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bxxasxxa 05-05-2012 05:44 AM

Who is the toughest?
I know this is a generalization, but, among peoples in recent times (say the last 250 years to today) what peoples (nations or ethnicities) do you consider to be the toughest?

maks_holi 05-05-2012 05:48 AM


QxmFwtlam 05-05-2012 06:04 AM

Pathans, Russians, Siberian nomads

RCQDnMp5 05-05-2012 06:05 AM


whohttp://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...expression.gifhttp://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...expression.gif sounds dutch thouh,brb i am going to google ithttp://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ies/tongue.gif

interbaoui 05-05-2012 06:05 AM


I never heard of them. Where are they from?

Deseassaugs 05-05-2012 06:13 AM

Brazilians from the slums

qCGfQR9T 05-05-2012 06:14 AM


I never heard of them. Where are they from?
They were Boers. They trekked away from the British-ruled Cape Colony, in the early part of the 19th century, into the depopulated interior of South Africa and lived as semi-nomadic farmers. They fought battles in which they were greatly outnumbered by other tribes, famously they defeated the Zulus at the Battle of Blood River on December 16th 1838.

470 Boers vs 10,000 Zulus. http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/wink.gif And Zulus were not exactly known to be timid.

IACJdKfU 05-05-2012 07:10 AM

I would have to say the Germans, including those outside of the modern borders of Germany - including those who settled in places like Hungary and the US. I would also give strong consideration to the Scots, again including those in places like Appalachia in the US and in places like Australia.

Tam04xa 05-05-2012 07:11 AM

Germans and Japanese were tough SOBs in WW2.

CitsMoise17 05-05-2012 07:15 AM

Certain rural Southerners in the United States for one group off the top of my head.

Tnzxovoz 05-05-2012 07:29 AM

It depends for what and under what circumstances?.

Apache were tough as hell, they used to be in war against the Mexican and American armies and were able to escape from them countless times, the fought and hide as a sort of guerrilla squad, they mastered the hand to hand combat and it is said no one handled the knife like them, all this fighting and escaping took place under extreme tough living conditions in the middle of deserts with little to no food and water, apaches were like an native american special forces unit.

Talking about Europe, I think it was the Russinas who in recent times showed to be the toughest of them all.

The russians fought apocalyptical battles against the NAZIS and little by little were able to drive them back to germany, The Russians showed what they are made of in the sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad.

I salute their sacrifice beyond all human capability.

Nabeqiv 05-05-2012 07:31 AM


Certain rural Southerners in the United States for one group off the top of my head.
I agree upyours. The Scotch-Irish of Appalachia were and are some of the toughest. They were the people who basically tamed the frontier after the American revolution. Andrew Jackson and comes to mind as one who represented these.

Qxsumehj 05-05-2012 07:39 AM

Strongest ppl
Strongest nation

varrozans 05-05-2012 07:47 AM


Strongest ppl
Strongest nation
I dont think they are the toughest, just read the second WW history and honestly ask yourselv if americans would be able to stand that kind of fighting in their own homeland and even worse, stand a seige sucha as Leningrad's.

ResistNewWorldOrder 05-05-2012 11:10 AM

The starting line of the 1976 Philadelphia Flyers..........

Tw1anJOO 05-05-2012 11:50 AM

I'd say Germans & British, for the nact of invention. Invented much of the modern world and much of it came during war. I don't really consider Russians tough. Anyone can throw their people away, sending waves of them to die until they win.

General population? I'd say Americans. America has the most armed civilians in the world. If anyone ever invaded the states it would be guerilla warfare all over. Even worse than it was when the Southern Irish/Scottish farmers armed themselves and kicked the British invaders to the south ass back in the revolution.

Âåðåùàãèí 05-05-2012 11:57 AM


I'd say Germans & British, for the nact of invention. Invented much of the modern world and much of it came during war. I don't really consider Russians tough. Anyone can throw their people away, sending waves of them to die until they win.

General population? I'd say Americans. America has the most armed civilians in the world. If anyone ever invaded the states it would be guerilla warfare all over. Even worse than it was when the Southern Irish/Scottish farmers armed themselves and kicked the British invaders to the south ass back in the revolution.
Germans and british are tough successful and ingenious but, are they the toughest?.... I dont think so.

Moreover this thread isnt about who invented this or that, it is about toughness. And I dont think north americans are the toughest either.

AnriXuinriZ 05-05-2012 12:12 PM

Sikhs but I'm biased. Just read this story here. 21 Sikhs vs. thousands of tribesmen. That takes balls. I've heard people compare it to the story about the 300 Spartans and the Persians.


GenrieAB 05-05-2012 12:33 PM


Sikhs but I'm biased. Just read this story here. 21 Sikhs vs. thousands of tribesmen. That takes balls. I've heard people compare it to the story about the 300 Spartans and the Persians.

I'm a great admirer of the martial spirit and valor of the Sikhs. Power to you and your folks http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...lies/smile.gif! Here are two more along similar lines -

Battle of Jamrud : 600 Sikhs vs 8000 Afghans;

Battle of Longewala - 120 men from the Indian Punjabi regiment vs 2800 men from the Pakistan Army;

Battle of Chamkaur - 1,000,000 soldiers of the Mughal army vs. around ~95 Khālsā warriors;

Here's a brilliant artistic rendition of the battle by a certain artist (his name is Bhagat Singh) who dabbles in historically and religiously oriented themes for his paintings;

osteoftex 05-05-2012 12:35 PM


It depends for what and under what circumstances?.

Apache were tough as hell, they used to be in war against the Mexican and American armies and were able to escape from them countless times, the fought and hide as a sort of guerrilla squad, they mastered the hand to hand combat and it is said no one handled the knife like them, all this fighting and escaping took place under extreme tough living conditions in the middle of deserts with little to no food and water, apaches were like an native american special forces unit.

Talking about Europe, I think it was the Russinas who in recent times showed to be the toughest of them all.

The russians fought apocalyptical battles against the NAZIS and little by little were able to drive them back to germany, The Russians showed what they are made of in the sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad.

I salute their sacrifice beyond all human capability.
If Russians fought "apocalyptical battles"? I wonder what Finns did then... http://www.discussworldissues.com/fo...ilies/wink.gif


Also it's not Russian people's fault, but saluting what Soviet Union did in WWII is rather twisted... Stalin was equal to Hitler and was in the same boat of exterminating minorities and same kind of twisted scum.

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