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Old 04-25-2008, 11:45 PM   #2

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Oct 2005
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Dear Sri Pannvalan!

I wish to share some views here, Would really appreciate discussions and replies...

Our culture is not based on Faith like other neo religions.

Rigourous questioning is entertained and not shunned at all. The very word "Shishya" means a student asking question in a committed manner. A shishya serve a "Guru" to clear his doubts and questions only.

The Guru also test the "Shishya" on its commitment, dedication , intellect etc... before imparting the teachings. Thus we have an unbroken lineage of "Guru-Shishya" parampara in our culture.

There are many Shanti - patams meaning prayers, where Guru prays for shishya and Shishya prays for Guru . Guru - Shishya bonding is revered in Vedas.

Thiruvalluvar also praise " Selvathul Selvam Sevitchelvam .....".

The modern day problem is the system of education, a teacher is treated as an employer, teacher also works for money - the teachings are also mainly on "Jagat Vicharanai" and nothing else. You can learn about what, medicine, legal issues, technology, astronomy, science etc..... all dealing with what ? only external things .....

We have achieved material success, but there is no content in us. We know we can't sustain ecology at this rate of consumption, but there is no strong will to stop this rate of consumption. Why?

Now I'm deviating from the topic.

If the modern people are very sincere in there quest, they would definetly find answers (Venumna Verlayum kaikkum) unfortunately many of us lack this questive spirit called "Jignasuthvam". So in the name of rational thinking we ask questions as though the other party is responsible to solve our doubts.

Many of us have some pre-conceived ideas that something is not right, like Jati-system, etc... we continue to hold this view and then start to look at things and pose questions, not for clarity , but to justify our own pet ideas, that's our problem.

Some personal experience..

My own elder brother , when he asked questions on why to do this and this like in a particular way to my Father and Shastrigal. He didn't get the answers or not satisfied with the answers he get, and with the influence of "athiest" teacher, he became an athiest. He used to jest, cut sarcastic remarks on our way of doing things, at that time needless to say I got influenced by him.

But down the years, it dawned to me that his and mine quests are not a sincere one. If it is a sincere one we would have knocked the right place. I mean, if we really want to know why a ritual or a prayer performed in a paricular way with all the do's and dont's, if we didn't get the answers from our Father and Priest , we would have definetly find one genuine Teacher to get a reply. Anyway....

Continuing to your post...

We must definetly ask questions and if we are very sincere about it, we would surely know, whom to ask, when to ask, how to ask etc.. not a big deal.

What is lacking is a genuine heart-felt commitment to know just purely for oneself (Aatma Labham) - My preceptions.

Till we get it clear we need - Shraddha - Belief - Nambikkai.

I use a quote from Mahakavi Subramania Bharatiyar here,
"Nambinor Keduvathilai Nangu Marai Theerpu"

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