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Old 06-09-2012, 09:14 PM   #1
Paul Bunyan

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Default Caution: Satyameva jayate
Please read this forwarded message and then decide what you want to do.


The truth of Satyamev Jayate:

Since last few days we have seen viral effect across the nation for a
television show hosted by Bollywood Star Amir Khan named "Satyamev Jayate" and these days ... I've come across a large number of people discussing and
praising the show and also some of them were considering making donations and sending SMSs to the show in public interest, my purpose for writing this post is to let those people know that how and where their donations and revenue generated by SMSs will be used.

The foundation where your donations and income via SMSs will go is called
'Humanity Trust' and this is the website of this trusthttp://www.facebook.com/l/bAQE0HNX2/...nitytrust.com/

this website says that objective of their foundation is :
:- Masjid Construction
assistance. (Bore/construction helps)
:- Placement assistance for Islamic youngsters
(notifications about jobs across various geographies)

{do visit this website and check yourself}

Now look at the Irony here, people from all over the country belonging to
different religions and communities are sending SMSs and making donations, and you can see clearly that money is spent on people of just one particular
community and religion.

Now isn't it unfair that first you are attracting the people from different
religion on emotional grounds, and when they fall prey to it and gives donation,
you are using that money for communal purpose without even informing the people where their money is going to be used,

I just wanted to know how does building mosques and madrasas helps our nation?
And if it doesn't then why people of this country are being fooled like this and
no one is raising questions? are only Muslims unemployed in this country ? if
not then why this step-motherly treatment with people of different religion and community?

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Old 06-09-2012, 09:47 PM   #2

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அனேகமாக இஸ்லாம் மதத்தைச் சார்ந்த அனைத்து திரைப்பட நடிகர்களும் ஒரு வகையில் தனது மதத்தின்பால் பற்றுடனோ அல்லது வெறித்தனமாகவோ இருக்கின்றனர். இதில் தவறு ஒன்றும் இல்லை. ஆனால் அப்பாவி மாற்று மததைச்சார்ந்தவர்களை ஏமாற்றக்கூடாது என்பதே நமது வாதம்.

சில மாதங்களுக்கு முன்பு சல்மான்கான் பத்திரிகைகளில் யோகாகுரு பாபா ராம்தேவ் அவர்களைப் பற்றி கூறும்பொழுது ," அவர் யோகாவில் மட்டுமே தனது கவனத்தைச்செலுத்தட்டும். அரசியலில் குட்டயை குழப்பவேண்டாம் " என்று கடுப்பாகக் கூறியிருந்தார்.

இவரோ காங்கிரஸைச் சார்ந்தவர் அல்ல... பாபாராம்தேவ் பா.ஜ.கவிற்க்கு ஆதரவாகவும் இல்லை.

அப்படி இருக்க இவர் ஏன் கடுப்பாக வேண்டும்? ஊழல்வாதிகளுக்கு சாமரம்வீசுவானேன்?

இல்லையென்றால் திரைப்படத்துறையில் சம்பாதித்த பணத்தைவைத்து சொந்தமாக கட்சி துவங்கட்டும். காங்கிரஸுடன் கூட்டணிகூட வைத்துக்கொள்ளட்டும்.
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Old 06-09-2012, 11:20 PM   #3

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IF ALL THE MONEY to the show goes to this charity Humanitytrust.com, I am appalled. All the good work done by Mr. Amir Khan is a sham.

Mr. Sarang, Please provide your LINK.

I am deeply concerned, that person like Amir Khan can be so narrow minded.
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Old 06-10-2012, 02:03 AM   #4

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It is not straight forward. Many ngos have joined the bandwagon of collecting money. Even junglee, the indian wing of amazon, has offered to contribute to some ngos. The link provided in my forwarded message takes one to the humanity trust. The google search result I have given below shows the connection between satyameva jayate and humanity trust, which helps muslims. Some investigative journalism is necessary to dig out the connections - how the sponsors are selecting and approving the ngos. Whether amir khan is directly involved is a difficult question to answer.

Satyameva Jayate -Amir Khan | Facebook

is on Facebook. To connect with Satyameva Jayate -Amir Khan, sign up for Facebook today. .... Don't project only the time period which suits your story. Either give a .... You can donate to the Humanity Trust with just a click! Be a part of the ...
IF ALL THE MONEY to the show goes to this charity Humanitytrust.com, I am appalled. All the good work done by Mr. Amir Khan is a sham.

