing which Hinduism had given to all in this world and to the mankind. Every living being will again take re-birth after death, depending up on the good deeds or bad deeds professed by them during the present birth and/or during the last few births. No one can escape from this which is called DESTINY/FATE in other words.
Hinduism called all these as "KARMA" and evry living being must endure all the seeds (whether good or bad) they have sown and should reap the benefits accordingly. That is why, all Hindu saints and Rishis impart teaching as to how to get rid of births and re-births. Their teachings take three forms (1) Ghana Yoga (2) Bakthi Yoga and (3) Karma Yoga. Ghana Yoga is the best form, then comes Bakthi Yoga and then Karma Yoga. Ghana Yoga is a difficult perception and only Great Ghanis (Scholars) to cite a few such as Sri Ramana Maharishi, Sri.Arvindhar, Maha Seshadri Swamigal could practice this and attain Godliness at the end without need to make birth again. Bakthi Yoga is comparitively easier and one could attain moksha just by devoting entire one's self and surrender himself or herself to God. But, even Bakthi yoga gives moksha and non-birth ONLY after reaches the Ghana form. In other words, Bakthi yoga will at last make one as Ghani himself and then facilitate him/her to attain the stage of non-birth. Karma Yoga is very easy to adopt (out of three) and one can attain moksha by just servicing the living-beings including the mankind. Again, the ultimate effect of Karma Yoga leads to Ghana which is again denotes the first form.
For Ghanis(Great Scholars who attain Godliness), the sins and good deeds (Punyas) of previous births and the present birth are nullified by the God. But, even Ghanis must endure the destiny of "Praraptha karma(Karma allocated to one for the present birth)" and finish them to zero. That is how, even the Great Ghani Sri. Ramana Maharishi needed to go through cancer disease during his last birth. So, whoever does not own any karma (bad or good) will attain Godliness and there is no need for Him/Her to reborn again.
The great example is Maveeran Karnan in the great Epic Mahabaratha. Karna donates all his punyas (past, present and future) to the almighty and thus had "ZERO karma" in his account and hence could attain Moksha facilitated by God Krishna. We, the people on this earth and in the universe, should be grateful for one another spiritual giant Sri. Vyasa Bhagwan who was able to collect FOUR VEDAS and EIGHTEEN Puranas and sub-puranas for the welfare of this mankind. But, we had forgot the importance and indulge in worldly and materialistic affairs all through our life without knowing that all are illusions depicted by our eyes and organs....and even gone to the extent of refusing existence of GOD...Then, how we can dare to stop the re-briths...
The whole principles of Hinduism bases on "LOVE" and "Impartial Love". Only Hinduism, by its spiritual activities such as YAGAMS, Homams ( these are the form of praying by chanting Sanskrit mantras while offering various articles such as food, grains, tree sticks, Ghee, Milk and what not) etc, make this earth and the universe not to fade away so quickly from its glory. So, it is essential for every human-being (eastern or western) to continue to practice this and remain peaceful in the earth.
In every such occasion, we only pray for the well-being of the whole universe not selfishly. That is the greatness of Hinduism and Brahmins who are the foremost group in upholding this greatness.
Though it is very difficult to describe the niceties of Hindu Vedas, Puranas, other scriptures with in one simple article, it is worthy enough to spread at least micro percentage of its glory to this mankind through various medias and Prasangams. Our humble Namaskarams to Sri. Vyasa Bagawan, Sri. Adhi Sankaracharya and others. Would like to write more and more...but time stops me from doing this.......I request every one to recit sanskrit mantras and uplift one's own life and self in the way of achieving the status of no-briths...if they continue, they may get this at least after few hundred's birth...if not immediately. OHM SHANTHI, SHANTHI, SHANTHI HE !!! (By JAMADAGGNI)
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