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Old 08-11-2012, 04:10 PM   #21

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I don't know Renuka. My mind may be shut; or may be wide open... I haven't a clue! Seriously, I have not iota of spiritual thought in me. Why would any guru waste time on me? Chances are Guru would risk ending up gulping JD with me! Let's talk about realistic things, please!

JD Gurus are found everywhere..just make a person gulp down a few pegs of JD and watch Tattvam flow from him.

That's why in India..there is an alcohol by the name Black Dog Teacher's Choice.

They just know it that once you gulp it you become a GuruJi!!LOL
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Old 08-11-2012, 04:14 PM   #22

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You are lucky. I probably turned him away.

So sad!

Either you were not ready for him

or you did not recognize him!

MY guru appeared in our neighborhood suddenly.

He taught us whatever he could teach

and we could learn and disappeared suddenly

without even bidding good bye!
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Old 08-11-2012, 04:18 PM   #23

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இயற்கையே நம் குரு!

அகழ்வாரைத் தாங்கும் நில மடந்தையிடம்,
இகழ்வாரைத் தாங்கும் பொறுமை கற்போம்;
அனைத்தையும் புனிதமாக்கிய பின் தெளிந்து,
இனிக்கும் நீர் போல மாறிவிடக் கற்போம்.

பொருட்கள் அனைத்திலும் மறைந்து நிற்கும்,
நெருப்பைப் போன்றது ஆத்மா என்று அறிவோம்;
மாற்றம் அடையாமல் மணங்களைப் பரப்பும்,
காற்றிடம் கற்போம் பற்று அறுக்கும் தன்மையை.

நிர்மலமாக எங்கும் என்றும் நிறைந்திருக்கும்
மர்மம் என்ன என்று ஆகாசத்திடம் கற்போம்;
ஆழம் காண முடியாத கம்பீரத்தை அங்கு
ஆழ்ந்து விளங்கும் கடலிடம் கற்போம்.

நூறு குடங்களில் வேறு வேறாகத் தெரியும்
சூரியன் போன்றதே ஆத்மா, அறிந்திடுவோம்;
வளர்ந்து தேயும் சந்திர கலைகள் போன்றே
வளர்ந்து தேயும் மனித சரீரமும், அறிவோம்.

தன் உடலில் இருந்தே உற்பத்தி செய்து,
தன் உடலுள் வலையை மீண்டும் மறைக்கும்
சிலந்தியிடம் காண்போம் நம் இறைவனின்
சிருஷ்டி, பிரளய ரகசியங்களை எல்லாம்!

நினைக்கும் பொருளாக நாம் மாறுவதை,
தினமும் காணும் குளவியிடம் கற்போம்;
தினவு எடுத்து திரியாமல், கிடைத்தைத்
தின்பதை மலைப் பாம்பிடம் கற்போம்.

மலருக்கு மலர் தாவிச் சென்று பல
மலர்களின் தேனைச் சேர்த்து வைத்து,
தேனாலேயே அழியும் தேனீ கற்பிப்பது
தேவைக்கு மீறின செல்வத்தின் ஆபத்து.

கண்களால் நன்கு காணும் திறனையும்,
காதுகளால் நன்கு கேட்கும் திறனையும்
அழகாய் வளர்த்தால், நமக்கு இறைவனும்
அழகிய இயற்கையும் குருவாகவே ஆவர்!

வாழ்க வளமுடன்,
விசாலாக்ஷி ரமணி. Source
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Old 08-11-2012, 04:21 PM   #24

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Nature is the best teacher to anyone who wishes to evolve spiritually.

Just by keeping our eyes and ears open, we can learn many lessons from Mother Nature.

The earth supports the person who digs deep into her womb. Let us learn the virtue of Patience from Mother Earth.

The water cools, cleanses and purifies. It lets the dirt settle down and becomes pure again. Let us learn the art of cleansing and remaining clean from water.

Fire is hidden in every object around us. Under the right conditions they will start burning. Let us learn the truth that Atman is hidden in every object around us just like the element of Fire.

Air dissipates and carries various fragrances and odors but does not get attached to any of them. Let us learn the art of doing our work without getting attached to them.

The sky pervades everywhere-inside and outside every object. Neither does it defile any of those things nor does it get defiled by them. Let us learn the secret of Nirmalathvam from Aakaasam.

The sea is so deep, so majestic and so silent, in spite of holding so many treasures in her womb. Let us learn from the sea to be silent and serene .

If we place 100 pots filled with water we can see the reflection of the Sun in each of the pots. Let us learn the truth that Atman is one but it is illuminating every jeevan just as the Sun does the water in the pots.

The Moon waxes and wanes. The sareera of any jeeva is constantly changing, growing and deteriorating. Let us learn from the Moon the fact that sareeram is not constant or permanent.

