Discussion about Dharmashastras and Sampradhayas of Brahmins !
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09-25-2007, 08:45 PM
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Oct 2005
Senior Member
This discussion is quite interesting and informative. But I am afraid slowly it is turing into arguement. Mr.Vijisesh has raised some pertinent queries ( exclude the jokes and sarcasms in his posts) answering them will certainly help the modern generation of Brahmin youths.Previously Brahmins were patronised and respected by other Castes for their Religious learning. But now the Socio Economic needs have changed completely. There are no patrons for religious learning. Except some Temples and Mutts there is nobody to feed the students of Veda Padasalas. Equality of opportunity in education and jobs is denied to the Brahmins in the name of Reservation and quotas. Brahmins are forced to compete with others for their day to day living. They enjoy no respect of the past, instead Brahmins have become object of redicule and jokes in Cinema and TV shows. Driven away from their lands and Agraharas the present generation is forced to migrate outside for jobs and even to other Countries where the level playing is there on competitive fields of opportunities. No wonder the present generation of youngsters become frustrated when some one talk about Dharmasastras. I wish people who participate in this discussion take a serious look into the subject with due understanding of the needs of our present generation of youngesters and post some helpful suggestions.
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