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Old 07-12-2012, 02:09 AM   #21

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A name is like a (unix or windows) file name with a path attached (e.g. C:\Users\moorthy\Downloads )

In olden names among many cultures, a person is identified with which village he is from, who is his/her father and whether he/she is the eldest or the second eldest son (or daughter) - the other children do not matter any way . The life span (in olden days) was more limited. So once a name is given his/her whole history is given. That was the rationale behind. Please look at Icelandic names Icelandic name - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this Indonesian name, the name "Sukarnoputri" is a patronymic, not a family name, and the person should be referred to by the given name "Megawati". ( from Megawati Sukarnoputri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
S.T.D. is offline

Old 07-12-2012, 02:36 AM   #22

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Just got a question..

what does the name Picchu Mani stand for?
Cos I see it many times in Tamil Movies where a TB has a name called Picchu Mani.
Picchu Mani stands for a son begotten after a lot of pleadings/begging to the Almighty for birth of a son. This name (more often nickname) was generally given to a son born after a series of daughters or for conception after a long time gap after marriage or a pleasant conception after the doctors have ruled out the possibility of conceiving a child to the parents.
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Old 07-12-2012, 06:15 PM   #23

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namaste everyone.

Not every parent names their child with full knowledge of the meaning and connotations of their chosen name. More often than not, they choose short and fancy Sanskrit names, as has been pointed out here.

• A girl child I know is named aparNA: although it is a name for LalitA devI, it means 'leafless', a rather not so auspicious connotation.

• Another example is the name nivRtti given to a girl child. I wonder if the parents want the child to turn away from the pravRtti mArgam and take up saMnyAsa!

sthANu--a lifeless log of wood, is a name for Shiva in his form of dakShiNAmUrti. When I was in school, our headmaster had the name sivathANup piLLai.

And then there are these reckless spellings and pronunciations of names.

kokilA--cuckoo, when pronounced as gokilA becomes a pestle or plough!

• What does a parent mean when he/she calls their child shruti but writes the name as sruti--stream, fall of snow?

• The name shiva for a male child is invariably pronounced and written as siva--one who sews or stiches.

shaNmukham becomes sanmugham or sanmukam not knowing that while mukham is face, mukam is the smell of cowdung!

• While svAmi is a master or lord, its common usage as sAmi means 'incompletely, imperfectly, partially, half'.

• The long vowels that are characteristic of female names in Sanskrit--eg. pArvatI, lalitA--are shortened in English as Parvati, Lalita. In Tamizh, lalitA is written correctly, but pArvatI is only PArvati; writing it as PArvatI would amount to Brahminism (it is a different issue that even Brahmins don't care about it).

Members might dig up other mistakes, so parents reading this thread could be better informed.
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Old 07-12-2012, 07:23 PM   #24

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• A girl child I know is named aparNA: although it is a name for LalitA devI, it means 'leafless', a rather not so auspicious connotation.
But I feel it is fine if we understand the story behind this name.
Where Parvati's penance to win over Lord Shiva was so intense that she did not even eat a leaf hence the name Aparna.

That way if we go into literal meaning only many names won't be suitable.
Eg Uma means U Ma(O don't) becos Parvati's mother didn't want Parvati undertaking severe penance.

But if we accept Uma as consort of Shiva and ignore the literal meaning..then the name Uma is fine.
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Old 07-12-2012, 07:30 PM   #25

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I have heard real weird names out here in Malaysia:

1)Namitra(Not a friend)

2)Sai Vinash(destroyer of Sai)

3)Suvinash(destroyer of good)

4)Nashita(destroyer??not specified what she is destroying)

5)Dukesh(Lord of Sorrow)

6)Deenan(Suffering)..people should know that Deena should be followed by Dayal hence Deena Dayal.

7)Arikrishnan..tamils do not want to use the word H to write Hari.
Ari means Enemy!
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Old 07-13-2012, 02:30 AM   #26

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namaste smt.RENukA.

I agree with the idea in your post #24 that names such as aparNA when they have a divine connection, become alright as baby names.

• But then aparNA--leafless, stands in stark contrast with latA--creeper. Of course, shivAShTakam addresses Shiva as aparNA-kalatraM--consort of aparNA.

• Same way, umA stands in contrast with nivRtti: umA--don't take up penance, nivRtti--alright if you take to penance.

umA has an additional significance in that the term is considered to be shakti praNavam as against AUM, which is nAda brahmam. The mUla-mantra for ParvatI devI is AUM umA devyai namaH. Devotees chanting this mantra during the days of the navarAtri would get the blessings of DevI to accomplish hard tasks they desire.

