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Ifroham4 08-24-2012 03:06 PM

Lax regulations
Recently, I wanted to snack on some rusk biscuits, and bought a brand-name packet shown below ( I have removed the brand name labels).

The picture (figure 1) on the left is a scan of the wrapper for the biscuits. Picture (Figure 2) on the right zooms in on the “Nutrition Information” per 100gms of the product. I am listing this info verbatim here:

Nutrition lnformation per 100g product (approx)
Note: There is no information on approximately
how many rusks does this 100g constitute.

Carbohydrates 80g
Sugars 24g
Proteins 8.8g
Fat 10.8 g
Saturated fatty acids 4.7 g
Mono unsaturated fatty acids 3.5 g
Poly unsaturated fatty acids 0.8 g
Trans tatty acids 0 g
Cholesterol 2.5mg
Energy 453kcal
Figuresbased on …. US FDA norms
Packet reports a Net Weight 163g = 130g ofNet Carbs.

If you are concerned about keeping your blood sugar under control, and therefore want only 16g of carbs for your snacks along with your tea or coffee, how many rusks should you take? Regrettably, there is no information about this.

The only way to know is, remove the wrapper, count the number (say, N) of rusks which make up the packet, divide 130g by N, and so on and so forth. Imagine doing this while sitting at a conference table!

If these companies were regulated by the US-FDA, they would have given this information very explicitly right in the table above. I once contacted them about this, and the reply was – “They were in compliance with Indian regulations”! Means that if they were marketing in USA, they would have done it !!

To the credit of the brand-name company, it must be said that this is an explicit acknowledgement of the sharp mathematical abilities of the average Indian! Wow!

Seriously, why are the Indian regulators lax on this?

Fegasderty 08-24-2012 07:24 PM

I appreciate your concern. Out of frustration, I want to make the following statement:

Indians would eat anything and would sleep anywhere.
All that Indians can do with regulations is to violate it. Why then to have regulations?

S.T.D. 08-24-2012 07:47 PM


I appreciate your concern.Out of frustration, I want to make the following statement:

Indians would eat anything and would sleep anywhere.
All that Indians can do with regulations is to violate it. Why then to haveregulations?

Your frustration is understandable. Most of us are indeed just as frustrated. But, where I differ is that I still have hopes for this country. May be, that is a “pipe dream”. But, I keep hammering until some modicum of change is perceived.
எறும்பு ஊரக்கல்லும் தேயும்
அடி மேலே அடி வெச்சா கல்லும் தேயும்

Beerinkol 08-24-2012 09:06 PM

Few months back one of the world leader in Television Industry states that their particular Television model had created so many problems. Hence, they decided to replace the sets with new ones in other parts of the world but going to give some repair services in India. The consumer law should be more stringent in India.

Raj_Copi_Jin 08-25-2012 12:15 AM

We have many laws for consumer protection,but the problem is enforcement. Recently there were accidents in Mumbai due to improper maintenance of lifts, but it seems the lift inspectorate have only handful inspectors for thousands of buildings with lifts. Also the integrity of of such inspectors may be lacking. India lacks not only stringent laws but also enforcement.

tgs 08-25-2012 12:17 AM

I am glad naina_marbus sir that you have hopes. May your "pipe dreams" come true.http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/wink.png

Not much of a difference in its treatment of Indians and others - Repair and Replace - has lot of alphabets in common! http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/ohwell.gif Indianukku avlothaan mathippu. Look at the visa rules to know the value of Indian passport holders.

tgs 08-25-2012 12:43 AM


I am glad naina_marbus sir that you have hopes. May your "pipe dreams" come true.http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/wink.png

Not much of a difference in its treatment of Indians and others - Repair and Replace - has lot of alphabets in common! http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/ohwell.gif Indianukku avlothaan mathippu. Look at the visa rules to know the value of Indian passport holders.
Yes Sir, my pipe dream is no different from your "signature tune" - குணம்நாடி குற்றமு நாடி அவற்றுள் மிகைநாடி மிக்க கொளல். How many can you find on this same wavelength?

LottiFurmann 08-25-2012 01:00 AM


I appreciate your concern. Out of frustration, I want to make the following statement:....

All that Indians can do with regulations is to violate it. Why then to have regulations?
You let your frustrations get the better of you. I was not talking about violating the regulations per se. What I posted had to do with framing the rules improperly, without application of mind. Plus, the brand under consideration has its HQ in UK. Once again, I would use your own medicine குணம்நாடி குற்றமுநாடிஅவற்றுள் மிகைநாடி மிக்க கொளல்

brraverishhh 08-25-2012 11:41 AM

Pilots without the required number of flying hours,
students without the required marks,
doctors with faked certificates
law upholders with a visible price tag on them
massacred officials for following the rules to the letter...
where else will you find them???
Hamaara Bhaarat hai hee mahaan!!! http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif


I am glad naina_marbus sir that you have hopes. May your "pipe dreams" come true.http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/wink.png

Not much of a difference in its treatment of Indians and others - Repair and Replace - has lot of alphabets in common! http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/ohwell.gif Indianukku avlothaan mathippu. Look at the visa rules to know the value of Indian passport holders.

brraverishhh 08-25-2012 11:45 AM

If pie crusts are made to be broken
we can understand and accept it. http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/nod.gif
But Promises are made to be broken.
Here Rules are also made to be broken.
We have so many regulations so that
we can have the satisfaction of breaking them. http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/heh.gif


I appreciate your concern. Out of frustration, I want to make the following statement:

Indians would eat anything and would sleep anywhere.
All that Indians can do with regulations is to violate it. Why then to have regulations?

