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Old 10-15-2005, 08:00 AM   #1

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Thanks to Shivaji southern india was left untouched
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Old 04-15-2006, 02:16 AM   #2

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Default Islamic Invasions ! Hindus Persecutions !
The french journalist, Francois Gautier wrote in his book "Rewriting Indian History" : The massacres perpetuated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history, bigger than the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis; or the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese. As beeing a Shaiva Hindu, i think it's my duty to keep memorials about this genocide.

For more than two millennia, India has suffered one bloody invasion after another, leaving a Holocaust of millions of lives and a civilization and culture left in near ruins. Through it all, India is the only one of the great ancient civilizations that has survived today. Hinduism is the most ancient and only continuously surviving religion and culture that has successfully maintained itself while so many other cultures and civilizations have vanished. No other ancient civilization has retained its ancient religion and culture under the onslaught of the western Abrahamic monotheist religions.

The first of the major invasions came from Alexander of Macedonia. His invasion of India was intended to bring Greek culture to India and to encourage cultural exchange between the Indic and Hellenic worlds. This invasion was mild compared to the savage invasions of Islam, which continue even today, attempting to decimate the Indian religions of Dharma and the Culture of Bhaaratvarsha (India).

Just as India was about to successfully throw off the yoke of Islamic barbarism after nearly 1000 years of slaughter, the British and Portuguese came with their missionaries. They tried to finish what Islam had begun, beginning centuries more of colonial strangulation of the great Vedic Culture of India, until finally India won her Independence in 1947. By then, so much damage had been done that India was forced to accept partition along religious lines and give up much of her northern territories to what are today the Islamic States of Pakistan and Bangladesh.

What is left of modern India is still rife with a growing population of Muslims and the continuing threat of Christian missionaries, openly seeking to wipe out Hinduism, which is not only the majority religion of India, but more than that, the Indian way of life and her very culture.


For more informations about this genocide.

http://www.francoisgautier.com/Writt...%20History.doc (In this book, the author estimates that more than 80 mios Hindus were killed)
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Old 04-15-2006, 02:40 AM   #3

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This topic is very important to the Indian history thread.

We cannot talk about our history witout talking about this genocide. It's why i opened a discussion about this subject.

Moderators, the holocaust MUST NOT BE NEGATED AS MARXISTS DID !!
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Old 04-15-2006, 02:49 AM   #4

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srivatsan, OK.. it has happened, what are you going to do now"? The negationism regarding the Nazi crimes has been the object of much public discussion. Turkish negationism about the Armenian genocide has received some attention. Less well-known is that India has its own brand of negationism.

Since about 1920 an effort has been going on in India to rewrite history and to deny the millennium-long attack of Islam on Hinduism. Today, most politicians and English- writing intellectuals in India will go out of their way to condemn any public reference to this long and painful conflict in the strongest terms. They will go to any length to create the illusion of a history of communal amity between Hindus and Muslims.

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Old 04-15-2006, 03:34 AM   #5

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i always felt that sikh guys are different from the rest of the indians. For example the sikh boys mature very early when compared to the rest of us. They start growing beards when they reach sixth class and by the time they are in tenth class they have a full grown beard.( well i started growing one only when i embarked upon my college life). This i think is somewhat related to matter being discussed. Punjab due to its proximity to Afghanisthan , pakisthan was under the constant attack of the invading pasthuns or pathans . These invaders involved in some brutal crimes like raping the women and killing the children. so the people living in those areas grouped together and invoked the blessing of the almighty. God blessed their lads with early maturity so that they can stand up to the ruffians and protect their kin This whole theory is my brain child.It may sound very stupid ( cos its unscientific as it involves the divine factor),but can anyone come up with better , more acceptable theory. I have never come across a wimpy sikh lad till now. And its also true that the Indian army is greatly indebted to them.
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Old 04-15-2006, 04:00 AM   #6

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Well well but what about the recent gujarat carnage. can anyone tell me, precisely which Hindu scripture preaches the " eye for an eye " policy?Within hours of the godhra outrage , a meticulously planned massacre against the Muslims was unleashed. Women were stripped and raped. People were beheaded , dimembered and urinated upon.
I vehemently condemn the gujarat riots and these organisations (VHP, Bajrang Dal , RSS) need to be dealt with the same yardstick as other terrorist organisations like hizb-ul-mujahideen , harkut-ul-ansar, lakshar-e -toiba .

p.s : Its possible for some to construct that I am a christian by just looking at my signature and unnecessarily make some unsought remarks. For the sake of clarity I am a saivaite Hindu . I am not a pseudo secularist either. My heart burns wherever i see injustice.
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Old 04-15-2006, 04:05 AM   #7

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Well... this thread prompts me to ask this question.... Who is a Hindu? ( or Muslim or Christian for that matter ).

