Now back to Bhakti. Everyone knows about Bhakti and so what is new about it? Bhakti or devotion is as old as humanity since it is a human feeling. Bhakti could be Mathru Bhakti Pithru Bhakti Guru Bhakti Raja Bhakti and so on. We will be talking about Bhakti as a means of salvation. Only Bhakti towards God. This does not mean that the other kinds of Bhakti are not important, or they do not lead to Mukti. They are all important, but I will be posting mostly about Devotion to God. We have all experienced Bhakti. We pray to many Gods/Goddesses. Many of us believe in praying to a particular deity for a particular benefit. For example Lakshmi for wealth, Saraswati for education and so on. These prayers for Karya siddhi. There is no doubt that these play a important role in our early life and later on also. But to attain salvation we have to go beyond this.