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Old 05-12-2012, 03:11 PM   #21

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The answer is simple really; there were no Black African Empires that had any significant impact on the world, not in reality and not in the imaginations of the game designers/game consumers.
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:11 PM   #22

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the chinese empire had its impact in humanity...

East Asians are humans TOO
I believe he was responding to Elias.. saying Africans had no impact on the world, but they (Africans) are people too, the question is, if the Chinese and Meso-Americans were included in AGE of Empire games, why no "black" African civilization.
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:13 PM   #23

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Related to east African ones.
they are related to modern egyptians anybody else is not related to them.

and Ethiopian or somali has nothing to do with AE...

these people do.

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Old 05-12-2012, 03:14 PM   #24

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In the last game I remember you could even play a role in the liberation of Malta, but when I think about it, I'm not sure they even included "black" characters.
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:15 PM   #25

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I believe he was responding to Elias.. saying Africans had no impact on the world, but they (Africans) are people too, the question is, if the Chinese and Meso-Americans were included in AGE of Empire games, why no "black" African civilization.
because those empires were not as great as those.

and because most people ignore their history...
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:17 PM   #26

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You mean in size?
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:19 PM   #27

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You mean in size?
cultural sophistication and scientific innovations
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:20 PM   #28

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Egyptians were not black...

so an AE expansion does not represent blacks it only represents modern Egyptians.
Not this stupid argument again, but alas, we're dealing with inferior thinking here.

---------- Post added 2012-05-12 at 01:22 ----------

Related to east African ones.
And Nilotic and Saharan ones, in fact even more so than East African ones.

---------- Post added 2012-05-12 at 01:22 ----------

The answer is simple really; there were no Black African Empires that had any significant impact on the world, not in reality and not in the imaginations of the game designers/game consumers.
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:24 PM   #29

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OT rant. I can never find the video game thread. It would be nice if we had minor subsections for literature and video games.
I've had in mind for quite some time to add a literature section. Don't know about video games, but probably will add one in the Lounge if so. But the literature section will be in the main and open as it's an important aspect of human intellectual diversity. I've been postponing it for too long.

To be on topic, sort of lol, I prefer turn based to real time when it comes to strategy type games.
If you play StarCraft II, please add me there, same username as here.

Im not going into the whole "no Negro influence thing"...I assure you this claim is notoriously fraud.
It's not fraud.

I respectfully disagree...Anyway according to your theory Aztecs and other Native American tribes shouldn't be in the game either.
Their empires actually covered huge territory, and had some important advances in mathematics. They were halfway to civilisation, Negroes never created any civilisation.

It's not a theory by the way. I'm just saying, there wasn't any Negro civilisation, and so, there's no incentive to include any Negro Empire in a video game. These "empire" games are about civilisation mainly.

This is what really convinced me of my theory.
It's not a theory; it's your opinion. Your opinion doesn't become a fact by calling it theory. Please don't misuse the term "theory".

If you can include them you can at least include Mali Empire, Fulani Empire, Ashanti Empire Ethiopian Empires etc...
These "empires" were very late in history, and they were quite small in comparison with the major empires of that time. The Fulani Empire, for example, existed between 1230s–1600s and wasn't all that wide territory wise, but more importantly, it was less advanced than the Akkadian Empire (first empire in history), even though it existed several thousand years later. That's why no one takes Negro Empires seriously, least of all video game developers.

