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Old 10-28-2005, 08:00 AM   #1

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Old 11-09-2005, 08:00 AM   #2
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Old 11-23-2005, 08:00 AM   #3

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Old 01-15-2006, 08:00 AM   #4

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kindly tell your thoughts on "kaaLaandhagar",
we see this name denoting Sivanadiyaar in "Ponniyin selvan ";
dear Thiru fsg, I noticed a name "Kalamdhaga" in Sumerian kinglist and also as early Chozhan king in the delineated text of Tamil kigline 4,500 years ago.
does the word has any Sanskrit meaning, Mr.Sudhama to suggest if any?

Also , I had always wondered the root words for South Indian dishes:
"idly,dosai,bajji,chutney,kurma,parotta,boli[this has a purer Tamil name in Kovai provinces],bonda,idiyappam,samosa,pachchadi,kichchadi,uppuma ,rava kesari[perhaps from"aravai,thool?]"" etc.,
can anybody help?
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Old 01-27-2006, 08:00 AM   #5

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Dear Thiru Sudhaama,

I understand and appreciate the notion behind your thought.

Here we have a chance of popularising our history not only to tamil masses but also to other world people.

Our literature / history never belongs to tamils only or written only for tamils. They have globalisation in nature.

Hence when we talk about tamils history we talk about global history.

I think in this perspective kindly take it in positive way.

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Old 02-23-2006, 08:00 AM   #6

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I complement to the sudhaamas passage.

The word 'Ragasiyam' has root in tamil. Not in sanskrit.

ragasiyam-erakasiyam-eraku+asiyam- Eraku- eru+ku - eru means eyalpu(natural), Karuppu(black). Erul(night),Erumbu(iron in black colour) - turned to specify a thing in 'erul' - means 'marai'-hide.

Hence 'erakasiyam' - means hidden communication.

If any time ragasiyam revealed out it will mean in different way to those who reads than it exactly means. That is why a wise person is required to explain the exact meaning. This is called 'ragasiya vilakkam'.

The Agaththiyar's 'NADI SOTHIDAM' in palm leaves has this 'ragasiyam' which cannot be understood by normal person. It has to be devised by someperson who knows the hidden meanings.

The equivalent word for 'ragasiyam' is 'kamukkam'. It is used in tanjore district as 'kamukkama pesu'.

Villa,Village and Villain in english is from Latin specifies all countri-men activities. Conuntriside/ countribrute are equivalent words to specify villain.

The same word is available in tamil in different way. When men started their forest life they used these words.

Vedan- his armour 'vel' and 'vill' has same root. velan-vedan has same meaning. This 'vill' root was transplanted in Latin.

The 'sontham'-relation has root 'chol'- Note the phrase 'chollikolkira mathiri sontham ethuvumillai'. 'Choththu' is another word from the same root.

This sontham turned into sanskrit as 'svantham' has same meaning-belonging. It may be of any element / property / persons.

'Pisirai' for madness is from 'pisaku'- pisaku is from 'puram-pusam-(pujam in sanskrit)- pusaku-pisaku. Compare the word 'pichan kai' for left hand.

'Nachiyar' - has root in 'nachchu' means 'paravuthal'-spread. Nadu,Naadu has same meaning. 'Nanchu'-vidam/visham,poison which is easily spread has same root.

All queen has nachiyar surname. Mathavi nacchiyar, velu nachiyar etc.

'Achchi' in settinadu is to specify ladies who overule house activities as spouse.

A temple nachiyarkovil is near kumbakonam town specifies a goddenss.

'Nachinarkiniyan'- a person who wrote explanatory note for 'Thirukkual' has meaning' nadi varuvabavarukku iniyavan'.

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Old 03-06-2006, 07:09 PM   #7

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Old 03-19-2006, 08:00 AM   #8

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From: http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/...cle2934880.ece

First Tamil work translated from Chinese is here

The first ever direct translation from Chinese to Tamil, ‘Even if I adorn; there's none to behold', by Indian diplomat Sridharan Madhusudhanan was released on Saturday by National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon at a function held at Delhi Tamil Sangam here.

The book ‘China's Sangam Literature: Introduction and Direct Translation' [‘Vaari Choodinum Paarppavar Illai: Kavi thogai – Chinaavin ‘Sanga Ilakkiyam'. Arimugamum, Neradi Thamizhakkamum'], brings an important Chinese literature to India.