I believe a Hindu is one who "follows" Hindu Dharma. Though there are certain common truths that apply to everybody (like speaking the truth...which most don't), the most essential and most important Dharma is Swadharma ( the Duty to the Self). And I hate to tell this... I believe there are extremely few Hindus living in the planet today...and the list excludes me too. ( wonder how many of real Hindus were those in that 80 million Hindus , Eelavar.)

Of course these "really" true Hindus might include True Muslims or True Christians ... they have the same definitions ( though their external ideologies(which depend on the place-time of the religion's origin) seem different, the basic undiluted stuff must be still the same )

This is so, for, I am sure you know, Hinduism never had a name as a religion ...it was simply called Sanatana Dharma ( Eternal Dharma ). It might indeed not be surprising to say that to be a Hindu/Muslim/Christian mean nothing once the person dies, for the same Personality may have been a non-human or one of different religion , and might become members of any other religion that might have seemed good/bad.. maybe even a non-human again, in the next birth. And of course, the Karmic law of balance always holds good... one never experiences other than what one has called forth.

I do not mean to say all these massacres need to be forgotten... they have to be remembered to strengthen ourselves, not to make others submit. They need to be forgiven. There are no ways to heal a wound by making another. Only forgiveness and Love can do that. We must remember that we have a long way to go as a species, and larger issues to deal with.

Much Love and Light.
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Old 04-15-2006, 04:15 AM   #8

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WHO ARE THE HINDUS? Let’s say it right away: there are no Hindus… This word was invented by European colonizers to designate a people which lived in the valley of the Indus. The exact appellation should be “Indu”, a term which was actually used for centuries by outsiders, to name all India’s inhabitants, be they Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or Hindus. But when Indus became Hindus at the hands of western colonizers, it grew to be a source of confusion and had catastrophic consequences for Indian history: it brought indirectly the terrible partition of the subcontinent and is partly responsible today for the inter-religious strife in India.

Who are the Hindus then – or shall we say Indus? Western (and unfortunately also Indian) historians have often reduced Hinduism to a code of moral conduct and a set of rites and rituals, or have even negated Hinduism by associating it only with the hated system of castes, forgetting that Hinduism was not only a wonderful system of thought, which influenced many of the philosophical systems of our planet, but that it was – and hopefully still is today, even if it has lost some of its early purity – a unique spirituality, which went beyond all religions in the true spirit of “Induity”. It may be necessary then – even for Indians, who often seem to have very little idea of the greatness of their culture – to remind the readers of a few of the lasting principles of Hinduism.

In the beginning for the Hindus, the world was only the Being without duality: Sat. Certain sects of Hinduism even said that before man, before any living organism, there was only Non-Being: a-sat. But how could the Being emerge from Non-Being? In the beginning then, this world must have been Pure Being, unique, without past, present or future:
“It was the hour before the Gods awake.
Across the path of the divine Event
The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone
In her unlit temple of eternity,
Lay stretched immobile upon Silence’s marge…” (Sri Aurobindo, Savitri, page 1)

And then, « something » happened:
“ Then Something in the inscrutable darkness stirred;
A nameless movement, an unthought Idea,
Insistent, dissatisfied, without an aim,
Something that wished but knew not how to be,
Teased the Inconscient to wake Ignorance”… (Idem, page 2)
Human evolution had started; the Non-Manifest had descended into Matter. And all the forms of life as we know them, were going to blossom during the millions of years which followed, until the homo sapiens of today.

