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arreskslarlig 02-03-2006 07:00 AM

Excellent Sully! Thanks pal!

Now, where the hell are Hoopster, and BeardownTexas???

If they are not a member of this forum, I will have to spend a little time on "the nameless board" after we pound the piss out of their beloved Bears.

moredasers 02-05-2006 07:00 AM

Roy Williams is out of his mind. No way he should have caught that pass. But still what a catch!!!!

triarmarm 02-08-2006 07:00 AM


If they're not going to call defensive holding on the play going to commercial that Tillman was shown doing, they'll never call it!!!

Jeez, he basically folded, spindled and then mutilated that Lion receiver!!!

Nurse_sero 02-28-2006 07:00 AM

Yeah, how'd ya guess? That road . . .

This game is getting a little chippy. Bear better settle down. There taking themselves out of this game.


whimpykid 03-02-2006 07:00 AM

Please, please, please, God, let it be a strain.

jeaccatty 03-13-2006 07:00 AM

It comes from the strangest places.....



TheLucyLee 03-13-2006 07:00 AM

An interesting opening series for the Bears.

Looked like Lovie thought he still had Holt and Bruce to throw to. Like seeing them throw the ball, however if they want to win this game, I think establishing a running game is, or should be, the first priority.

Caluabdum 03-20-2006 07:00 AM


What a weird game...

Injuries galore and our best offensive player is Bracy Walker.
this is great. God i'd LOVE to see the lions beat the friggin' bears, man.

8jIDXQ80 03-29-2006 07:00 AM

That was the THIRD pass that Az has flubbed up this game.

lopushok 03-31-2006 07:00 AM


FWIW, i'd have gone for two too. i think that that is the conventional wisdom.
are these bears the dumbest team ever? if i was a bear fan i'd be real upset with these personal fouls.

Pmeidstc 04-05-2006 07:00 AM

Can not remember the last time a qb for the Bear hit a receiver in stride like Grossman did on the 27 yard gain to Terrell.

Bears TD. Jones a 2 yard run.

I can talk to myself with the best of them.

valiumnopresc 04-12-2006 07:00 AM

LOL, i think everyone is posting on the Rogers injury thread. Man, this stinks. Rogers hurt, Bly hurt. Roy Williams looks awesome, though.

haudraufwienix 04-17-2006 07:00 AM

harrington needs to get himself a td pass.

eocavrWM 04-20-2006 07:00 AM


Charles Rogers is starting to become the Ki-Jana Carter of wideouts.
that's the same injury he had last year?

Speareerfug 05-06-2006 07:00 AM

Going to be a lot of bitchin' in Detroit if the Bear scores a td to win by one. The second guessers are going to be asking about the two point conversion (or lack of one) after the Lion's last td.

IMO, Mariucci should know better. It was a win-win situation going for two. There was NO downside to going for two.

gueremaisse 05-10-2006 07:00 AM

watch that momentum swing !

esdfsdflast 05-11-2006 07:00 AM

where did the LIONS fans go to?

SteantyjetMaw 05-14-2006 07:00 AM

I would think that on that play, somebody should have thrown the flag. It was a wrestling match all the way. Jerseys getting pulled, grabbing at the facemask. Nothing ticky-tack about that. If its a legitimate call, make it.

jyhugikuhih 05-15-2006 07:00 AM


Why not go for two there? If they miss it, the Lion is still up by 5 and still within a fg of taking the lead should the Bear score a td.

If they convert the two, they have a 7 point lead.

FWIW, i'd have gone for two too. i think that that is the conventional wisdom.

ArrereGarhync 05-19-2006 07:00 AM

I am back from taking "the Deuce" to the Mall. Nearly got side-swiped by a girl driving the Daddy's SUV & then was laughing about it when I yelled at her, "WTF!!!!!!"

Anyways, now that I have vented, nice to be hooked up with the Lions fans, as well.

Was just ryno & I there for awile.

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