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Old 03-21-2011, 10:15 AM   #1

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Default What do you think of the EDL?
The English Defence League are basically a nominally nationalistic grouping formed a couple of years ago, they came to the fore following a violent confrontation in Luton- a town with a high Muslim population (and quite high rates of extremism). They are non-racial in that they have Whites, Blacks, Jews, Sikhs and Hindus among their followers and their single, operational goal is, ostensibly, impeding the growth of Sharia law in England.

Anyway, their events turned quite nasty- they held a rally near to me where they tore down fences and charged the police during a protest about the 'Dudley mega mosque' (a proposed mosque which could handle 50,000 worshippers).

A lot of their members are ex-Casuals.

They seem to represent the next step in the evolution of far right politics, the generation who are in their teens, twenties and thirties have grown up in a Britain where interracial friendship and miscegenation are common and well accepted and so any racialist sentiment is quickly abandoned- that innate prejudice that people have is chanelled into anti-Muslim activity. The group attracts the same type of person who would have joined the NF or BNP had they been born 20 or 30 years earlier, but they have a few Black friends or maybe even Blacks in their family and so joining a White nationalist/'racist' group is unacceptable to them so they join the EDL.

EDL charging police in Dudley April 2010

Young, British and Angry- a BBC documentary on the EDL
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Old 03-21-2011, 10:30 AM   #2

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Latreena and Darren and their mate the wog as heebie indentured peasants. Very Loyalist.
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Old 03-21-2011, 10:53 AM   #3

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Wait until Islam converts Prince William and Kate the Commoner Middleton, or their children… then what will Britain do?

The thing is this… Moslems use Liberal laws, protections, and rights against the emigrant nation. This forces the home (European) nation into a blatant hypocrisy and politickal contradiction. It then either supports "Multikulti" (including Islam) or not (excluding Islam). In the case of the former, the result is apparent ~ Moslems simply will out-breed non-Moslems and then vote their own into Politickal Power. In the case of the latter ~ Moslems simply will cause the Government and Politickal Laws to fracture & break.

This forces 'Westerners' and 'Europeans' into hard-line counter Totalitarian stances.

This forces "(Post)-Christianity" against "Islam" in a New Age type of 'Crusade' (as George W. actively called for from the US, "Bring it On!!")

I hate to admit it, but, I don't have 'Faith' in Europeans or the British. No offense guys, but, I don't think any European country (politickally) is smart-enough to counter Islam, since Islam is both a politickal & religious cultural entity. I fear even the (Southern European) Catholics are finished. Northern Europeans (all those 'uncivilized' modern barbarians and pagans) are a different matter.

Liberals and Leftism are both inevitable casualties (in Europa).

As for Amerika, where "Nothing is Sacred", I sincerely doubt Islam can or will survive in our culture of "Non-Culture".

Just my $0.02…
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Old 03-21-2011, 11:29 AM   #4

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Latreena and Darren and their mate the wog as heebie indentured peasants. Very Loyalist.
Exactly, there's nothing English, or British, about the EDL. They are not pro-English, they are anti-Muslim and are prepared to forgoe all inherently British things to ensure Sharia doesn't take hold- they miss the bigger picture.
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Old 03-22-2011, 07:45 AM   #5

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Just an excuse to behave like hooligans.
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Old 05-31-2012, 06:07 AM   #6

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Haha, anyone see this video of some Luton based extremist Saiful Islam slap EDL founder and leader 'Tommy Robinson' in the face?
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Old 05-31-2012, 06:13 AM   #7

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Pretty neutral, I don't know much about them, though they seem kind of neocon.