Mr. Sarang, Please provide your LINK.

I am deeply concerned, that person like Amir Khan can be so narrow minded.
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Old 06-10-2012, 02:36 AM   #5

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It is not straight forward. Many ngos have joined the bandwagon of collecting money. Even junglee, the indian wing of amazon, has offered to contribute to some ngos. The link provided in my forwarded message takes one to the humanity trust. The google search result I have given below shows the connection between satyameva jayate and humanity trust, which helps muslims. Some investigative journalism is necessary to dig out the connections - how the sponsors are selecting and approving the ngos. Whether amir khan is directly involved is a difficult question to answer.

Satyameva Jayate -Amir Khan | Facebook

is on Facebook. To connect with Satyameva Jayate -Amir Khan, sign up for Facebook today. .... Don't project only the time period which suits your story. Either give a .... You can donate to the Humanity Trust with just a click! Be a part of the ...
dear prasad 1 ! dear sarang !
thanks prasad1 for giving chance to know about the progamme and its sponsors. we should agree with sri .sarang point.we need not suspect the intention of Mr.AK. how the beneficiaries NGO are selected is valid point .i also visited humanity hospital and satyameva jayathe web sites.
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Old 06-10-2012, 04:07 AM   #6

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wow, why should one not question the intention of AK ?. what is he ?. a small boy, oh, so innocent he doesnt know anything about the show except that he comes in his car & talks great & of course goes back to his many girl friends. LOL !!

I mean we are the only country where most sincerely believe (at least act as one on TV) that the PM is the most honest man on earth even if he is presiding over the "most" corrupt administration & the coal ministry which he personally headed is involved in the biggest sam ever !!

Come on !. Call out the scamsters who ever it is !!.

Need some Vedic guidance from our puranas - Read Nakkiran story !.

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Old 06-10-2012, 05:25 AM   #7

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I have no problem in questioning Amir Khan's motives. If he is guilty then he should be castigated. He should be aware of how the ngo is selected.
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Old 06-10-2012, 11:49 AM   #8

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well Mr Sarang. thank you.it is dangerous. I have forwarded this mssage to my group consisting of atleast 100 members. Quite few State Govts. also are objecting his Show. many people dont know its real motive. I think everyone should take up the issue and spread his bad motives. let us go ahead. I am also one who view his show
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Old 06-11-2012, 03:51 AM   #9
Big A

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Dear All,

Somehow, right from the day 1 I am very much against this show. This is the most one sided version of certain suffereings of some people. If at the host is more concerned about the society it is better to get following clarifications from the channel:

- Is the host is conducting the show for free of cost?
- Are the SMS es are free or chargeable
- Can the channel publicly inform the amount collected from SMS and from advertisement and how the same was distributed
- finally the truth behind the above link.

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Old 06-11-2012, 04:11 AM   #10

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The whole thing is stage-managed or what they call scripted. I have seen a couple of professional actors in the programme; not that I want to say that they have no personal problems. The sponsors of advertisements are crying out for space. And there are many people whose bread and butter is in this. At best the programme will worsen the situation in many homes. And the bad people who caused the programme to materialize are not going to become improved.
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:00 AM   #11

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No.1 -Mr Sarang. I have placed yr entire details on Times of India. I have decided to educate people about this Show-Satyameva Jayate. I have already mentioned that I have posted the details in my own forum. I am afraid we have to educate people before things go unmanageable
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:57 AM   #12

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Mr. Sudheswar,
What is the cause of your hysteria?
Is it that it is produced By a Muslim?
Is it that A muslim is getting the publicity?
Is it that you are for female foeticide?
Is it that you are for child sexual abuse?
Is it that you are for Marriage that is Marketplace?
is it that you are for unscrupulous doctors?

Let us be honest a analyse each of my question. Please be honest and answer it truthfully. If not in public at least do it in private to understand your motive.

