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Old 04-22-2012, 02:47 PM   #21

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Please it was in jest, just as your post was. I did not mean any offense, please accept my apology.
Dear Prasad, Greetings.

You didn't need to aplogise. Once you cleared you wrote in jest, that's fine. I accept your position. Thanks.

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Old 04-22-2012, 05:22 PM   #22

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Brahmins do not eat egg and some bakery items which is prepared by egg may also to be avoidable,and to avoid red star printed on the cartons of the food items also.
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Old 04-23-2012, 12:28 AM   #23
Big A

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Mr. Ramnathan,
You post a question, members take time to post replies for your question. The expectation is that you will join in the conversation. You have been missing from the thread. Please tell us your reasons and views.
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Old 04-23-2012, 01:10 AM   #24

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Do brahmins still NEED permission to eat eggs

when they marry non brahmins without permission!!!
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Old 04-23-2012, 01:12 AM   #25

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Will someone tell me what is JD and who is Mrs.R...????
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Old 04-23-2012, 01:55 AM   #26

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"Culture has an impact on genes over a length of time. This is not a baseless statement. This has been proved scientifically by anthropologists beyond doubt. If your ancestors had chosen deliberately to follow a certain cultural practice(culture includes specific food habits too) and had followed it for a long time it would mean your genes have been influenced sufficiently by these practices."

as beautifully said by Shri Suraju sir, our mind gets attuned to these cultual practices that certain things become taboo or we do not venture into that. This has been my experience. at times, i used to wonder why certain things which are crazily sought after by some people, never used to interest me. The above inverted quotes explains that.
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:13 AM   #27

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Will someone tell me what is JD and who is Mrs.R...????
JD is jack daniels, manufacturer of alcoholic products: Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey (I swear I do not drink :-))

Mrs.R is Mrs. Raghy, I think!
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:39 AM   #28

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It is an undeniable fact that in ancient days brahmins did eat meat and even beef; in fact some of the Dharma Sastras stipulate particular type of meat for propitiating the pitrs at Sraaddha and the meat of rhinosceros is considered the best! But later law givers struck down these practices probably when the society and particularly the brahmins felt the need to follow the example set by the Jain ascetics, in order to obtain the approval of other castes.

Egg-eating does not figure in the Dharma Sastras (AFAIK) and so this must be a later practice in India. In any case if someone likes to eat eggs let him do so. Ultimately the brAhmanatva is to be decided by how honest and true to God a person is, not by the food he eats.

Rajasic, Tamasic etc., gradations of food are ideas, which are useful only to fool people, and our Swamijis and Gurujis regularly make use of such blah blah, but some of them may be relishing the very same prohibited items, who knows
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Old 04-23-2012, 08:57 AM   #29

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Mr. Sharma,
You proclaimed yourself to be a conservative Brahmin, and then expound theories that i against majority of this TB community.
Would you explain what qualifies you as a Brahmin?
Poking occasional fun at ourself is of the order, but insulting the majority is never a smart idea.
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Old 04-23-2012, 02:42 PM   #30

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JD is jack daniels, manufacturer of alcoholic products: Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey (I swear I do not drink :-))

Mrs.R is Mrs. Raghy, I think!
Dont worry sir..even I also do not drink but I am well aware of all the brands of alcohol.
You know when you travel from Bangalore airport to B'lore town one just needs to keep eyes open and watch the billboard advertisements and by the time we reach B'lore town we would know all the names of the types of alcohol in India.

But nothing beats the name Teachers Choice and Black Dog!!LOL
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Old 04-23-2012, 05:55 PM   #31

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ஓர் அன்பர், திருப்பராய்துறை மகான் சுவாமி சித்பவானந்தரிடம்
"சுவாமி! அசைவம் சாப்பிடுவது பாவச்செயலா என்று கேட்டார்". உடனே சுவாமி, “நீங்கள் அசைவ உணவு சாப்பிடுவதன் மூலமாகத்தான் உயிர் வாழமுடியும். சைவ உணவினால் அது முடியாது என்று மருத்துவரின் கட்டாயமும் இருக்குமேயானால் அவ்வுணவை உட்கொள்ளலாம். பசிக்காகவோ, ருசிக்காகவோ சாப்பிட்டால் அது பாபச்செயல்தான்!” என்றார்.