Neoconservatism is incompatible with nationalism plus is the root cause of what they're rallying against.
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Old 05-31-2012, 07:09 AM   #8

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when muslim sets ghettos in host countries, natives be it christians,jews or hindus moves out of that place. islam is political system. it wants to "dominate" others and it has the same arab tribal tendencies still preserved waging war on humanity to bring back our culture 1400 years inferior.

brainwashed from pakistan,algeria or sudan who are roaming in your european country wants sharia and wants to subjugate natives as dhimmis and get their women as war booty. that is the "best" "superior" thing from arabia spreading world over.
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Old 05-31-2012, 07:24 AM   #9

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Haha, anyone see this video of some Luton based extremist Saiful Islam slap EDL founder and leader 'Tommy Robinson' in the face?
yes, interesting journey, he was very racist and violent and the other guy was very non-racist and peaceful.
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Old 05-31-2012, 07:38 AM   #10

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Haha, anyone see this video of some Luton based extremist Saiful Islam slap EDL founder and leader 'Tommy Robinson' in the face?
Yeah, Tommy Robinson doesn't always help their image. His real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, he calls himself Tommy Robinson in honour of a famous football hooligan of that name
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Old 05-31-2012, 07:44 AM   #11

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ps I was being ironic, in case
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Old 05-31-2012, 09:40 AM   #12

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They're not defending anything English.
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Old 05-31-2012, 10:53 PM   #13

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Haha, anyone see this video of some Luton based extremist Saiful Islam slap EDL founder and leader 'Tommy Robinson' in the face?
No this is a good video. CC and I were just discussing on the other thread about this topic, about men not retaliating with violence about verbal harassment. As you can see from the video, the English guy got bitch-slapped pretty well, in his own country. This is because Moslems have pride in themselves, and a strong willpower.

The Arab guy was right to ask: "What do you stand for?" The English doesn't "stand for" anything. He has no principles, no pride in himself. The Moslems do have pride in themselves, in what they call 'Allah'. This gives them a sense of (social) identity and reinforcement. It's a principle and system of belief. It's a Faith in something.

The Englishman clearly lacks a "faith in something". Maybe he is a patriot to his country. But he clearly is made a fool of here; he is embarrassed and pushed-around.

I mean it's simple. If you're a man and some other man bitch-slaps you, and you run away, then what are you??? This is common sense.
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Old 05-31-2012, 10:56 PM   #14

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No this is a good video. CC and I were just discussing on the other thread about this topic, about men not retaliating with violence about verbal harassment. As you can see from the video, the English guy got bitch-slapped pretty well, in his own country. This is because Moslems have pride in themselves, and a strong willpower.

The Arab guy was right to ask: "What do you stand for?" The English doesn't "stand for" anything. He has no principles, no pride in himself. The Moslems do have pride in themselves, in what they call 'Allah'. This gives them a sense of (social) identity and reinforcement. It's a principle and system of belief. It's a Faith in something.

The Englishman clearly lacks a "faith in something". Maybe he is a patriot to his country. But he clearly is made a fool of here; he is embarrassed and pushed-around.

I mean it's simple. If you're a man and some other man bitch-slaps you, and you run away, then what are you??? This is common sense.
He couldn't have done anything, if he had jumped out of the car (blocking traffic in the process) and began fighting he would have been swamped by hundreds of them.
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Old 05-31-2012, 10:59 PM   #15

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He couldn't have done anything, if he had jumped out of the car (blocking traffic in the process) and began fighting he would have been swamped by hundreds of them.
Then he is a second-class citizen in his own country.
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Old 05-31-2012, 11:03 PM   #16

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Exactly, there's nothing English, or British, about the EDL. They are not pro-English, they are anti-Muslim and are prepared to forgoe all inherently British things to ensure Sharia doesn't take hold- they miss the bigger picture.
why would shariah law be imposed in Britain, even I as a Muslim think it is ridiculous and funny.

i find them quite funny i really cant take them serious, who are those protesters are they mainly Asian (pakistani) muslims
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Old 05-31-2012, 11:10 PM   #17

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Then he is a second-class citizen in his own country.
Well, it's sort of like if you drove into a Black ghetto and were the no.1 enemy of Blacks for your views (suppose you were a known Ku Klux Klan member), if a Black community leader slapped you then you wouldn't get out, would you?