• I learn that the fourth day after new moon day in the month of Ani/jyeShTha is called umA-chaturthi, which is popularly celebrated in Orissa, Jharkhand and Bengal.

shivapurANam has umA saMhitA that adores her. I understand that there is another umA saMhitA in vAyupurANam which gives the procedure for chanting sundara kANDam
(Sundara Kandam).
TorryJens is offline

Old 07-16-2012, 01:27 PM   #27

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I know of a person who is named अनहिता (her father was a great Sanskrit scholar)
The way I understood her name coming from double negation of
हित ( अ one negation न second negation) and हित means beneficial friendly (from
when I typed hita in the search box of http://www.aa.tufs.ac.jp/~tjun/sktdic/ )
and Cologne Scan

Please let me know whether we are understanding this name properly.
Ifroham4 is offline

Old 07-18-2012, 12:53 AM   #28

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Dear All

What's in a name ? - Read this :

"Our futures are shot to hell as soon as our parents bestow upon us names that are anything but alluring. I cannot imagine a more foolproof way of making sure the child remains single till classified advertisements or that maternal uncle in San Francisco thinks otherwise. Name him “Parthasarathy Venkatachalapthy” and his inherent capability to combat celibacy is obliterated before he could even talk. He will grow to be known as Partha. Before he knows, his smart, seductively named northy classmates start calling him Paratha. No woman in their right minds will go anyway near poor Parthasarathy. His investment banking job doesn’t help either. His employer loves him though. He has no personal life you see. By this time the Sanjay Singhs and Bobby Khans from his class have small businesses of their own and spend 60% of their lives in discos and pubs. The remaining 40% is spent coochicooing with leather and denim clad muses in their penthouse flats on Nepean Sea Road. Business is safely in the hands of the Mallu manager. After all with a name like Blossom Babykutty he cant use his 30000 salary anywhere. Blossom gave up on society when in school they automatically enrolled him for Cookery Classes. Along with all the girls.Yes my dear reader, nomenclature is the first nail in a coffin of neglect and hormonal pandemonium. In a kinder world they would just name the poor southern male child and throw him off the balcony. “Yes appa we have named him Goundamani…” THUD. Life would have been less kinder to him anyway.

Picture this: “Welcome, and this is my family. This is my daughter Poorni (what a sweet name!!) and my son Ponnalagusamy (er.. hello..)..” Cyanide would not be fast enough for poor Samy. Nothing Samy does will help him. He can pump iron, drive fast cars and wear snazzy clothes, but against a braindead dude called Arjun Singhania he has as much chance of getting any as a Benedictine Monk in a Saharan Seminary."

- Taken from Sidin Vadukut's post : : " The Travails of Single South Indian Men".

Hope everybody enjoys Vadukut's humour .

Yay Yem
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Old 07-19-2012, 08:59 PM   #29
Paul Bunyan

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I am grateful to the posting No 20 of Sri Saideo dt 12th and the subsequent comments. I know of a friend who was named Apathoddharanan and was called in a shortened form only as Apathu!Weird are the ways developed over time.
I think the id of a person should be finally qualified by his Gotram preceded by his own name and the family name ,if any. A pet name can be any. Any takers/
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:09 PM   #30

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Dear Dr SR
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:47 PM   #31

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I know of a person who is named अनहिता (her father was a great Sanskrit scholar)
The way I understood her name coming from double negation of
हित ( अ one negation न second negation) and हित means beneficial friendly (from
when I typed hita in the search box of Apte Sanskrit Dictionary Search )
and Cologne Scan

Please let me know whether we are understanding this name properly.
Read this:
Anahita अनाहिता

Meaning of Anahita

From Vedic sanskrit Anahita means who nurture crops and herds.

Anahita also means immaculate that is pure.She is the Ancient Persian Goddess of water,fertility, war,and patroness of women.

  • Aradevi Sura Anahita is an Indo Iranian cosmological figure,associated with fertility ,healing and wisdom.These three goddesses referred as Aradevi (moist),Sura (mighty) ,Anahita ( pure )
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Old 07-20-2012, 12:06 AM   #32

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Dear All

At least we are not as notorious as the Malayalees in naming babies. Sidin Vadakut calls them
as the world's most 'cruel' on this front. It has become a sort of style to make a synthetic hybrid of the
name of the Mother and Father. I had a friend Jayant and his wife was Hema - they named their son
Hemant. I could figure that out.

What keeps me confused is names like ' SHEJEE ' , ' JEHU ' , ' SHUKAY ' , and the funniest name
noted by Vadakut is a girl by name ' SHITTY ABRAHAM " !

We Tamilians are not that bad. But I figured it out when R. Chelleppan called himself ' R.C.PAN '.