Can we really ignore the Nubians...they were well known for their Archers. Even the Egyptians called their territory TA-Seti (Land of the Bow)
Yes, we can ignore them, because video game developers don't teach us about Negro "civilisations"...
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:24 PM   #30

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because those empires were not as great as those.

and because most people ignore their history...
What do you mean they were not as great? Timbuktu was known in Europe as a great place for trade, just because people have not taken the time to devote more time and study to Africans doesn't mean African civilizations weren't as great.
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:27 PM   #31

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cultural sophistication and scientific innovations
Well that's a personal opinion, do you know anything about the Malian Empire? It was a center in Islamic Culture and scientific scholarship, I don't know how anyone can totally discredit such a civilization.
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:31 PM   #32

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Well that's a personal opinion, do you know anything about the Malian Empire? It was a center in Islamic Culture and scientific scholarship, I don't know how anyone can totally discredit such a civilization.
were those scholars and scientists black people or were they MENA people(the elite) from Syria,Persia or the Maghreb?
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:33 PM   #33

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Well that's a personal opinion, do you know anything about the Malian Empire? It was a center in Islamic Culture and scientific scholarship, I don't know how anyone can totally discredit such a civilization.
"Civilisation" my ass:

Do you really think video game developers are going to include an "empire" with sand castles as their most impressive architecture? For fuck's sake, it would be a joke and no one would pick the Mali Empire to play with.
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:33 PM   #34

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It's not fraud.

Their empires actually covered huge territory, and had some important advances in mathematics. They were halfway to civilisation, Negroes never created any civilisation.
You and your stormfront type views are fraud. We've been over this topic too many times and I'm not going to to feed the trolls and your desire to soapbox racist views about blacks ad-naseum, I can readily cite academic support that your view is a fraud, you cannot. Will the real fraud please stand up?

"Civilisation" my ass:

Do you really think video game developers are going to include an "empire" with sand castles as their most impressive architecture? For fuck's sake, it would be a joke and no one would pick the Mali Empire to play with.
Your personal opinion doesn't mean jack Mister Stormfront Jr and there is nothing wrong with mud structures, in fact that Mosque is rated as the number two type structure in the world:


The Great Mosque of Djenné is one of the most amazing and unique mosques in the world. That marvellous building is made of mud, clay and wood, which can be found in the area and is voluntarily maintained by the local people who prevent it from cracks and damage caused by erosion and moisture. The walls of the Grand Mosque are built of sun-baked clay bricks, called ferey, and clay mortar. They are covered with plaster of clay and are thick between 41 and 61 centimetres, which gives a smooth sculpted look of the building. Half of the mosque is covered by a roof and the other is an outdoor prayer garden. The mosque was one of the most important Islamic learning centres in Africa during the Middle Ages. Grand Mosque remains the most outstanding symbol of the city of Jenny and Mali.
Ancient Assyrians extensively used mud bricks too, so by your own logic you shoot yourself in the head.
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:47 PM   #35

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were those scholars and scientists black people or were they MENA people(the elite) from Syria,Persia or the Maghreb?
I doubt the majority of the scholars were MENA, but I really can't say for sure. It doesn't make a difference though, this isn't even about whether "blacks" can be scholars or not, we already know they can, and have been, even in MENA countries that rejected them (racism) since the "Muslim Empire" (Al-Jahiz). We're talking about why their civilizations aren't included in games. Even if every scholar in University of Sankore was "white", it wouldn't make the Empire they built any less great, in fact I think the ability to except great scholars regardless of race is a sign of greatness. The Malian Empire was built on the use of new ideas and inspiration, much like the majority of Islamic civilization at the time (though the Mali region had an empire the introduction of Islam).
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Old 05-12-2012, 03:49 PM   #36

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were those scholars and scientists black people or were they MENA people(the elite) from Syria,Persia or the Maghreb?
They were black people retard ever heard of Ahmed Baba? He was carried off to the Maghreb and brought his books with him from Timbuktu. He was Timbuktu's greatest scholar.