Mr. Menon gave the first copy of the book to People's Republic of China Embassy Minister Wang Xuefeng.

The book is about the Chinese Classic Book of Poetry (Shi Jing, pronounced ShizhChing), which is the earliest extant book available in the Chinese literary history. It is an anthology of 305 poems by anonymous poets in three categories: folk, festive and prayers. Confucius (551 B.C. to 479 B.C.), who is supposed to have made the anthology, mentions these poems in his works and dialogues.

Mr. Sridharan is at present working as Director at the SAARC Division at the Ministry of External Affairs here. An Indian Foreign Service officer who has served for about nine years in Beijing and Hong Kong has written this book under his pen name ‘Payani', meaning travel and traveller in Tamil.

Unlike other books which have so far been translated from Chinese to English and thence from English to Tamil, this book is the first ever direct translation. The book also highlights some of the surprising similarities between the ancient Chinese literature and the Sangam literature of ancient Tamils. This is an important book not only to the Chinese, but also to anyone wanting to know more about China, Chinese society, culture and literature for over 1,000 years.

Mr. Menon, who can speak Chinese, lauded the efforts of Mr. Sridharan in bringing out this book and said this would help in better understanding of the culture of the two countries.

Mr. Wang Xuefeng expressed the hope that this would be the beginning of translation of other literary works in Chinese to Indian languages.

ICCR Chair Professor of Indian Studies at National University of Sigapore, Dr. A. R. Venkatachalapathy, novelist P.A. Krishnan, writer Mu. Ramanathan of Hong Kong, Kalachuvadu Pathippagam Publisher Kanna and Delhi Tamil Sangam Secretary R. Mukunthan were among those who offered felicitations to the author.
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Old 04-17-2006, 08:00 AM   #9

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Thiru Senthilkumaaras,

Any word in India particularly before Ninetienth century in which scientific revolution in Europe took place, wouldl have origin / root in tamil only.

I have already written tamil - sanskrit myth in separate thread. Since sanskrit was formulated from pragrid whose origin was with tamil we need not take sanskrit as a root language in which no roots available even for sanskrit words itself.

There are 32 dialects of tamil now spoken all over the world apart from present day tamil dialects in tamil nadu and Srilanka.

If you analyse australian aborigines language you can observe all words matches tamil. That is the case with all tribal languages of the world.

Hence when historians / linguistics seek root of any ancient language word they have to see ancient tamil roots. Then only acceptable result will come.

Tamil pandits also unconsciously have inferiority complex and whenever they are not able to find tamil roots they treat that as sanskrit word and whenever they come across words of common use both in tamil and sanskrit they come to the conclusion that that words originated in sanskrit.

for example, aathi, tamil pandits changed 'akarathi' into 'akaramudali' thinking that aathi is sanskrit word. 'Aathavan' a old tamil word to specify 'suryan' has 'aathi' as root. Again suryan is from ar-sur root. We should not tell suryan is sanskrit and kathiravan is tamil.

suram is one of the word from this root.

Let us have this in mind and start trying out roots.

'kalanthakan'- Kalam+antham+an--- kalam means 'porekalam'- battlefield. Antham has same meaning as Aathi. Hence the first man / who leads in battlefield was kalanthakan.

Rajaraja Cholan had one surname as 'keralanthakan' when he defeated Cheras. That surname still available with Kallar caste in Thanjavore.

Some of the roots of words that you mentioned.

Idli- idu, thosai- thodu, pajji - pasai, parotta - pa+arotti,

chatni- chadu kurma- karu+ mavu Boli - poli (powder) Note 'poli poduthal'

bonda- ponthai (fat) samosa- sam- club kesari - kesam- top

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Old 04-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #10

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Default VAAZHUM - THAMIZH ( TAMIL-TODAY Internationally)
Topic started by R.Srinivasan. (@ ip68-0-198-105.ri.ri.cox.net) on Sat Dec 13 19:23:35 EST 2003.

Contemporary form and Realistic-Status of Tamil- Language in India and Overseas Countries...

.. Its Comparative Terminologies and Expressions ...

.. Other INFORMATIVE and SUGGESTIVE factors.