And for the Hindus, the symbol, the unalterable proof of this descent of the Non-Manifest on our earth is jiva, the soul, a spark of the Infinite which is hidden in every thing. It is through jiva that the flower finds its infinite exquisiteness; it is because of jiva that the animal moves with such beauty, it is by the grace of jiva that man always aspires higher. “As tiny as an atom, as vast as the universe, jiva is unfathomable and cannot be seized; eternal, jiva cannot be destroyed; without attachments, free, nothing can touch it”, says the Taittirîya Upanishad.
Hinduism has always maintained that jiva reincarnates itself from life to life, thus perfecting itself throughout the ages. Everything is valuable for jiva and there is nothing that it neglects, as each experience enriches the soul: sufferings and joys, honors and disgrace, king in this life, untouchable in the next, criminal yesterday, saint today…. When we die, the physical body goes back to the universal Earth, the intellect dissolves itself in the larger universal Mind, and the vital, or Life Force, which is the mass of the impulsions and desires which we have formed in the course of a lifetime, return to the universal Vital. And then jiva is reborn, again and again, until we become fully conscious of the Supreme Being from which we all emanate: “Old and feeble, he becomes young again and again”, says the Rig Veda.

This concept of reincarnation, without which it is difficult to understand the why of our often painful lives, or accept the inevitability (and immense cruelty) of death, has been lost in the West and most other parts of the world and religions, whereas it was prevalent nearly everywhere during Antiquity. “Which sadist God has decreed that we would have only one life to realize ourselves and through which colossal ignorance Islam and Christianity have decided that we shall go to Heaven, or to Hell, according to the deeds, bad or good, which we have committed in a single life?” asks French writer Satprem.

The ancient Hindus were intensely secular in spirit, as their spirituality was absolutely non- sectarian – and still is today in a lesser measure. Seven thousand years ago, Vedic sages, to define the Universal Law which they had experienced within themselves on an occult and supra-spiritual plane, had invented the word dharma. In a nutshell, dharma is all that which helps you to become more and more aware of jiva inside yourself. In fact, dharma defines good and bad: what helps you on the path of spiritual discovery can be considered good = dharmic; and what impedes, you can be taken it as bad = a-dharmic. And to help the seeker progress in his sadhana, the sages of ore had codified a series of systems called yogas. There is hatha-yoga, or the yoga of the body, the only Indian spiritual discipline which the West knows about and which has been copied by all the gymnastics and aerobics systems of the world; karma-yoga, or yoga of work; jnana-yoga, that of knowledge; bhakti yoga, the path of devotion… and so on. The Masters had also discovered that the personality of each human being is composed of three main “psychological” elements, or gunas: tamas, which is the principle of inertia, of heaviness and indolence; rajas, the more dynamic energy of our desires and impulsions; and sattwa, the most spiritualized and refined element in us. All yogas have thus attempted to promote sattwa, while taming rajas and uplifting tamas.

Karma is another very important tenet of Hinduism which has been perverted in modern times, not only because of its fashionable misuse in the West, but also in India itself where, because of influences during three centuries by missionaries and secular thought, it is often mixed-up in varying degrees with the Christian concept of sin and virtue. Hindus (and Buddhists) have always maintained that all actions, good or bad, which we perform during a lifetime, carry automatically consequences for the next lives to come. But there is absolutely no moral implication, no notion of Good or Evil, as for Hinduism there is a mathematical and immutable logic in our actions: “Whatever the seed you planted, you will harvest its fruit sooner or later”, says the Buddha. Consequently, there is never any absolute injustice: suffering in this life could be the consequence of a “bad” karma sown in another life; and today’s happiness, might result from a “good” karma performed in another body. With this knowledge, one can understand a little better the sufferings of humanity, even though many of them still look so unjust; but true compassion is always accompanied by right knowledge.

The concept of the avatar is also indispensable to the understanding of true dharma. Hindus have always believed that the Infinite, the Immanent, the Supreme, or whatever name you want to give to That which is beyond us, has manifested Himself throughout the ages in human bodies - particularly at crucial stages during the history of humanity. Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Confucius, Mohamed, are all avatars in the eyes of Hindus. Each of these “sons of God” explained and developed their messages in the terms and with the images of their times, which fitted into the understanding and culture of the country where they had incarnated themselves. None of them, except maybe Mohamed, ever said that he was “the only” son of God and that his religion was the only true one; it is their disciples and followers who later perverted their messages and converted what was essentially spiritual teachings into fixed religions with their intolerant and exclusive credos. It is these followers who today refuse to adapt their religions to modern times.