---------- Post added 2012-05-12 at 01:55 ----------

"Civilisation" my ass:

Do you really think video game developers are going to include an "empire" with sand castles as their most impressive architecture? For fuck's sake, it would be a joke and no one would pick the Mali Empire to play with.
Elias the contradictory racist refuted, LMBO:


I doubt the majority of the scholars were MENA, but I really can't say for sure. It doesn't make a difference though, this isn't even about whether "blacks" can be scholars or not, we already know they can, and have been, even in MENA countries that rejected them (racism) since the "Muslim Empire" (Al-Jahiz). We're talking about why their civilizations aren't included in games. Even if every scholar in University of Sankore was "white", it wouldn't make the Empire they built any less great, in fact I think the ability to except great scholars regardless of race is a sign of greatness. The Malian Empire was built on the use of new ideas and inspiration, much like the majority of Islamic civilization at the time (though Mali was an empire before Islam).
Its best not to feed trolls who can't back up their racist assumptions, until proves definitively that none of the Timbuktu scholars were black I wouldn't waste my time feeding information to those who are racist out of ignorance and lack of education.
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Old 05-12-2012, 04:01 PM   #37

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I've had in mind for quite some time to add a literature section. Don't know about video games, but probably will add one in the Lounge if so. But the literature section will be in the main and open as it's an important aspect of human intellectual diversity. I've been postponing it for too long.

If you play StarCraft II, please add me there, same username as here.

It's not fraud.

Their empires actually covered huge territory, and had some important advances in mathematics. They were halfway to civilisation, Negroes never created any civilisation.

It's not a theory by the way. I'm just saying, there wasn't any Negro civilisation, and so, there's no incentive to include any Negro Empire in a video game. These "empire" games are about civilisation mainly.

It's not a theory; it's your opinion. Your opinion doesn't become a fact by calling it theory. Please don't misuse the term "theory".

These "empires" were very late in history, and they were quite small in comparison with the major empires of that time. The Fulani Empire, for example, existed between 1230s–1600s and wasn't all that wide territory wise, but more importantly, it was less advanced than the Akkadian Empire (first empire in history), even though it existed several thousand years later. That's why no one takes Negro Empires seriously, least of all video game developers.

Yes, we can ignore them, because video game developers don't teach us about Negro "civilisations"...
It is my theory that there was a conscious effort in the past to distort black African history and today its become second nature. How is this not a theory? Theories are based off of observations. Im sure your well aware of this. I never stated it as fact. I think you jumped the gun...

Again I refuse to discuss the "no Negro civilization" myth. There is to much information on the topic. It is profoundly irresponsible to remain willfully ignorant on the topic
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Old 05-12-2012, 04:10 PM   #38

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African civilizations were largely unknown and had no real impact upon any other people. By the time Euros began colonizing Africa seriously those "empires" were already gone and their material legacy was rather scarce.
In case of Mesoamerica Euros had to face strong opposition from a relatively sophisticated civilization that has left numerous architectural sites as its legacy.

If that makes you feel more comfortable Georgians also never made it into AoE and the like narrative despite having quite developed states in antiquity. I guess you just need to accept the unpopularity of Black civilizations among other people or try to promote those cultures without usual silly Afrocentrist claims.
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Old 05-12-2012, 04:15 PM   #39

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African civilizations were largely unknown and had no real impact upon any other people. By the time Euros began colonizing Africa seriously those "empires" were already gone and their material legacy was rather scarce.
In case of Mesoamerica Euros had to face strong opposition from a relatively sophisticated civilization that has left numerous architectural sites as its legacy.

If that makes you feel more comfortable Georgians also never made it into AoE and the like narrative despite having quite developed states in antiquity. I guess you just need to accept the unpopularity of Black civilizations among other people or try to promote those cultures without usual silly Afrocentrist claims.
No one gives a damn about popularity, we're talking about facts, facts are that blacks had empires and civilization and their legacy was never scarce, most of it was so advance that some Europeans in the own racism were forced to create lies to deny Africans ever done anything. Meso-Americans had about as much influence as some African ones and no one has made any silly Afrocentrist claims, the burden of proof is on you.
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Old 05-12-2012, 04:18 PM   #40

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Maybe more black people will get into game development and then we will see more stuff like that? I don't think a lot of nerdy white dudes are sitting around think 'Oh I know. We'll put the Bachwezi Empire in the game.' I could be wrong though.
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