As he said he would not have made it alive (perhaps a slight exaggeration, but he would not have made it unscathed) from one end of that street to the next.
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Old 05-31-2012, 11:13 PM   #18

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Robinson is ethnically Irish btw. As for the EDl, well they managed to gain allot of mainstream working class support briefly,but they are now crumbling. They for some reason believe in multiculturalism and think that Islam is the only problem plaguing England, they use the issue of Islam partly as a scapegoat and channel dissafection relating to mass migration, the EU, the denigration of England by politicians and channel all on the issue of Islam.
In Barking and Dagenham the BNP did the same thing by constantly going on about Islam, even though, the issue was about the sudden influx of Non-Muslim Africans.
The London Riots were perpetrated by Carribeans and Africans not Muslims and the EDl said, nothing, allot of English people are leaving large cities all over England due to 3rd world migration, that makes them feel unwelcome in their native areas but it is not necessarily Islamic migration. People are also very angry about the Eastern European influx of the last the years - not Islamic.

Both the Bnp and the EDL use Muslim as a synonym for Pakistani, now there are very serious issues relating to the behaviour of the Pakistani community ( paedophilia, grooming, drug dealing,violent youth gangs, Islamic extremis, ,filthy streets, etc.) Now the awkward truth is that allot of the Pakistani savages that go out drug dealing in heroin ( they have links to the afghan-Pakistan borders where most of heroin in world comes from), grooming under-age English children are not only nominally Muslim and are what one may term Piggers or Pakistani Wiggers that drink and wear gold chains.
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Old 05-31-2012, 11:16 PM   #19

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Well, it's sort of like if you drove into a Black ghetto and were the no.1 enemy of Blacks for your views (suppose you were a known Ku Klux Klan member), if a Black community leader slapped you then you wouldn't get out, would you?

As he said he would not have made it alive (perhaps a slight exaggeration, but he would not have made it unscathed) from one end of that street to the next.
Well the KKK did such things with impunity in earlier US history. Now things have changed since then. Now Aframs have formed a coherent and stronger social identity in the US.

But that division is based on race. That's not quite the same as the EDL and Moslems. This is more a division of religion, ideology, and nationality. While blacks & whites in the US have had, and still do have, racial tensions ~ people do not question the citizenship and loyalty of blacks to the US federation and nationality. Moslems in England, is a different matter.

Are Moslems also Englishmen??? If you say not then this conjures a whole bunch of other issues, ideological and politickal differences.
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Old 05-31-2012, 11:16 PM   #20

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Robinson is ethnically Irish btw. As for the EDl, well they managed to gain allot of mainstream working class support briefly,but they are now crumbling. They for some reason believe in multiculturalism and think that Islam is the only problem plaguing England, they use the issue of Islam partly as a scapegoat and channel dissafection relating to mass migration, the EU, the denigration of England by politicians and channel all on the issue of Islam.
In Barking and Dagenham the BNP did the same thing by constantly going on about Islam, even though, the issue was about the sudden influx of Non-Muslim Africans.
The London Riots were perpetrated by Carribeans and Africans not Muslims and the EDl said, nothing, allot of English people are leaving large cities all over England due to 3rd world migration, that makes them feel unwelcome in their native areas but it is not necessarily Islamic migration. People are also very angry about the Eastern European influx of the last the years - not Islamic.
Indeed, very ironic. Irish Tommy Robinson's Barmy Army

Eastern European influx, isn't your girlfriend a second generation Russian?

Both the Bnp and the EDL use Muslim as a synonym for Pakistani, now there are very serious issues relating to the behaviour of the Pakistani community ( paedophilia, grooming, drug dealing,violent youth gangs, Islamic extremis, ,filthy streets, etc.) Now the awkward truth is that allot of the Pakistani savages that go out drug dealing in heroin ( they have links to the afghan-Pakistan borders where most of heroin in world comes from), grooming under-age English children are not only nominally Muslim and are what one may term Piggers or Pakistani Wiggers that drink and wear gold chains.

England or Britain needs a party that is pro native and not racist.
The problem is that the media use Asian as a way to describe Pakistanis, as with the recent Rochdale sex gang thing.
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