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Old 04-27-2012, 07:54 PM   #1

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Default After the Mahapralaya..where do we begin again?
I was just wondering that after each Mahapralaya when the cosmos goes into Dissolution mode then when the next cycle of creation starts..where do we begin?

What I mean is..do we start back from square one as in evolving from single cell unit and evolution cycles start all over again or we just start off where we left off.

Just say Mahapralaya is tomorrow and when next cycle of creation kick starts do we still have our current state of advancement of society or we have to be cave man all over again?

Are we having re runs in our very existence or its a new movie each time with a new sequel?

So is existence a Mega Serial or it is just Re Runs??
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Old 04-27-2012, 08:09 PM   #2

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I was just wondering that after each Mahapralaya when the cosmos goes into Dissolution mode then when the next cycle of creation starts..where do we begin?

What I mean is..do we start back from square one as in evolving from single cell unit and evolution cycles start all over again or we just start off where we left off.

Just say Mahapralaya is tomorrow and when next cycle of creation kick starts do we still have our current state of advancement of society or we have to be cave man all over again?

Are we having re runs in our very existence or its a new movie each time just with a new sequel.

So is existence a Mega Serial or it is just Re Runs??
Ok... here is an input from an ignoramus:

The whole purpose of evolution is for the jeevas is to realise the Brhman and become one with It/Him/Her by realisation/sayyujja/serving Him/Her/It etc. When after 4 yugas it is found that all the yugas and the relative experiences have failed in the objective, there cannot be any benefit from taking off from the latest stage of evolution. If it was possible to take off from the current evolution, probably there may be no need for mahA-pralaya.

So my guess is that new creation will start from the begining all over again (like the single cell unit you have indicated) and may be there may be a subtle or slight change in the tanmatras or primordial elements which will help the new jeevas to have a crack at the mokshA once again.
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Old 04-27-2012, 08:18 PM   #3

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Ok... here is an input from an ignoramus:

The whole purpose of evolution is for the jeevas is to realise the Brhman and become one with It/Him/Her by realisation/sayyujja/serving Him/Her/It etc. When after 4 yugas it is found that all the yugas and the relative experiences have failed in the objective, there cannot be any benefit from taking off from the latest stage of evolution. If it was possible to take off from the current evolution, probably there may be no need for mahA-pralaya.

So my guess is that new creation will start from the begining all over again (like the single cell unit you have indicated) and may be there may be a subtle or slight change in the tanmatras or primordial elements which will help the new jeevas to have a crack at the mokshA once again.
Dear sir,

So there is a possibility that in previous creation cycles mankind could have been even more advanced in Science and Technology than what we are now.Dont you think so?
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Old 04-27-2012, 08:38 PM   #4

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Dear sir,

So there is a possibility that in previous creation cycles mankind could have been even more advanced in Science and Technology than what we are now.Dont you think so?
There are so many ways to look into this aspect. A few possibilities are:

a) The man-kind could have been more advanced in Science & Technology, but their knowledge lost due to flood and inundation (mahApralaya)

b) They might have been on a different planet and we are on a different planet and at present we do not have a means of communication to that planet to really pick up and start off from their development stage.

c) Science & Technology may not have been a fad then (as it now). Even in the present yuga you find that S & T is at the forefront only during the last 500 years or so.

d) People could have been primitive and may have taken the hardships in their stride with the intuitive knowledge that the hardships help in working out the karma.

There could be so many probabilities and any speculation would be countered with as may objections.
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Old 04-27-2012, 11:46 PM   #5

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If re birth is true then we will born again as per our pap and punyam we do in this generation. Hence we have to be very carefull before doing any thing. We should not thing bad to others even in our mind. Hence I feel the gereation will start from scrap.
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Old 04-28-2012, 01:44 AM   #6

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We are in Kaliyuga...As per this at the end of it Lord Krsihna will come as an infant in a leaf...The end of Kaliyuga will begin the new yuga which is Satya Yuga and everything will start from the beginning
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Old 04-28-2012, 04:20 AM   #7

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Nobody knows the Alpha and Omega? Why tax our brain? Naarayaana knows and nobody knows Naaraayana. We are darts far away from the bow and no where near the target. Let me add (in a lighter vein) that we should learn swimming. And the only way to swim is to swim!
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Old 04-28-2012, 04:25 AM   #8

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Nobody knows the Alpha and Omega? Why tax our brain? Naarayaana knows and nobody knows Naaraayana. We are darts far away from the bow and no where near the target. Let me add (in a lighter vein) that we should learn swimming. And the only way to swim is to swim!
Dear sir,

What a co incidence you are mentioning Narayana cos that doubt came to me today when I was reading Narayaneeyam where Creation was described so beautifully and also about starting off after a Mahapralaya.
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Old 04-28-2012, 11:30 AM   #9

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What I mean is..do we start back from square one as in evolving from single cell unit and evolution cycles start all over again or we just start off where we left off.
Only LIFE starts over again dear Renu... but as you know we are far far more than simple life. The mahapralaya is the greatest gift. At that point we all merge into Brahman. Karmas or none the details matter not. Saguna is no more at that point and they only return just after.
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Old 04-28-2012, 12:17 PM   #10

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Yoga Nidra of Lord Vishnu – the cosmic sleep in Hindu Scriptures
In Hinduism, the cosmic dissolution (Mahapralaya) takes place when the cosmos goes beyond redemption due to destruction of Dharma. This is not an end but a positive change or death before rebirth. This cycle is repeated endless times.