Peptobismol 08-25-2012 11:47 AM

அடி மேல் அடி வைத்தால் அம்மியும் நகரும்!


Your frustration is understandable. Most of us are indeed just as frustrated. But, where I differ is that I still have hopes for this country. May be, that is a “pipe dream”. But, I keep hammering until some modicum of change is perceived.
எறும்பு ஊரக்கல்லும் தேயும்
அடி மேலே அடி வெச்சா கல்லும் தேயும்

MannoFr 08-25-2012 11:49 AM

It is like a detailed map of a locality

without the "You are here" marking!!!


Recently, I wanted to snack on some rusk biscuits, and bought a brand-name packet shown below ( I have removed the brand name labels).

The picture (figure 1) on the left is a scan of the wrapper for the biscuits. Picture (Figure 2) on the right zooms in on the “Nutrition Information” per 100gms of the product. I am listing this info verbatim here:

Nutrition lnformation per 100g product (approx)
Note: There is no information on approximately
how many rusks does this 100g constitute.

Carbohydrates 80g
Sugars 24g
Proteins 8.8g
Fat 10.8 g
Saturated fatty acids 4.7 g
Mono unsaturated fatty acids 3.5 g
Poly unsaturated fatty acids 0.8 g
Trans tatty acids 0 g
Cholesterol 2.5mg
Energy 453kcal
Figuresbased on …. US FDA norms
Packet reports a Net Weight 163g = 130g ofNet Carbs.

If you are concerned about keeping your blood sugar under control, and therefore want only 16g of carbs for your snacks along with your tea or coffee, how many rusks should you take? Regrettably, there is no information about this.

The only way to know is, remove the wrapper, count the number (say, N) of rusks which make up the packet, divide 130g by N, and so on and so forth. Imagine doing this while sitting at a conference table!

If these companies were regulated by the US-FDA, they would have given this information very explicitly right in the table above. I once contacted them about this, and the reply was – “They were in compliance with Indian regulations”! Means that if they were marketing in USA, they would have done it !!

To the credit of the brand-name company, it must be said that this is an explicit acknowledgement of the sharp mathematical abilities of the average Indian! Wow!

Seriously, why are the Indian regulators lax on this?

Lillie_Steins 08-25-2012 02:11 PM


Pilots without the required number of flying hours,
students without the required marks,
doctors with faked certificates
law upholders with a visible price tag on them
massacred officials for following the rules to the letter...
where else will you find them???
Hamaara Bhaarat hai hee mahaan!!! http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/clap2.gif
Sorry, Madam, this is not the exclusive prerogative of India. Look at the fraudulent ways in which the pharma companies in USA dump wrong or ineffective drugs on you. Check out how Enron company dealt with customers. Read about how Erin Brockovich was treated and how she prevailed eventually. And have you watched any of the movies by Michael Moore? And did you read about how flight controllers slept on their jobs, and how pilots behaved on flight in recent months and years in USA?

Fegasderty 08-25-2012 02:33 PM


Sorry, Madam, this is not the exclusive prerogative of India. Look at the fraudulent ways in which the pharma companies in USA dump wrong or ineffective drugs on you. Check out how Enron company dealt with customers. Read about how Erin Brockovich was treated and how she prevailed eventually. And have you watched any of the movies by Michael Moore? And did you read about how flight controllers slept on their jobs, and how pilots behaved on flight in recent months and years in USA?
Sri. Naina, Greetings.

I read about more horror stories in some African countries; in some of the island countries in West Indies which were more terrible than India. But, there is lot of room for India to improve; it will take lot of doing for the people to do it.


Beerinkol 08-25-2012 05:44 PM

I have to be honest and reply with a "NO!" for each of your questions.
I AM a frog in the well in such matters!
I do not read newspapers and trust that my husband
a voracious reader of newspaper
would tell me whatever I need to know!


Sorry, Madam, this is not the exclusive prerogative of India. Look at the fraudulent ways in which the pharma companies in USA dump wrong or ineffective drugs on you. Check out how Enron company dealt with customers. Read about how Erin Brockovich was treated and how she prevailed eventually. And have you watched any of the movies by Michael Moore? And did you read about how flight controllers slept on their jobs, and how pilots behaved on flight in recent months and years in USA?

Raj_Copi_Jin 08-25-2012 05:47 PM

East or West
Fair or Dark
Rich or Poor
Men are the same


Sri. Naina, Greetings.

I read about more horror stories in some African countries; in some of the island countries in West Indies which were more terrible than India. But, there is lot of room for India to improve; it will take lot of doing for the people to do it.


S.T.D. 08-25-2012 05:51 PM

He remains connected with the world
and I am contented to hold on to God!

Ifroham4 08-25-2012 08:39 PM

Best of both worlds; best of both 'halfs'!


He remains connected with the world
and I am contented to hold on to God!

Paul Bunyan 08-26-2012 03:32 AM


Best of both worlds; best of both 'halfs'!
Bitter and Better... irrespective of WHO is WHAT!!! http://www.tamilbrahmins.com/images/smilies/smile.png

softy54534 08-26-2012 04:22 AM


I have to be honest and reply with a "NO!" for each of your questions.
I AM a frog in the well in such matters!
I do not read newspapers and trust that my husband
a voracious reader of newspaper
would tell me whatever I need to know!
Does he apply or do you request any filtering process? Nevertheless, please try to know a bit more about this bold lady Erin Brockovich. Maybe, you could even include an itemabout her in your blogs.

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