Each episode exposes a hidden malaise in Indian society. Yes it puts us to shame, but also gives us a opportunity to rectify and make India a better place.
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Old 06-11-2012, 03:52 PM   #13

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cool, Mr Prasad, cool. anger is not good for yr health. you see this thread started with news that fund collected is being used for a particular religion. I need not emphasize here how maddrassas, masjid etc of that community work etc. I dont say poor muslims should not be helped. why help goes only to particular community. the cause AK exposes is laudable; there is no doubt about it inspite of some section of doctors' objection. TBs forum declares you as veteran; pl be there. if you live in South India, then you will not know the sufferings the Hindus had. for yr inf, South India is safe from muslim terrorists. I do not want to go into full details. My observations (I do not want to name it as 'objection')are that the funds collected from that Show should be used properly and not in wrongly. I have some inf about Shah Ruk Khan; if I place that in this forum, you will loose yr balance. why even Salman Khan himself declared that he is close with Dawood group when he had a fight with Ayeshwaria Rai
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Old 06-11-2012, 05:08 PM   #14

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Amir khan has his share of sterling qualities, that is not the issue here. He is not presenting a balanced picture of the events; he has not included the views of respectable doctors and other social groups.

When he was asked in a tv interview why he had not taken the views from the other side, he cleverly evaded the question with the statement that he has said somewhere in the program that all doctors are not bad.

Donors must know where the money is going!!!
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Old 06-11-2012, 11:05 PM   #15

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Mr. Sudeswar,

Your motives are clear, you hate that India is secular. I do not know that it is in keeping with the principles of "secular India".
I too have problem with the NGO Mr. Sarang named in op. I think that organization should be removed.
The goal set by you and others that it should be balanced is ludicrous, since when a show has to be balanced? Even news items are not balanced.

Do you think that actors are Gods? If they are humans they have faults. How does anyone's personal life, matters to their work?
The doctors who objected, are purely protecting their turf, there are good doctors and there are the other kind. The other kind needs to be exposed.
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Old 06-11-2012, 11:34 PM   #16

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I have no problem in questioning Amir Khan's motives. If he is guilty then he should be castigated. He should be aware of how the ngo is selected.
dear Prasad !
sri. amir khan is a matured actor and he enacting the play written by the episode director.he is moved by the theme and the salary given.he might have been lured by humanity hospital mentioning his caste !
every thing ends there. we viewers should take the positive side and beware of the unscrupulous eliments.even if you are not able to ment others,let us be honest on our part.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:57 AM   #17

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If india is considered secular in the true sense, there is no child abuse, no dowry deaths, no haj subsidy, no temple take over, no minority reservation, no muslim dalit quota, no large scale influx of bangladeshis, no exodus of kashmiris, and the list is endless!!!!

They are all minor aberrations not worth worrying about!
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Old 06-12-2012, 06:32 AM   #18

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If india is considered secular in the true sense, there is no child abuse, no dowry deaths, no haj subsidy, no temple take over, no minority reservation, no muslim dalit quota, no large scale influx of bangladeshis, no exodus of kashmiris, and the list is endless!!!!

They are all minor aberrations not worth worrying about!
Mr. Sarang,
What world do you live in!!!!
You are talking of an utopia not a work in progress. Name me one country that will meet your conditions. Actually you can not even name a state, a city that will be as pure as you want it to be. Even you with your clear Anti-Muslim bias have shown that you can not be unbiased. We all can have our private view (which may not be the national view), but our public view has to be in line with the national view. India is going to be multi-cultural, multi-language, and multi-religious society, whether we like it or not. If we accept that premise, then there is no reason to be openly hostile to a community.

I am definitely anti-Pakistan, and defiantly anti-paki supporting persons of any religion, that is because they are anti-India.
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:21 PM   #19

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You are talking of an utopia not a work in progress. Name me one country that will meet your conditions. Actually you can not even name a state, a city that will be as pure as you want it to be. Even you with your clear Anti-Muslim bias have shown that you can not be unbiased. We all can have our private view (which may not be the national view), but our public view has to be in line with the national view. India is going to be multi-cultural, multi-language, and multi-religious society, whether we like it or not. If we accept that premise, then there is no reason to be openly hostile to a community.
I am not sure whether Prasad understood Sarang's post.

That India is multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-religious is not disputed. The country is pluralistic. But the pluralistic flavor can be maintained only if the state is secular. i.e. The state cannot indulge in any communal discrimination. But Indian state does. That is what Sarang questions!

I have not seen self-styled seculars ever question this anomaly! That is the fundamental issue! One can silence Sarang calling him biased, prejudiced etc but this question will keep cropping up!
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Old 06-12-2012, 02:40 PM   #20

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I have not seen self-styled seculars ever question this anomaly!
All the self styled seculars I have meet, only discuss about how Hindus should be tolerant and accomodative. They have nothing
to advice to the other communities on how they should treat the Hindus and what they should expect in a land that should be predominantly Hindus.
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