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Old 06-30-2012, 05:11 AM   #1

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Default India’s Progress
After being on this site for a year, I have come to following conclusions about TB: I sincerely hope I am wrong. Please prove me wrong.
In this post I am only focussing on Socioeconomic condition, this is not about religion or philosophy.

1. TB are generally very negative about TN, India, and Indians in general.
2. They whine but do nothing to improve the situation, or their outlook.
3. They wring their hand and post anonymously on the internet sites.
4. They expect "God" to do all things, and hand then the prasad (that they desire).
5. They expect that government will be super efficient, and corruption-less.
6. They want to live in past (the golden days), and despise all changes talking place around them.

Even after the so called "rationalist" left the site, except for odd postings (including mine) I have not seen any post that celebrates achievements of Indians, or India. Even when paying compliment the back handed way, they take it back by branding it in Casteist mold.

Unfortunately in the world of modern internet, the world has shrunk. People read the posting world over and form their opinion. We as People of Indian origin get to meet a lot of people from other countries. So we get to hear opinions from foreigners, who might visit India, or do business with Indians.

Every time I visit India, I am amazed at the progress India has made, the attitude change of the younger Indians. The self confidence and exuberance of the Indian youth is contagious. I am not oblivious to the failings and corruption that affect AAM ADMI. May be I move only in that circle, I travel all over India and meet folks in all regions.

I know I am going to be misquoted and misinterpreted, but I wanted a healthy discussion and some positive suggestions to change this image.

I came across this article by Mr. Bill Gates in India's Progress.

If you’re wondering whether development aid programs really do any good, or if you doubt that government spending on things like health can really make a difference, then you should go to India, as I did again just recently.
India’s progress over the past 20 years has been quite phenomenal. It deserves recognition especially now, as rich countries consider whether to continue investing in global development assistance despite all the economic problems they face at home.

India still faces many challenges. More than 400 million Indians live in extreme poverty. The country is home to half of all the world’s malnourished and underweight children and one fourth of the world’s tuberculosis.

But over the past 20 years, India has really emerged as a dynamic, influential country. It’s been one of the world’s fastest growing major economies, and it’s playing an increasingly important role in world affairs, including as a member of the G20 and the BRICS group of newly industrialized nations.

The current situation in India is quite hopeful. The country has a lot of talented people. The universities are improving. Government spending is going up because of the nation’s economic strength. Some reforms are needed, and that’s progressing, gradually. India represents all the challenges you face when you have lots of people living in poverty. And so India can contribute to how we solve problems globally.

A lot of progress has come from the nation’s culture of innovation, which has produced some really original and creative solutions. Yet, aid also has played an important role. Our foundation has invested more than $1 billion USD in programs to fight disease and poverty in India. I’m pleased with the results, and we will invest more in the future.

During my recent visit, I had a chance to see the latest progress on things that matter a lot to us: on eradicating polio and curtailing the spread of infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, for example. And I saw how India is emerging as a model and increasingly a catalyst for improvement in other developing countries. For example, India has become a world leader in the development of high-quality, low-cost vaccines and other bio-pharmaceuticals, which are playing a huge role in improving health not only in south Asia but also in Africa and elsewhere.
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Old 07-01-2012, 07:58 PM   #2

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Dr. Anandi Ramakrishnan posted the following on 30th June 2011, exactly a year ago.

Dr. Abdul Kalam's Letter... feeling proud to share it with you all.....!!!!

Dr. Abdul Kalam's Letter to Every Indian

Why is the media here so negative?

Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our ownstrengths, our achievements?
We are such a great nation. We have so many amazingsuccess stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?
We are the first in milk production.
We are number one in Remote sensing satellites.
We are the second largest producer of wheat.
We are the second largest producer of rice.

Look at Dr. Sudarshan , he has transferred the tribalvillage into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit.. There are millions of suchachievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters.

I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israelinewspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deathshad taken place. The Hamashad struck. But the front page of the newspaper hadthe picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desertinto an orchid and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone wokeup to. The gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in thenewspaper, buried among other news.

In India we only read about death, sickness, terrorism,crime.. Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why are we, as a nation soobsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T.Vs, we want foreign shirts. Wewant foreign technology.

Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we notrealize that self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad givingthis lecture, when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked herwhat her goal in life is.. She replied: I want to live in a developed India .For her, you and I will have to build this developed India . You must proclaim.India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation.
YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up thegarbage.
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are ajoke. The airline is the worst in the world, mails never reach theirdestination.
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and isthe absolute pits.
YOU say, say and say.. What do YOU do about it?

Take a person on his way to Singapore . Give him a name -'YOURS'. Give him a face - 'YOURS'. YOU walk out of the airport and you are atyour International best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on theroads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as theyare.. You pay $5 (approx. Rs.. 60) to drive through Orchard Road (equivalentofMahim Causeway or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU come back to theparking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over stayed in arestaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status identity… InSingapore you don't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to eat in publicduring Ramadan, in Dubai .. YOU would not dare to go out without your headcovered in Jeddah.

YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephoneexchange in London at 10 pounds (Rs..650) a month to, 'see to it that my STDand ISD calls are billed to someone else. 'YOU would not dare to speed beyond55 mph (88 km/h) in Washington and then tell the traffic cop, 'Jaanta hai mainkaun hoon (Do you know who I am?). I am so and so on. Take your two bucks andget lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than thegarbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New Zealand ..

Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Whydon't YOU use examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We arestill talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and confirm to a foreignsystem in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers andcigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be aninvolved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be thesame here in India ?

In America every dog owner has to clean up after his pethas done the job. Same in Japan ..

Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We goto the polls to choose a government and after that forget all responsibility.
We sit back wanting to be pampered and expect thegovernment to do everything for us whilst our contribution is totally negative.We expect the government to clean up but we are not going to stop chuckinggarbage all over the place nor are we going to stop to pick a up a stray pieceof paper and throw it in the bin. We expect the railways to provide cleanbathrooms but we are not going to learn the proper use of bathrooms.
We want Indian Airlines and Air India to provide the bestof food and toiletries but we are not going to stop pilfering at the leastopportunity.
This applies even to the staff who is known not to passon the service to the public.

When it comes to burning social issues like those relatedto women, dowry, girl child! and others, we make loud drawing roomprotestations and continue to do the reverse at home. Our excuse? 'It's thewhole system which has to change, how will it matter if I alone forego my sons'rights to a dowry.' So who's going to change the system?

What does a system consist of? Very conveniently for usit consists of our neighbours, other households, other cities, othercommunities and the government. But definitely not me and YOU. When it comes tous actually making a positive contribution to the system we lock ourselvesalong with our families into a safe cocoon and look into the distance atcountries far away and wait for a Mr.Clean to come along & work miraclesfor us with a majestic sweep of his hand or we leave the country and run away.

Like lazy cowards hounded by our fears we run to Americato bask in their glory and praise their system. When New York becomes insecurewe run to England. When England experiences unemployment, we take the nextflight out to the Gulf. When the Gulf is war struck, we demand to be rescuedand brought home by the Indian government. Everybody is out to abuse and rapethe country. Nobody thinks of feeding the system. Our conscience is mortgagedto money.

Dear Indians, The article is highly thought inductive,calls for a great deal of introspection and pricks one's conscience too….. I amechoing J. F. Kennedy's words too his fellow Americans to relate to Indians…..


Lets do what India needs from us.

Thank you,
Dr.. Abdul Kalam
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Old 07-01-2012, 08:28 PM   #3

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I posted the above only to show that it is not a TB phenomenon, but all-Indian, NRIs included. Certainly Kalam does not move exclusively with TBs.
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Old 07-01-2012, 09:52 PM   #4

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I can understand Mr.Prasad's feelings and I agree with him in parts. I have travelled in India and abroad and, while comparing the progress made by India with other countries, I would say that we have quite a way to go before catching up with them. In my humble submission, there are three things that stand in the way of our progress: (i) POPULATION (ii) LACK OF DISCIPLINE AND COMMITMENT; & (iii) CASTE. These three things can be sub-divided. But these three basic elements are the bane of Indian society and its progress. Any takers for my view? I will elaborate my views if our friends have no objection to discussing this sensitive topic. Thanks and Rgds to all.