Participants are invited to put forth their Views.
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Old 04-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #11

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good job do continue!
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Old 04-27-2006, 08:00 AM   #12

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Old 05-16-2006, 08:00 AM   #13

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Old 05-26-2006, 03:44 AM   #14
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Old 06-13-2006, 01:09 AM   #15

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நல்ல பதிவு ஆனால் தமிழில் இருந்தால் இன்னும் நன்றாக இருக்கும்
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Old 06-13-2006, 01:37 AM   #16

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நல்ல பதிவு ஆனால் தமிழில் இருந்தால் இன்னும் நன்றாக இருக்கும்
Yes Mr Chidambaram... It is in the TAMIL FONT only... "Murasu Anjal Font".

Please see instructions above... to DOWNLOAD.
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Old 06-15-2006, 08:00 AM   #17

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¦ÅÌ «ÆÌ! §Á§Ä ¦º(¡)øÖí¸û.
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Old 06-15-2006, 08:00 AM   #18

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Dear Thiru Senthikumaras,

Tamil was evolved first by 'suttu oligal'- A,E,U then with one alphabet words.

All tamil vowels have some meaning.

Aa-cow, I-exclamation, E- engae etc.

One alphabet words were formed with consonants.

Pa-paravu, Na-way, Cho-Alagu etc. Then the extension was formulated.

Parappu, nadu,naadu,nachu : Chol,chokku etc.

You can make all tamil words into these three formations.

A,Aa turned Aae means mother. It turned into Aae-Aaya, Av- Avva-Amma. The word avvai specifies foremother. Eve in Hebrew specifies the same.
Note Avva is for Amma in Telugu. 'Aae' in king names was to specify Ammaan like in the word 'Thodaiamman'-Thondaman.

Aa- cattle-Aae-Aayer-Maeyippavar- turned head of cattles.

Na+vai- navai means ship. This word formulated the words via(in Greek and French), Way (English) Voij-voyage-sea travel (in english).

Na+Aae+an- 'Naegan'- Head of ship. Note Kovalan is specified as 'Ma Naegan' in tamil epic 'Silappathikaram'.

Naegan turned Nagan,Nayan, Nayakan & Nayakkan to specify hero / head and 'Knayan' & 'Knayam' to specify Justice/head & justice respectively. ' Ar' Viguthi was added up to denote respect. This 'Knayam' turned 'Niyayam' in sanskrit.

Nayar-Naichi is good . But we have to analyse the historic perspective of any word.

When the Queens / Goddesses had surname 'Nachiyar' Why the kings had 'thevar'?. We have to analyse this. While the Rajarajan had thevar why the 'Kunthavai prattiyar' had Nachiyar?

The words Nanchai,Nanchappan has 'Nachchu' which means 'Nadi va',paravu,parappu has negative connotation words as Nanchu whereas Nanchai has +ve connotation.

The queens were helping the religious guys / 'koyil kodai' in those days and acted as 'nadi varubavarkku iniyavar'. The case of goddess was also beleived to be like this. 'Na' a human organ has same meaning 'parappu, vazhi'.

Note Vanchai-erakkam / Arul - show pitty has -ve connotation 'Vancham'-evil feeling.

In kerala no Nachi against Nayar. Or there was no surname of nayakkar in latest Ramnad king Sethupathy dynasty against nachi to believe nachi is from nayakkachi.

Kindly think it over and come to conclusion.

The word mazhavam means Vael / ploughing tool like weapon / Aaetham (weapon). Note the word malava+araiyar- malavarayar.

Velir never connect with Velan. Velanmai is from 'Vellam-Vellamai-Velachal-Vilachal and Vel is connected with courage and not with agriculture. Note 'Veeravel'.

The Kodumpalur velir (a small kingdom) near Thiruchirappalli had given their bride to Thanjore cholas and they are belonging to warrior community and not agricultural background.

Tamil Vallinam,Edayinam,Mellinam have sounds depending upon the surroundings they specify as revealed in your passage is the wonderful thing of tamil language. You can observe this in 'KAMBARAMAYANAM'.

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Old 06-28-2006, 12:18 PM   #19
Big A

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Quote: "F.S.Gandhi vandayar"

Dear Thiru Sudhaama,

I understand and appreciate the notion behind your thought.

Here we have a chance of popularising our history not only to tamil masses but also to other world people.

Our literature / history never belongs to tamils only or written only for tamils. They have globalisation in nature.

Hence when we talk about tamils history we talk about global history.

I think in this perspective kindly take it in positive way.//

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Old 07-10-2006, 08:00 AM   #20

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