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Old 04-23-2012, 06:28 PM   #32

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Will someone tell me what is JD and who is Mrs.R...????
Sri. Kala Bhairavan is right. JD is 'Jack Daniels, my favourite alcoholic drink. It is a bourbon, sold as whisky. Every now and then I get drunk with that.

Mrs.R is Mrs. Raghy.... I am constantly drunk on account of Mrs.R. with her love.....

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Old 04-23-2012, 06:43 PM   #33

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Dear SaRMA61,


It is an undeniable fact that in ancient days brahmins did eat meat and even beef; in fact some of the Dharma Sastras stipulate particular type of meat for propitiating the pitrs at Sraaddha and the meat of rhinosceros is considered the best! But later law givers struck down these practices probably when the society and particularly the brahmins felt the need to follow the example set by the Jain ascetics, in order to obtain the approval of other castes
Why is it that you are not prepared to credit brahmins of that time with the knowledge that non-veg food encourages tamasic and rajasic behavior while you appear to be readily granting that knowledge to jains of that time. Brahmins have to be discredited with whatever they did and did not do. We understand from which stable you are coming.

and so this must be a later practice in India. In any case if someone likes to eat eggs let him do so. Ultimately the brAhmanatva is to be decided by how honest and true to God a person is, not by the food he eats.
Brahminhood is decided by behavior. Behavior is decided by what is eaten. Simple logical deduction would demand that you should be careful as to what you put in in order to get good output. Garabage in-garbage out.

Rajasic, Tamasic etc., gradations of food are ideas, which are useful only to fool people, and our Swamijis and Gurujis regularly make use of such blah blah, but some of them may be relishing the very same prohibited items, who knows

Fools need not bother about all this because they are happy in their own world of foolishness. So they need no input whatsoever about rajasic and tamasic behavior.They need not listen any blah blah either- whether it comes from swamijis or from the pulpit in a church.
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:21 PM   #34

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Dear Raghy,

Many times when I travel in train Bread Omlet was served hot and I used to take it. Recently some of my relatives said that If I take egg/nonveg I can not get the benefit of amavasa tharpanam and other religious ceremanies done by me. Hence I want to know if it is correct I can avoid taking egg.
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:27 PM   #35

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Dear Raghy,

Many times when I travel in train Bread Omlet was served hot and I used to take it. Recently some of my relatives said that If I take egg/nonveg I can not get the benefit of amavasa tharpanam and other religious ceremanies done by me. Hence I want to know if it is correct I can avoid taking egg.
Dear sir,

Why are you seeking the fruits of your action(benefits) of doing amavasa tharpanam/religious ceremonies?

Wouldn't it better if you do it as your duty without thinking of the benefits?

Didnt Lord Krishna say :
Karmanye Vadhikaraste, Ma phaleshu kadacana,Ma Karma Phala Hetur Bhurmatey Sangostva Akarmani
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Old 04-23-2012, 07:54 PM   #36

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I agree renu mom. I meant that whether the purpose of doing the karmas will be defeated If I take egg/nonveg.
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Old 04-23-2012, 08:03 PM   #37
Big A

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I agree renu mom. I meant that whether the purpose of doing the karmas will be defeated If I take egg/nonveg.

I feel it all depends on ones Svadharma and that decides if the purpose of doing any karma is defeated or not.

After all even Non Brahmins/Non Vegetarians also preform religious ceremonies and Pitr Karyams.

Kings of the past were known to preform all these too and did get the benefits of a higher place in heaven or material gain in the world.

If ones Svadharma is followed that everything else falls in place.