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Old 07-01-2012, 11:37 PM   #5
Big A

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I posted the above only to show that it is not a TB phenomenon, but all-Indian, NRIs included. Certainly Kalam does not move exclusively with TBs.
Thanks for the post. It is written much better, and from a man I admire (Dr. Kalam), and you too.
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Old 07-02-2012, 01:20 AM   #6

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Bill Gates' quotes (mentioned in post #1)were posted on 20th June, 2012
Occasional Piece of Interesting Information

(People (TB or not) do attempt to bring out the positives )

Let us try to take the positive in all postings before alienating any one. Progress can easily be made by strength in numbers. Let each one of us make an attempt to improve our self/home/city/state/country/world/earth/galaxy.

Let us try to make this kural as our motto:

இனிய உளவாக இன்னாத கூறல்
கனிஇருப்பக் காய்கவர்ந் தற்று.
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Old 07-02-2012, 01:56 AM   #7

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Thanks for the post. It is written much better, and from a man I admire (Dr. Kalam), and you too.
dear prasad !
you have rightly given the correct picture of the majority Indian .our ex president also expressed what is expected of a Indian citizen to do.when we care for rule & regulation in foreign countries. we give scant respect to even a small rule.
we are ready to answer all questions ( you may feel silly )outside India,you are annoyed to answer vital question.let us make a beginning on our own instead of blaming others.
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Old 07-02-2012, 02:01 AM   #8

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I can understand Mr.Prasad's feelings and I agree with him in parts. I have travelled in India and abroad and, while comparing the progress made by India with other countries, I would say that we have quite a way to go before catching up with them. In my humble submission, there are three things that stand in the way of our progress: (i) POPULATION (ii) LACK OF DISCIPLINE AND COMMITMENT; & (iii) CASTE. These three things can be sub-divided. But these three basic elements are the bane of Indian society and its progress. Any takers for my view? I will elaborate my views if our friends have no objection to discussing this sensitive topic. Thanks and Rgds to all.

dear sir !
the main cause for our present status is population which is the result of indiscipline
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Old 07-05-2012, 09:10 AM   #9

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In spite of the notorious image of the Indian politicians and administrators, India can take pride of the following.

The India brand

* The number of companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, at more than 6,000, is second only to NYSE.

* Four out of 10 Silicon Valley start-ups are run by Indians.

* With 800 movies per year , India's film industry overshadows Hollywood.

* The organized lottery market in India is US$7bn (2% of GDP)

* India consumes a fifth of the world's gold output.

* Indians account for 45% of H1-B visas issued by the US every year

* Growing at 6%, in 25years Indian GDP(on a PPP basis) will be at the same level the US is at today

* Six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years.

* Bank deposits in India roughly equal 50% of its GDPC again, among the highest in the world.

* Indian Railways is the largest railway network in the world under single management

* India has the third largest army in the world, nearly 1.5 million strong.

* India is the largest producer and consumer of tea in the world, accounting for more than30% of global production and 25% of consumption.

* India is the world's premier center for diamond cutting and polishing. Nine out of every 10 stones sold in the world pass through India.

* India has the highest number of annual bulk drugs filings (77) with USFDA.

* India is home to the largest number of pharmaceutical plants (61) approved by USFDA outside the US.

*India's Hero Honda is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer, with 2002production of 1.7m units.

* Other than US and Japan, India is the only country to have built a super computer endogenously.

* Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world, with a staff of 1.6 million people.

*India is the second largest cement producing country in the world, producing more than 110 m tones.

* Of the fortune 500 companies, 220 outsource their software-related work to India.

* There are 8,500 Indian restaurants in the U.K.15% of the country's total dining-out establishments.

* India is the largest democracy in the world, with nearly 400m voting in the last national elections.

* India has the second-largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world.

* India has the third largest investor base in the world

* According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds.

* The Kumbh Mela festival, held every 21 years in the city of Allahabad, attracts 25 million people CE more than the population of 185 of the227 countries in the world.

* The Indian city of Varanasi, also known as Benares, is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world today.

*There are 3.22 million Indians in the US.

* Indians are the richest immigrant class in the US, with nearly 200,000 millionaires.

* India is ranked the sixth country in the world in terms of satellite launches.

*There are over 70,000 bank branches in India among the highest in the world.

