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pkxlugbsbv 05-30-2012 12:10 AM

Can a none-white be truly western?
It's a question that i would like to put to everyone on the board and specifically the Euro-nationalists and their American white nationalist counterparts. Is it possible for a racially none-white descendant of immigrants to become equal in status and identity as European/European Americans? What are your views on this?

RerRoktoido 05-30-2012 12:19 AM

Why are Iranians so obsessed with White nationalism and stuff?http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...s/evilgrin.gif

Edqpdnuu 05-30-2012 12:23 AM

I am not a White supremacist and believe that all humans are of equal worth but the hard truth is no. Europeaness is in the genes.

MYMcvBgl 05-30-2012 12:28 AM


It's a question that i would like to put to everyone on the board and specifically the Euro-nationalists and their American white nationalist counterparts. Is it possible for a racially none-white descendant of immigrants to become equal in status and identity as European/European Americans? What are your views on this?
I don't see why a Brown Iranian like you couldn't become culturally Western, but it would be hard for them to leave behind some of their chauvinist medieval practices, none the less after 3 or so generations if they wanted to they could assimilate into the host culture. Will they ever be truly European, no.

VodsNittats 05-30-2012 12:33 AM

Yes they can.
East Asians born and raised in America are western.

It is a way of thinking more than anything.

Penisvergroesserung 05-30-2012 12:58 AM

Can a non asian be truly Japanese?
Can a non black be truly Nigerian?

Gypejeva 05-30-2012 01:07 AM

There's an Iranian-American blogger who's culturally more Western than most White Americans.

thushioli 05-30-2012 01:24 AM


There's an Iranian-American blogger who's culturally more Western than most White Americans.
Not Western, just a deluded White Wannabe with a very big inferiority complex. If it wasn't for Hitler, they wouldn't even say they were of the Aryan race. It's not a race, it just means noble in Sanskrit, was never used as a race designation by Indians or Iranians before 19th European Racialist Eugenacists who used very bad science started to propagate absurd romanticist theories on the Aryan race .


Ruidselisse 05-30-2012 03:19 AM

People seem to have misread the intent of this thread. I was going to start a debate on identity of second generation immigrants of none-european descent. It's not about an inferiority complex, or a off-white thread. I want some arguments for and against it. Maybe the title was incorrect.

pprropeciaaa 05-30-2012 03:35 AM


In Europe, no. They can't. Culturally they can be 100% western though. But you obviously won't get accepted as a true native of a European country unless you fit the phenotype. But that's what it's like in ALL countries all over the world - provided that they have a homogenous phenotype (e.g. Japan).

In the US, you proably can. It's a country built up by immigrants. There was so much variety from day 1. I'm not sure, but I've never gotten the impression that you are not accepted as an american by other americans only due to race.

That's all there is to it, afaics.

And I have a feeling it's the same way in your country Iran. Would a chinese person, or SSA, be fully accepted as an iranian if he was born and raised in the country? Probably not.

ancexiaepidge 05-30-2012 03:39 AM


People seem to have misread the intent of this thread. I was going to start a debate on identity of second generation immigrants of none-european descent. It's not about an inferiority complex, or a off-white thread. I want some arguments for and against it. Maybe the title was incorrect.
There are many second-generation immigrants who seem to have fully assimilated into their host country's culture, and they seem to be fully Westernized with no trouble. Although if you mean would they be accepted by the hosts as one of their own in the complete sense of the word..I honestly think only a minority would be that accepting while the majority would always keep in mind, maybe even subconsciously, their foreign roots.. (I'm thinking more in the European context).

VonErmad4 05-30-2012 03:40 AM



In Europe, no. They can't. Culturally they can be 100% western though. But you obviously won't get accepted as a true native of a European country unless you fit the phenotype. But that's what it's like in ALL countries all over the world - provided that they have a homogenous phenotype (e.g. Japan).

In the US, you proably can. It's a country built up by immigrants. There was so much variety from day 1. I'm not sure, but I've never gotten the impression that you are not accepted as an american by other americans only due to race.

That's all there is to it, afaics.

And I have a feeling it's the same way in your country Iran. Would a chinese person, or SSA, be fully accepted as an iranian if he was born and raised in the country? Probably not.
I don't consider lots of people to be actual Americans that might hold a piece of paper saying that they are. Especially people that can barely speak English.

kristloken 05-30-2012 03:43 AM


I don't consider lots of people to be actual Americans that might hold a piece of paper saying that they are. Especially people that can barely speak English.
Well that's different. I said "only due to race".

But do you? Would you consider someone who was born, raised and fully american culturally (with english as his/her native language) non-american only due to race?

If so then I'll take that back :P

Tazqoaap 05-30-2012 03:43 AM

Yes, and it's not even necessary to explain it.

forotis 05-30-2012 03:46 AM

"Western" is more of a cultural thing, so yeah pretty much anyone regardless of race can be Western. It has nothing to do with being a "white wannabe". Culture is aquired at an early age, so I don't see how westernizing can be applied as a thing people do to feel "more white".

ovenco 05-30-2012 03:54 AM


Well that's different. I said "only due to race".

But do you? Would you consider someone who was born, raised and fully american culturally (with english as his/her native language) non-american only due to race?

If so then I'll take that back :P
Honestly I don't know how I feel about it right now. I'm not sure what I think it means to be an American. Part of me feels that only the descendants of early Americans are truly American but at the same time it would be ridiculous to say someone isn't an American whose family have been here for a century give or take.

Michaelnewerb 05-30-2012 04:03 AM

Of course, yes .

Majority of second generation immigrants and first generation immigrants who arrived here very young, that I know , has the same mentality and behavior of us . The ones in my acquaintances, also know way more about France culture and history, than working class and lower class "ethnic french" who don't care about France culture.

Only immigrants who are raised in ghetto can't be westernised , even among them they are still westernised in a different way .

About the acceptances of them as french by ethnic french . In my environment immigrants who act french and who know a lot about french culture, are way more accepted , than ignorant ethnic french from the countryside or from the backstreet .

hojutok 06-02-2012 05:27 AM

of course a non white can be western since western is a set of values and beliefs.

thats like asking if a non european can be catholic or a non arab can be muslim.

its rare ill give you that but it can happen. nothing biological stopping it. the resistance os culture or peer pressure from non western society (prolly the family)

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