As we all know now its the Svadharma for a person who falls under the Brahmin classification to be a consuming Sattva food.

So for all practical purposes eggs should not be in list of the food he/she consumes.
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Old 04-23-2012, 08:03 PM   #38

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Dear Ramanathan,

Your post #34:

I give you a straight answer.

1. When you do tharpanam you have to do with sradhdha. it is not to be done as a mere ritual or with resentment or fear.

2. Rajasic and thamasic food if taken would affect this sraddha. Lack of sradhdha can take several forms. It can be a lingering doubt in your mind as to the purpose and usefulness of tharpanam, an incipient disrespect towards your manes because they are making a demand on your time and other resources, or it could be a desire to hurry up so that you save time for other beneficial purposes etc.,

3. If you avoid rajasic and tamasic foods you will be free of these deficiency causing impact on your satva guna and will be able to perform your karma with absolute devotion thinking about only that as a sort of yajna that you perform.

So try to avoid tamasic food stuff totally. Most important of all, even if you are unable to completely avoid the food dont give up and allow self pity to take over. Keep trying.

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Old 04-23-2012, 08:07 PM   #39
Paul Bunyan

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It is an undeniable fact that in ancient days brahmins did eat meat and even beef; in fact some of the Dharma Sastras stipulate particular type of meat for propitiating the pitrs at Sraaddha and the meat of rhinosceros is considered the best! But later law givers struck down these practices probably when the society and particularly the brahmins felt the need to follow the example set by the Jain ascetics, in order to obtain the approval of other castes.
Egg-eating does not figure in the Dharma Sastras (AFAIK) and so this must be a later practice in India. In any case if someone likes to eat eggs let him do so. Ultimately the brAhmanatva is to be decided by how honest and true to God a person is, not by the food he eats.

Rajasic, Tamasic etc., gradations of food are ideas, which are useful only to fool people, and our Swamijis and Gurujis regularly make use of such blah blah, but some of them may be relishing the very same prohibited items, who knows
Sri Sarma ji,

I am a little intrigued reading your above post since I had perceived you as a more traditional person.

Besides that, it is being proved also by scientific evidence (which many in today's world demand ) that certain foods create body changes .

For example, always it is urged by elders that one should not consume onion and garlic since they will disturb one's mind from the spiritual path he wants to pursue
Recently I read that scientifically it has been proved that onion and garlic consumption increase the male hormone level testosterone .
Advice from elders has always been based on their deep understanding of what they talk about.
Your reference to some Swamijis etc is not called for.Of course there may be many self-proclaimed neo-Swamijis who may go astray but the posting conveys a very disrespectful reference to all Swamijis though not technically
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Old 04-23-2012, 08:25 PM   #40

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Dear Raghy,

Many times when I travel in train Bread Omlet was served hot and I used to take it. Recently some of my relatives said that If I take egg/nonveg I can not get the benefit of amavasa tharpanam and other religious ceremanies done by me. Hence I want to know if it is correct I can avoid taking egg.
Sri. Ramanathan, Greetings.

I am the least qualified in this forum to make any suggestions about your query.

These are my opinons only. If you a doubt, even an iota of a doubt about your food habits in respect to its crossing your faith based belief, then you are the best person to decide. Do you want to perform the tharpanams and other karmas with a guilty feeling at the back of your mind; or do you want to feel guilty everytime you consume bread and omelette? That is your choice.

In the case of melette, I saw that omelette served in Sapthapathy express. I wouldn't bother with that. That was the kind of unhealthy egg I was talking about; so much antibiotics pumped in that bird! That omelette is not worth carrying any guilty feelings!

Kindly don't mistake me; it is not that I don't eat egg or emelrette... sometimes i do. Only the eggs are antibiotic free, from free range chicken, and produced in an organic fashion. Thay are certified and costs a lot more too. I am writing this information, because I don't want to paint a wrong picture about myself.

If I am following orthodox belief and all the rituals and karmas, I wouldn't eat eggs either. But I am not orthodox.

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