After the cosmic dissolution, there is a period of stillness. Vishnu reclines over the still cosmic waters on the endless coils of the serpent Ananta Sesha, which represents Time.

Everything that existed before the Mahapralaya lies around Him in the still primeval waters. This cosmic sleep is known as Yoga Nidra. Here He is focused on the Infinite Reality of His own identity

Yoga Nidra ends with beginning of the next cycle of creation.

The next cycle of creation is symbolically represented by a lotus with Brahma seated on it that rises out of His navel.
Yoga Nidra of Lord Vishnu – the cosmic sleep in Hindu Scriptures ~ Hindu Blog

Mahapralaya: The great dissolution. This is the time when the entire creation (the physical universe as well as the spiritual universe) is reabsorbed back into God. After mahapralaya only God exists until He issues forth creation again. According to traditional Hindu calculations of the yugas, there is yet billions of years before the next mahapralaya.

So am I going to loose any sleep over it!!!! LOL
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:45 PM   #11

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Perhaps we could widen the discussion a bit in terms of science and cosmology. We know that shrishti happened. In science it is known as the big bang. However scientists are in two minds whether pralay will happen or not. It is quite possible that it will and science will call it the big crunch. Maybe this will eventually lead to the next big bang.

However it is not clear to me why the next creation will follow exactly the same path involving creation of something called Planet Earth inhabited by some sundry life-forms one species of which calls itself human and thinks it is intelligent enough to understand creation.
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Old 04-28-2012, 02:51 PM   #12
Paul Bunyan

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Perhaps we could widen the discussion a bit in terms of science and cosmology. We know that shrishti happened. In science it is known as the big bang. However scientists are in two minds whether pralay will happen or not. It is quite possible that it will and science will call it the big crunch. Maybe this will eventually lead to the next big bang.

However it is not clear to me why the next creation will follow exactly the same path involving creation of something called Planet Earth inhabited by some sundry life-forms one species of which calls itself human and thinks it is intelligent enough to understand creation.
Well said Biswa..Actually I was also hoping this thread will take a twist in the right direction of cosmology,science and spiced with info from religious text cos I feel its all inter related.

I also have often wondered if in the next Mahapralaya is it the same Earth we will be in or some other universe and some other planet which will play the role of Earth again.

I was reading about Varaha Avatar yesterday and I was wondering where could Earth have been submerged for Lord Vishnu to pick it up again.
What was the waters they were referring too in the Puranas?
Its every interesting to try to wonder what could have been like before(even though I know I might not actually really know but no harm trying to decipher)
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Old 04-28-2012, 08:02 PM   #13

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Well said Biswa..Actually I was also hoping this thread will take a twist in the right direction of cosmology,science and spiced with info from religious text cos I feel its all inter related.

I also have often wondered if in the next Mahapralaya is it the same Earth we will be in or some other universe and some other planet which will play the role of Earth again.

I was reading about Varaha Avatar yesterday and I was wondering where could Earth have been submerged for Lord Vishnu to pick it up again.
What was the waters they were referring too in the Puranas?
Its every interesting to try to wonder what could have been like before(even though I know I might not actually really know but no harm trying to decipher)
I think you are on a slippery slope when you want to flirt with science, cosmology and religious text et all in one and the same thread. Let me try to elaborate:

First let us take the case of science or big bang theory. Let us assume the theory is fully explained and accepted by all. Once this is achieved, the question will arise as to what caused the big bang and was it possible for such a cause to exist before, whether such big bangs did occur in the past and whether such past big bangs resulted in life or not. If it did, where are/were such life forms? If such big bangs did not result in life, why not? .

Now let us take the varaha avatar episode. Who is that person who is narrating the episode? Where was he stationed when Maha Vishnu took out the earth from deep under waters (when there was no land mass)? Why was the narrator not consumed by the preceding maha pralaya? Was the narrator reporting the current developments or was he reporting the past incidences? Were the past incidences actually seen by him or were they narrated to him?

If the original episode was narrated based on direct testimony of Maha Vishnu, the narrator should have been extremely fortunate to converse directly with Vishnu. What good deeds or karma did the narrator do to merit such such a face to face conversation with Vishnu.
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Old 04-28-2012, 08:14 PM   #14
Paul Bunyan

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If the original episode was narrated based on direct testimony of Maha Vishnu, the narrator should have been extremely fortunate to converse directly with Vishnu. What good deeds or karma did the narrator do to merit such such a face to face conversation with Vishnu.
Dear Zebra Ji,

Weren't most of the sages in the past themselves partial incarnations of Lord Vishnu ?
So I guess its first hand information from them.

I will get back soon about this topic.Have to take my son for a movie now.