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Old 07-05-2012, 01:05 PM   #10

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India is a rich country. It has huge assets - spiritual, material and physical. Parallel economy is as high as the main economy. Perhaps what is missing is the respect for the traditional values and dharma. If the core values of the dharma-artha-kama -moksha are understood and practised, bharat will become a different nation.
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Old 07-05-2012, 01:36 PM   #11

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We are not unhappy with India, we are happy with the progress. There is definitely room for progress, which is true of any country. Contentment is not against progress. But appreciating what we have is very important.
Too much negative comments, just because we are not perfect is not healthy. We should strive for perfection, but at the same time appreciate what is given to us.
I do not want anybody else's India, I like the India. Would you say that your mother should look like (aiswarya rai), no accept her as she is. 'Janani Janmboomishche Swargadapi Garivasi'
Thank you is a word that is missing from conversation.
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Old 07-06-2012, 05:07 AM   #12

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Sudheshwar :-


In the last 5 years continuously American Asian Indian Children get the First Place in Scripps National Spelling Bee Contests.

This contest is going on from 1925.

Indians started reaching the Top Slot from 1999.

1999-Nupur Lala
2002-Pratyush Buddiga
2003-Sai Gunturi
2005-Anurag Kashyap

2008 guerdon Sameer Mishra Journal & Courier West Lafayette, Indiana [64] 2009 Laodicean Kavya Shivashankar The Olathe News Olathe, Kansas [65] 2010 stromuhr Anamika Veeramani The Plain Dealer Cleveland, Ohio [66] 2011 cymotrichous Sukanya Roy Times Leader Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania [67] 2012 guetapens Snigdha Nandipati
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Old 07-06-2012, 05:44 AM   #13

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It is all very well, we can boast of them. But for the Indian expats who are working abroad and Indian enterprises based abroad, do you all seriously believe that the business enterprises based in India are working to their optimum efficiency? Except for certain iconic business groups like TATAs et al, how many Indian companies, especially public sector, can say that they are contributing to the country's progress and image? Yes, we have one of the largest railway networks in the world. But, quality? Even for suburban trains, have you ever seen Mambalam station? Varanasi? Benares? Where is the maintenance. Even Mamallapuram - such exquisite cave temples and maintenance is pretty much non-existent. Super computers? Have we been able to manufacture a high quality fighter aircraft? Banks and Quality service? (Of course, there are exceptions) The list is endless. I am not deriding our country. I am as much a patriot as everybody and I am proud of my country and its people and our varied culture. What pains me is the indiscipline of our work force. The same Indians who scrupulously follow the rules, including traffic rules, when they are in a foreign land, forget to do the same when they return to their motherland. This Sab
Chalta Hai
(everything goes) attitude is another pitiable factor that drags us down.
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Old 07-06-2012, 05:57 AM   #14

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No doubt, there are positives and one appreciates them But unless we look inwards, see where we are going wrong and erase those negatives, the progress would only be slow. The sadness is due to the fact that we are where we are instead of giving a good run (for the money) for the dollars and euros and yens.
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Old 07-06-2012, 08:52 AM   #15

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No doubt, there are positives and one appreciates them But unless we look inwards, see where we are going wrong and erase those negatives, the progress would only be slow. The sadness is due to the fact that we are where we are instead of giving a good run (for the money) for the dollars and euros and yens.
If you took this attitude towards your children, they will disown you when they grow up. If a child comes home with 99% mark, i suppose you will punish him for not getting 100%. We have done enough damage by the negative comments. You are new and you may not have seen it, just go back to achieves and join in the sorrow.

Sometimes in post the true sense does not come out, and I hate to post long winded comments. Sorry for the reality check. If you constantly keep projecting the negatives, it is a self fulfilling prophesy.

