NOTES ON MY FIRST MUSING: The curiosity to know the origin of the universe is as old as the human beings so the first person to raise the question has to be Prajapathi son of Brahma. The answer that Brahma gives out is important for it sets out the fundamental nature of the creation viz. that He is the creation. This is unlike the Genesis of the Bible (that remains the basic belief of the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims on creation) where the Creator sets himself as apart from the creation. So here we have two contrasting notions of God and His role. Secondly the method set out by Prajapathi is the efficient means of extracting the essence and discarding the chaff. Take for example his first extraction. He raised the question: What is it that makes the worlds important. The answer easily came as the Gods that rule the worlds. To give an example, let’s ask the question who made Mauryan dynasty important. The answer easily is Ashoka. Again the question of is why the Gods are important. Because the Vedas extol them. So Vedas became the essence of the three Gods of the worlds. Why the Vedas are important? Because they were given by the Trimurthis through the utterings called Vyahrithis. So the great Vyahrithis became the essence. Why are the Vyahrithis so important? Because they were brought out by the three Gunas that remained the driving force of the Trimurthis. Without Brahman, the one without a second, nothing exists and so Brahman is the Aathma of all.