The spider spins a web from the silk produced in its body. It can also take back the web into its body. Let us learn the fact the God created the universe from His own self during Srushti and will take back everything into Himself during Pralaya.

The worm becomes a wasp, just by thinking about it. Let us learn from the wasp the fact that we become what we keep thinking about.

A python never leaves its tree. It just eats any prey that happens to walk close by. Let us learn to eat what comes our way and not go searching for fancy food stuff.

The honey bees work all day long, gather nectar and convert it to honey. They make more honey than what they may need and store it. The greedy human being kills the bees and take their honey. Let us learn from the honey bees the lesson that hoarding too much of wealth may endanger our lives.

If we remain alert and observant we can learn many valuable lessons from Mother Nature!
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Old 08-11-2012, 04:25 PM   #25

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Dear Raghy,

I have a question for you.

What is so great about JD that you seem to love it so much?
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Old 08-11-2012, 04:35 PM   #26

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Dear Raghy,

I have a question for you.

What is so great about JD that you seem to love it so much?
Dear Renuka,

1. It silky smooth to drink ( I drink with just ice cubes).

2. it's well distilled.

3. It seems to suit my sistem well. Distribution in my system seems quite even.

4. I become sobere quite rapidly. Sometimes by the finish posting the 'Nice songs' I become sober. Often times I go to bed with only mild intoxication.

5. Readily available.

6. Not too expensive.

i tried other drinks too. After checking out many of them, I settled for this, although slightly expensive than most average scotch drinks. Scotch drinks are more creamy for my taste. Not dry enough for me enjoy them. That's why I am sticking to JD. But then, often times, most persons who liked JD don't choose anything else.

Hope, This explains.
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Old 08-11-2012, 04:43 PM   #27

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Dear Renuka,

1. It silky smooth to drink ( I drink with just ice cubes).

2. it's well distilled.

3. It seems to suit my sistem well. Distribution in my system seems quite even.

4. I become sobere quite rapidly. Sometimes by the finish posting the 'Nice songs' I become sober. Often times I go to bed with only mild intoxication.

5. Readily available.

6. Not too expensive.

i tried other drinks too. After checking out many of them, I settled for this, although slightly expensive than most average scotch drinks. Scotch drinks are more creamy for my taste. Not dry enough for me enjoy them. That's why I am sticking to JD. But then, often times, most persons who liked JD don't choose anything else.

Hope, This explains.
I have an alternative for you.

1)It is also silky smooth to drink.

2)No need to be distilled.Reverse Osmosis will do.

3)So far it suits everyone..no man or animal has been allergic to it so far.

4)Does not intoxicate you.
In fact it actually clears even alcohol from our system.

5)Readily available where you stay even though some countries supply might be less.

6)Not expensive where you stay and in most parts of the world ii is cheap too.

Trying guessing what drink I am talking about.
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Old 08-11-2012, 04:54 PM   #28

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I freeze that drink recommended by you in ice cubes and add them to JD and drink them together.

Quite possibly next world war may take place just for that drink.

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Old 08-12-2012, 12:36 AM   #29

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I don't know Renuka. My mind may be shut; or may be wide open... I haven't a clue! Seriously, I have not iota of spiritual thought in me. Why would any guru waste time on me? Chances are Guru would risk ending up gulping JD with me! Let's talk about realistic things, please!

Cheers! First thing first. Please define what is your idea of a Guru. What is a Guru?
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Old 08-12-2012, 12:43 AM   #30

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Quite possibly next world war may take place just for that drink. If some one can find a cheap way to segregate the H atoms from the O atoms in it on the go, the world's energy problem will be solved in stroke and we will have automobiles running on that drink.

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Old 08-12-2012, 12:44 AM   #31

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நன்றி, சத்குரு அனைவருக்கம் வழிகாட்ட வழி செய்யுங்கள்.
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Old 08-12-2012, 12:51 AM   #32

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Mr. Raju,
I would like to take a shot at answering your question.
Within Hinduism a guru is given great respect, even to the point of offering worship (guru puja). One full-moon each year (during July/August) is even called the Guru Purnima and is dedicated to the worship of guru. To have a guru who acts as the master is an essential part of spiritual growth and so to feel respect for and to want to honor one’s guru is natural and healthy. However, there is a tendency within Hinduism for the development of guru “cults” where the worship of guru supersedes the worship of God. This generally takes place when the original idea of guru as teacher becomes diminished and is replaced by the idea of guru as "blesser." To be blessed by a guru is considered the greatest thing, but people forget that the real blessing of a guru comes in the form of study, discipline, and hard work that leads to knowledge and wisdom and not just with the touch of a hand. The idea of guru as blesser is a debasement of the true role of a guru.

What is a Guru?