So let us keep this thread for the positive comments.
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Old 07-06-2012, 12:08 PM   #16

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It is all very well, we can boast of them. But for the Indian expats who are working abroad and Indian enterprises based abroad, do you all seriously believe that the business enterprises based in India are working to their optimum efficiency? Except for certain iconic business groups like TATAs et al, how many Indian companies, especially public sector, can say that they are contributing to the country's progress and image? Yes, we have one of the largest railway networks in the world. But, quality? Even for suburban trains, have you ever seen Mambalam station? Varanasi? Benares? Where is the maintenance. Even Mamallapuram - such exquisite cave temples and maintenance is pretty much non-existent. Super computers? Have we been able to manufacture a high quality fighter aircraft? Banks and Quality service? (Of course, there are exceptions) The list is endless. I am not deriding our country. I am as much a patriot as everybody and I am proud of my country and its people and our varied culture. What pains me is the indiscipline of our work force. The same Indians who scrupulously follow the rules, including traffic rules, when they are in a foreign land, forget to do the same when they return to their motherland. This Sab
Chalta Hai
(everything goes) attitude is another pitiable factor that drags us down.
To an extent I do not disagree with your comments.
Could you use smaller font, so we can read the post without scrolling. Thanks
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Old 07-06-2012, 02:57 PM   #17

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Sri. Prasad, Greetings.

I refer to your OP. Before addressing that OP, I should say, I will not be considered as a Tamil Brahmin by anyone. But still I like to address them to the best of my ability, please.

1. TB are generally very negative about TN, India, and Indians in general. I have negative views about Tamil Nadu. That was the land where, after scoring 78% marks in school fiinals, I had to run from pillar to post just to beg an admission for my higher studies; all because, the word 'brahmin' was written against the caste column for me. Even today I vividly remember it; I was standing facing a huge palm tree- I didn't hear any noise around me- all I knew at that time was as a brahmin, my marks were not good enough. BS! India does not treat her population equitably. Given an opportunity, I will not like my children to grow up there.

2. They whine but do nothing to improve the situation, or their outlook. Brahmins left Tamil Nadu in droves. It was/is kind of an exodus. They don't have the political muscle by numbers to force any changes; so, why put up with any nonsense? just pack up and leave! Most DK parties love that too; I heard in somany public meetings those politicians and 'leaders' urging brahmins to leave while the others watching and applauding them! So, brahmins are only bent upon improving the situation. Yes, they are working for their self-interest; I don't see any thing wrong with that.

3. They wring their hand and post anonymously on the internet sites. Like I said before, TBS don't have the numbers to be outspoken. If they speak their mind in a public meeting and gets beaten for that, are you going to go there and fight for them? Even anonymous opinion garner reactions; I have seen them in the past.

4. They expect "God" to do all things, and hand then the prasad (that they desire). Actually, most brahmins don't do this. They may be as devoted as any other person towards their personal God; but, they usually work their butt off when they are young.. but as they see they are pushed back only in the name of caste, naturally they get disillusioned and get depressed. It is quite common for a deppressed and disillusioned person to expect 'God' to show some mercy. What is wrong in that?

5. They expect that government will be super efficient, and corruption-less. It is an obligation for any and every Government to be efficient and corruption free. I expect that from my local/state and federal government.

6. They want to live in past (the golden days), and despise all changes talking place around them. That is the feeling all over the world. I could start a conversation with Joe Blog down my street, he would exactly say the same thing. It doesn't have to be a TB.

You listed those points as if India is an equitable country and TBs are unreasonable. I object to that. Indian caste based politics stinks sky high; Indian reservation system screwing up the brahmin's chances are stinking sky high. Such reservation systems are even worst in TN. In an unequitable system, the affected party will be disillusioned and depressed. I think, TBs earned their right to hate TN politis, Indian politis and India in general. Inspite of getting screwed, TBs contribute to the development of the country.

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Old 07-06-2012, 08:20 PM   #18

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We have other achievements to our credit too:

1. We are the largest democaracy in the world

2. We are the second largest tractor manufacturer in the world

3. We are the 5th largest commercial vehicle manufacturer globally

4. From importing our food in the 60's we are now fuly self sufficient in food grain

5. 80 of the world's II7 Software companies (CMM-Level 5) are based out of India

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Old 07-06-2012, 08:48 PM   #19

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A scot, a cuban and an american were chatting on the ship deck trying to outsmart each other. The cuban took out an expensive cigar and threw it in the sea, and said - back home, we have plenty of this. The scot immediately pulled out a bottle of scotch and threw it in the sear adding - back home, we have this in plenty. The american not to be outdone, lifted an indian software techie and threw him in the waters and said - back home we have unlimited stock.
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Old 07-06-2012, 09:07 PM   #20

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India in the past had place for people who were in nithya aanandha.
India today only has place for people who are Nithyananda.
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