Finally, it is difficult to understand Hinduism if you do not grasp the concept of shakti, the divine feminine energy. Because of the influence of British thought, it is nowadays fashionable in India to always to highlight the downtrodden condition of Indian women and its underprivileged place in Indian society. As a result, Western correspondents are always keen to do stories on female infanticides in Bihar, child marriages, or sati cases in Rajasthan. But who knows that no country in the world has granted such an important place to women in its spirituality and social ethos ? “Without Him I exist not, without Her I am unmanifest”, says a great Indian yogi. Thus in India – and it is true that it is often a paradox, as women, because of later Muslim influences, have often been relegated to the background – the feminine concept is a symbol of dynamic realization. She is the eternal Mother, who is all Wisdom, all Compassion, all Force, Beauty and Perfection. It is in this way that since the dawn of times, Hindus have venerated the feminine element under its different manifestations: Makalaxmi, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Maheshwari – and even India is feminine: “Mother India”. She is the consciousness transcending all things, she is the emptiness beyond all emptiness, the smile beyond all smiles, the divine beauty beyond all earthly beauties. India has had many great female figures, whether warriors such as the Rani of Jhansi, or saints like Anandamai. And even today, behind all appearances – arranged marriages, submission to men, preference of male children in some rural areas (but girls are loved in India like nowhere in the world) - the role of women in India is essential and it can be safely said that very often, from the poorest to the richest classes, they control –even if behind the scenes – a lot of the family affairs: the education of their children (men in India are often “mama’s boys”), monetary concerns, and men often refer to them for important decisions. Countries such as France or the United States, who are often preaching India on “women’s rights” never had a woman as their top leader, whereas India had Indira Gandhi ruling with an iron hand for nearly twenty years; and proportionately they have less MP’s than India, which is considering earmarking 33% of seats in Parliament for women, a revolution in human history! And finally this shakti concept is so rooted in the subcontinent, that you have had women Prime Ministers, such as Benazir Bhutto or Kaleda Zia, in Islamic countries (Pakistan and Bangladesh) which are predominantly male-controlled in a much stricter way than India.
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Old 04-15-2006, 04:24 AM   #9

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"Who is Hindu?" this is not the question then .......,when the genocide was committed...The one who was not a muslim was killed....simply....that was the only criterion. . by our leaders and historians.......Secularism is only for Hindus....and not for anyone...is it? is it what secularism?

A muslim has All India Muslim Personal Law board....and a funny Shariat court has the nerve to say "Supreme court of India is not our higher authority".....did any of our politican had the nut to question it?.....In this country there is no leader to call a Spade, a spade......if some one calls, then He will be called a communal force.
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Old 04-15-2006, 04:26 AM   #10

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you are right mate.

The one who was not Muslim was simplely forced to convert to Islam or was slaughtered with his family...
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Old 04-15-2006, 04:29 AM   #11

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"Hindu Kush Montain" how many of us knows that the meaning of this is "Blood of Hindu". That mountain, which is today in afganisthan was washed with the bloods of Hindu that it has been names as Hindu Khush (khush mean blood in turkish and an accnet of Farsi)and this has been purposfully, delebarately shadowed in the name of secualrism
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Old 04-15-2006, 05:39 AM   #12

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Any one has any idea about present plight of the great hero "Prithivi Raj Chowhan", who gave "Uyir Pichai" to Ghazni?

He was hurted mercilessly in a war by a adharmic way and was "dragged" to afganisthan, by the horse of Ghazni and...........Today, he is burried (which is not allowed in Sanaathana Dharma) in Afganisthan. It is near his samaadhi, the Mohammad Ghazni's memorial mosque is built.

Even today, every one who goes to that mosque, will come to the samaadhi of Chowhan, kick it with hatred and then visit the mosque...this is still a tradition there....to show thir hatred....

But Indian govt has not taken any action to reclaim his corpse from Afganisthan and do the last rites that Brave man deserves......why? Muslims in Bharatham will not like it? is that so?...and again no Indian media has the b****s to mention this except "Deccan Cronicle"
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Old 04-15-2006, 05:49 AM   #13

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Thanks to Shivaji southern india was left untouched........

That is not true, not to denigrade The great Maratha leader, he was instrumental in preventing one form of chuvanism in what we call as Maharastra now. The imapct of islam is pretty minimal in south basically because of the very strong cultural identity in the south, be it the Tamil/telugu/kannada/malayalam land. Also thanks to many reasons like, relatively stable kingdoms in the south, the language disconnect between the north and south, vindhyas terrain, tiredness of the invaders etc.