The worst part is most of the time the guru, knows that he is being worshipped, but does nothing to stop that practice. I suppose ego takes over and he encourages this practice.
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Old 08-12-2012, 01:04 AM   #33

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Yes, I did. I was down.. way down at one time. So down, almost 'bye bye time and full of bye bye thoughts'. It rained for couple of days and there was only a small strip on the road free of water. Either one walked on that narrow strip or had to get in the water. I was walking on that road.. zero self confidence.. way down.. I was secreting all the chemicals body produced when one is depressed.. this dog was lying on that strip.. he looked up at me, showed so much dis interest and curled back on the same strip.. message was clear.. " you! walk around me!".. I just stood there few seconds.. realiosed if I don't win that dog, I will never win anything in life ( if there was any life left after that day, that was).. I deliberately turned back, walked away few steps then dragged all my energies from the reserve and walked back.. that dog realised.. too late.. kicked him across to the full width of the street and walked on... I had to win my psychological fight with a street dog before I could clawed my way back in life. Wow! what a justification and what a twist for an action taken in frustration. It is ultimately the dog, the poor dog, that felt the pain of the kick. That pain also gave it the exalted position of a Guru, whatever the word means(the dog does not know anything about being a Guru ). Dogs usually defend their territory fiercely after marking the borders of the territory by pissing there. Other dogs keep away from such "marked" territory. If any other dog violates the unwritten(or is it the un-barked?) rule and invades the territory then you have a serious street-fight in which the weaker of the two contestants is mauled. Human beings never respect any of nature's laws and so the dog, the poor dog, territory marked or not, eats crow. But this is the first time that the dog has been put on a pedestal with a lot of respect, of course after giving it a painful kick. Dear friend Raghy, you can be happy about one thing. You have for company another "great" soul (does not periyar in Tamil mean the Great?). Periyar has already claimed that he fought with dogs in Varanasi for a morsel of food and that was a defining moment for him.

Just kidding. Please read this with a peg of JD(on my account) in hand.

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Old 08-12-2012, 01:24 AM   #34

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Dear Mr. Prasad,

I was only trying to point out these facts:

1. There is nothing axiomatic about the definition of a Guru.

2. Each individual looks for some thing from a Guru which may be unique.

3. Individual being an individual there is nothing common about what individuals as a group want from a Guru.

4. Like we visit the temple-one visits the temple to just pray, another looking for a boon, another looking for a solution to problems faced, another even looking for some kind of a "vibration" etc., people look for different things from a Guru.

5. So it is difficult to define Guru. If an attempt is made it will be like the blind men describing an elephant.

My idea was to point out the futility of describing a Guru in so many words.

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Old 08-12-2012, 01:27 AM   #35

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The worst part is most of the time the guru, knows that he is being worshipped, but does nothing to stop that practice. I suppose ego takes over and he encourages this practice. May be the guru knows that he is being worshipped and uses that respect to drive towards a certain goal. I am not talking about the "JD Gurus" here!

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Old 08-12-2012, 03:29 AM   #36

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I have a question for you.

May I know who / what is a JD guru???
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Old 08-12-2012, 04:30 AM   #37

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I have a question for you.

May I know who / what is a JD guru???
JD Guru is a person that become a GuruJi when he takes a few shots of JD.

VR Ji..I am sure you must have seen in movies that people start becoming philosophical after becoming intoxicated.

You see alcohol removes all inhibitions from the mind..so the inner self shines but just temporary..once the "high" becomes low..Guruji forgets his discourse.!!LOL
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Old 08-12-2012, 04:35 AM   #38
Big A

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VRji immediately after guruji with JD sounds ominous; not intentional I suppose.

JD Guru is a person that become a GuruJi when he takes a few shots of JD.

VR Ji..I am sure you must have seen in movies that people start becoming philosophical after becoming intoxicated.

You see alcohols removes all inhibitions from the mind..so the inner self shines but just temporary..once the "high" becomes low..Guruji forgets his discourse.!!LOL
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Old 08-12-2012, 04:44 AM   #39

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First thing first. Please define what is your idea of a Guru. What is a Guru?
Before I define a Guru..Firstly I must recite this...anyone who has this effect on me is my Guru.

om ajnana-timirandhasyajnananjana-shalakayachakshur unmilitam yenatasmai shri-gurave namaha

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, who has opened my eyes, which were blinded by the darkness of ignorance, with the torchlight of knowledge."

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Old 08-12-2012, 05:57 AM   #40

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I have a question for you. May I know who / what is a JD guru???

Q is answered here:

JD Gurus are found everywhere..just make a person gulp down a few pegs of JD and watch Tattvam flow from him.
That's why in India..there is an alcohol by the name Black Dog Teacher's Choice.
They just know it that once you gulp it you become a GuruJi!!LOL (source: Renuka in post #21 )
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