Teachings of The Saints.
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07-02-2009, 08:10 PM
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Nov 2005
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Teachings of The Saints.
Every Saint has the same messages to give, and the same teachings to impart. No Saint, no perfect Master, comes into this world to create a religion, to divide people,to set one nation against another or one religion against another. They come only to show us the Way which leads us back to our original Home. After a Master departs, people generally turn to rites and rituals, and give his lofty teachings the form of an organized religion. Then we become bigoted, we start fighting and quarreling with one another, and the real teachings of the Saint are soon forgotten. Saints do not come into the world of their own will;they are always oppointed by the God and sent by the god.By themselves, neither do they desire to preach,nor do they want to initiate anybody. Whenever the Lord wishes,He Himself sents a Master to collect His marked souls,the souls which He has allotted to him.Saints may born in the East or West, in any country,casteor creed-it makes no difference.They come on a mission of mercy to save us from the sufferings of this world.The purpose of every Mystic in coming to this world is to save His chosen souls, to put them on the Path to God-realization,to give them comfort,to give them rest,and take them back to their eternal Home.Saints tell us that in order to realize God, we do not need to untertake any external formalities,such as fasts,pilgrimages,and adopting a paritcular type dressor hair style;nor do they advocate that we withdraw from society or run awayfrom worldly responsiblities. We have to do our duty as a citizen, as a husband, a wife, a son, a brother, a friend. But we should not be so obsessed by these duties and relationships that we forget the real purpose of our life, our real destination.Saints says to do spiritual practice,and also continue to fullfill our worldly responsibilities. S.R.K.
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