Just to add..the slippery slope of science,cosmology,religion is not all that slippery at present cos right now there is still no one (who feels that Science and Religion are like parallel lines) to pull me down!
Some might be back soon so I better discuss things when I still can.LOL!!
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Old 04-29-2012, 01:07 AM   #15
Big A

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I think you are on a slippery slope when you want to flirt with science, cosmology and religious text et all in one and the same thread. Let me try to elaborate:

First let us take the case of science or big bang theory. Let us assume the theory is fully explained and accepted by all. Once this is achieved, the question will arise as to what caused the big bang and was it possible for such a cause to exist before, whether such big bangs did occur in the past and whether such past big bangs resulted in life or not. If it did, where are/were such life forms? If such big bangs did not result in life, why not? .

Now let us take the varaha avatar episode. Who is that person who is narrating the episode? Where was he stationed when Maha Vishnu took out the earth from deep under waters (when there was no land mass)? Why was the narrator not consumed by the preceding maha pralaya? Was the narrator reporting the current developments or was he reporting the past incidences? Were the past incidences actually seen by him or were they narrated to him?

If the original episode was narrated based on direct testimony of Maha Vishnu, the narrator should have been extremely fortunate to converse directly with Vishnu. What good deeds or karma did the narrator do to merit such such a face to face conversation with Vishnu.
Mr. Zebra,
I like this post very much.
Our mythologies are great stories, and generally have a deeper meaning. They are trying to explain metaphysical concept in real world similes. Do we take it to be Historical documents? I think we will have problem with that.

In the similar mode, 'big bang theory' in science is a concept. It is not a proven fact, at present from our knowledge that is the best guess. So even science is not exact in this theory. We may have better explanation in the future.
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Old 04-29-2012, 08:49 AM   #16

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This is my favorite topic. I would like to share my reading/understanding of Vishnu Purana. I will join in soon. Meanwhile, the first few chapters of Vishnu Purana explains the creation and dissolution wonderfully. The time scales are incomprehensible.

You may enjoy reading the first few chapters from Vishnu Purana.
The Vishnu Purana: Book I: Chapter I
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Old 04-30-2012, 12:06 AM   #17

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Why should varaha moorthy stand ON earth while lifting earth from water???

The universe we see is only a small part (1/4) of the Brahman.

The earth itself is just a spec in our Universe.

Our universe is just a spec among all the universes.

Come out of the limitations of the earth and the sea which is part of the earth

when you want to imagine bigger, better, higher and greater things!!!
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Old 04-30-2012, 12:12 AM   #18

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The rushis, the seers and the sages are given the power to visualize

the happenings of the distant past minutely -

as if they just happened in front of their eyes.

They CAN hear the conversations AND see the happenings as if real.

May be they can tune in their receiver to the correct frequncy and filter out what they

want to see, hear and say!


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Old 04-30-2012, 12:19 AM   #19

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When two persons are connected by mental waves, they can communicate

even in huge crowds without the use of words.

Not just friends... even strangers and enemies.

How do you turn back automatically at a stranger staring at you in a crowded place???

Do we have hidden eyes at the back of our heads??

How do we sense the impending danger even from the backside???

messages get across even without verbal or even eye contact.

So there is NO NEED to actually talk with Maha Vishnu to tell us things about Him.
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Old 04-30-2012, 12:23 AM   #20

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PSI Phenomena.

PSI phenomena are a collective name given to the various unusual mental phenomena including Telepathy, Precognition, Clairvoyance and Psycho-Kinesis. Ordinary people can perform extraordinary feats, which defy all known physical laws, by entering into their Para normal states of Conscience.

Hidden powers of human mind have been known for a long time. The Society for Psychical Research was formed in England, in 1882. Here all the “PSI” phenomena are subjected to severe scrutiny. High standard of research is maintained. The experiments conducted over a century have yielded remarkable results.

Telepathy is the most widely known PSI phenomenon. In this, the thoughts of one person are transferred to another– no matter by how far they were separated.

Clairvoyance is closely related to telepathy. It is not acquired by any traditional methods or means. Here the knowledge is not passed from one person to another. If a pack of cards is shuffled and a person is able to guess correctly the top card, then it is Clairvoyance.

In Psycho-kinesis, physical objects are moved by the mental force, without actually handling or touching them. Uri Geller had such a strong mental force that he could actually bend spoons, just by looking at them!

Precognition is to know what is going to happen, before it does happen. Many people have reported about their dreams–which later came true.

Extra Sensory Perception known ESP was tested by a simple and easy experiment using Zener cards. These are 25 in number. Each one of these five simple patterns square, circle, plus, star and wavy lines is printed on 5 cards, totaling to 25 cards.

Two persons were put in two separate rooms. One of the persons drew out the cards in random order and the other person guessed it. In one such experiment, a subject was able to guess all the 25 cards correctly, establishing the existence of the power of ESP.

Despite the numerous experiments conducted over a century, much is yet to be discovered with regard to PSI phenomena. The best thing we can do now is to keep our minds open for further discoveries.

Visalakshi Ramani
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