Yay Yem
S.T.D. is offline

Old 07-20-2012, 12:16 AM   #33

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Dear All

At least we are not as notorious as the Malayalees in naming babies. Sidin Vadakut calls them
as the world's most 'cruel' on this front. It has become a sort of style to make a synthetic hybrid of the
name of the Mother and Father. I had a friend Jayant and his wife was Hema - they named their son
Hemant. I could figure that out.

What keeps me confused is names like ' SHEJEE ' , ' JEHU ' , ' SHUKAY ' , and the funniest name
noted by Vadakut is a girl by name ' SHITTY ABRAHAM " !

We Tamilians are not that bad. But I figured it out when R. Chelleppan called himself ' R.C.PAN '.

Yay Yem
Naming children can get scary if elders interfere... some inlaws recommend seeing astrologer for names and do not keep the name right away.

I did not want anyone suggesting names so within a few hours of giving birth and when I was feeling better I took the forms to fill up the name of the baby for application of the birth certificate from the nurses station and filled up my son's name.

No way man...I will allow anyone to name my child..since I gave birth to him the name will be my choice.
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Old 07-20-2012, 12:40 AM   #34

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Dear All

We are better-off than the Telugus too in "Offspring Nomenclature".

We had this joke about a friend - Sai travelling on a Chennai-Mumbai flight. He
was seated next to a 'white-man', who introduced himself :

WM : " I'm Bond. James Bond "
Sai : " I'm Sai. Sai Prasad" .
WM : " err... "
Sai : " Sai Prasad Rao ".
WM : " err...."
Sai : " B.V.K.D. Sai Prasad Rao"
WM : " err...."
Sai : B.V. Kanaka Durga Sai Prasad Rao
WM : " err..., B. V ? "
Sai : Yes, B. Venkata Kanaka Durga Sai Prasad Rao
WM : " err.. B ? "
Sai : " Yes, Balusuru Venkata Kanaka Durga Sai Prasad Rao "

Announcement : " Please fasten your seat belts, we are about to land in Mumbai ".,
The WM missed the last bit. So he asked him on the way out, " So, how do they call you?"

Sai replied : " RAO "

They landed in Mumbai safely !

Yay Yem

PS: Dr Renu - going by your yardstick, three generations of Raos must have conspired to
give Sai his name. He had one hell of a time filling up forms - he was always lost and didn't
know how to fit in all this into " First Name", "Middle Name" & "Surname" . So he changed his
name officially to a more manageable "S.P.Rao".
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Old 07-21-2012, 12:33 AM   #35

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Oh Devuda !

"Saidevo", - I definitely wasn't referring to you in my post# 34 of this thread.
Otherwise, by now you would have made me " Govinda, Govinda " - even
Hanumanthudu could not have saved me !

Yay Yem
TorryJens is offline

Old 07-21-2012, 12:43 AM   #36

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Dear All

At least we are not as notorious as the Malayalees in naming babies. Sidin Vadakut calls them
as the world's most 'cruel' on this front. It has become a sort of style to make a synthetic hybrid of the
name of the Mother and Father. I had a friend Jayant and his wife was Hema - they named their son
Hemant. I could figure that out.

What keeps me confused is names like ' SHEJEE ' , ' JEHU ' , ' SHUKAY ' , and the funniest name
noted by Vadakut is a girl by name ' SHITTY ABRAHAM " !

We Tamilians are not that bad. But I figured it out when R. Chelleppan called himself ' R.C.PAN '.

Yay Yem
Dear AM Ji,

When I was in Manipal I also used to find Malayalam Christian names a bit unusual.
There were names like Tiji,Juju,Jiji,Biju,Biji etc..

Once one of my Tamilian Hindu male classmate (also from Malaysia) was sitting with me and another Malayali Hindu girl from USA.

Ok since all of us were Hindus my friend decided to discuss with me and the USA girl how come Malayali Christians keep names which are so different from other Christians he has known.

Suddenly the Malayali Hindu girl from USA got so wild with my friend as said "at least it sounds better than what your father's name is ..Kandasamy"

We were shocked with her outburst.My friend whose fathers name is Kandasamy asked her why she got so mad since all of us were Hindus so he thought he would discuss this with us.

To our surprise she said "I am a Malayali and don't you dare say anything about another Malayali"

That is the day I knew that Mallus have racial pride which comes before religion!!

Shocking !!
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Old 07-21-2012, 06:13 PM   #37
Big A

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Oct 2005
Dear Doc

Your post # 36. Yes they get very clannish. That's probably because it is only they
who have been blessed with a set of " resonating chords " situated in the nasal cavity.

These 'resonating chords' are either absent or vestigial in other humans - check
your Anatomy Book.

Yay Yem
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