Since we are talking of the invaders and the genocide in India, I am surprised by the non inclusion of the references about the genocide in Rig veda that were commited on the Indians by the invading vedics.
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Old 04-15-2006, 06:18 AM   #14

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the language disconnect between the north and south, vindhyas terrain, tiredness of the invaders etc.
Languages spoken at that time in north and south , were not are not much different from each other...only after the islamic invasion, the Urdu/Farsi or Arabic became dominant in the the language they spoke...

Since we are talking of the invaders and the genocide in India, I am surprised by the non inclusion of the references about the genocide in Rig veda that were commited on the Indians by the invading vedics.
what are you trying to say...still sticking to Aryan Invasion theory.........?then I have no say to people like you....
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Old 04-15-2006, 06:34 AM   #15

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Points all taken,Eelavar... a few observations

The word " Hindu" is derived from Sindhu - original name of Indus, and was created by Muslims, not by Europeans.

Do you think humans are at the farthest point of evolution now in the Universe ? How is a person/being considered to be "evolving" anyway? What is the scale for evolution ?

By Jiva, do you mean Jivatma? Even if not, you say Jiva is a spark of the Infinite...ie God, for namesake. God in general, is believed to be perfect. So why does the Jiva need to perfect itself from incarnation to incarnation?

And not all Hindus believe in the equality of all Gods of different religions, why even in Hinduism itself. That is why you have Shaivism, Vaishnavism, The Sakthas, Dvaita, Advaita, Visishtadvaita... so many different sects than any other named religion on this planet. But yes...these do not totally discount other means, some of them considering it equal, and some , to be lower aspects of their God and their means.

Eelavar said
" " but true compassion is always accompanied by right knowledge " "

Yes. I believe True compassion, unlimited, unlimiting, and free... Is the Knowledge.
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Old 04-15-2006, 07:03 AM   #16

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Points all taken,Eelavar... a few observations

The word " Hindu" is derived from Sindhu - original name of Indus, and was created by Muslims, not by Europeans.
No.... it is not Muslims who call it Indus...Indus is how the Greeks call the river Sindhu...For Persians and Arabs...it is Sindh....and some how they (Persians and Arabs) still mention us as Hindh.

In general....nobody calls us by our original name...... "Bharatham", sometimes even ourselves...
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Old 04-15-2006, 07:22 AM   #17

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I said the same thing buddy, I said the word "Sindhu" and not " Indus", was what lead to the word, "Hindu". "Hindu" was coined first by the Muslims. I never meant Muslims called the river, as " Indus ". I know it is Sind.

No.... it is not Muslims who call it Indus...Indus is how the Greeks call the river Sindhu...For Persians and Arabs...it is Sindh....and some how they (Persians and Arabs) still mention us as Hindh.

In general....nobody calls us by our original name...... "Bharatham", sometimes even ourselves...
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Old 04-15-2006, 07:22 AM   #18

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I said the same thing buddy, I said the word "Sindhu" and not " Indus", was what lead to the word, "Hindu". "Hindu" was coined first by the Muslims. I never meant Muslims called the river, as " Indus ". I know it is Sind.

No.... it is not Muslims who call it Indus...Indus is how the Greeks call the river Sindhu...For Persians and Arabs...it is Sindh....and some how they (Persians and Arabs) still mention us as Hindh.

In general....nobody calls us by our original name...... "Bharatham", sometimes even ourselves...
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Old 04-15-2006, 09:21 AM   #19

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In general....nobody calls us by our original name...... "Bharatham", sometimes even ourselves...

Who called the land mass as Bharatham, some piece of litreature thats it. I do not think that term Bharatham was ever used in that sense by the kings or the common man. Tamil litreature does not include that term and neither the rock edicts of ashoka or other kings uses that term. Just because some author proposed that term in his story does not mean it was really used in that sense.
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Old 04-15-2006, 10:40 AM   #20

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Who called the land mass as Bharatham, some piece of litreature thats it. I do not think that term Bharatham was ever used in that sense by the kings or the common man. Tamil litreature does not include that term and neither the rock edicts of ashoka or other kings uses that term. Just because some author proposed that term in his story does not mean it was really used in that sense.
Becuz, even Ashoka was not able to bring the entire Bharathavasha under one kingdom.....It is Rajendra Chozha, was able to do that....but he didn't do any Rajasooya yagam or someting to proclaim himself as a "Chakravarthi"...

Well...as far as Bharatham is concerened, the entire land mass between the east and west ocean and from Himalayam to Kanya kumari....it was called Bhartha Varsham....if you want to call it by some thamizh name, I dont mind....as the culture remained the same....
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