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Old 04-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #21

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TRANSLITERATION ...... of.... TAMIL-Terminologies


One Sardarji met his Ex.- Class- mate Tamilian friend at Chennai after several years.

Sardarji wanted to taste the South-Indian food varieties. So his local friend took him to a leading Restaurant and hosted him with delicious Tamilian dishes. Sardarji enjoyed eating the several new items till then unknown to him. And he wanted to know the names of each item he relished much and whenever so asked, his friend used to show him the particular item written in Transliterated-English in the Menu-card.

Next day....Sardarji went alone to another Hotel and asked the server to give him...

... One.... "Zero- Zero- thapam"...

The hotel- Bearer could not follow... then the Sardarji showed the Menu-card.

What he meant was ... nothing but...

... the famous South-Indian Food-item ...... "Ooththappam"...

... which he read as... "zero-zero-thapam"

All people around laughed at him.


During an Inernational conference at New Delhi... some of the foreign delegates wanted to learn Tamil through English. They bought a Guide-book on Tamil and mugged up some Transliterated Tamil-terminologies from the book.

Based on the guidance from the book, they decided to talk in Tamil only with the Tamilians

Next time when they went to a Tamilian Hotel...

... one Gentleman ordered the Bearer in the so called Tamil ....

... "Thoasaay kodhu".

... Bearer could not follow... then his wife said...

... "No. No.... You have wrongly pronounced the Tamil words...

... I will say it correctly... after referring to the book ready on hand .... she said.....

..." Hey... Bearer... Toasaay koththu "....

... The Bearers were blinking!.. while the people around started mocking at the Foreigners.

Then one Bearer asked back in English...

... What Language you are speaking... Madam?

... Oh!... It is... YOUR TAMIL .... I am speaking...

... as per.... YOUR BOOK... I got from.... YOUR COUNTRY.

All the people around... could not answer... and so kept Silent...

... Not knowing what to say!

In fact... What they wanted to... SAY and MEAN ... was...

... Dhoasai Kodu... meaning ..."Give me Dhoasai"

For their such ... BLABBERS ...

... Are the Sardarji couple and the Foreigners... to be blamed?...

... When the people around mocked at them ... !!

... they miserably cut a sorry figure... blinking blank... !!!.

... Was it the Fault of those Foreigners ?...

... who trusted the book furnished to them in the Host-country... !!!

... Whose Fault it was...?... and... IS....??... ????????

... as the State of affairs STILL continue....YET... !!!... !!!....!!!

Should the Pitiable ... GUEST Strangers deserve to be LAUGHED AT....?

... Or ... We.... the Honourable !.... HOSTS.... ???????
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Old 04-26-2006, 05:21 AM   #22

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Dear Friend,

Please goto search and give Devapriya or Solomon and read all posts you would see several posts quoting Sangam Lit. and Vedas.

I have a fair knowledge of both and do not claim an expert please and look Tamil and Sanskrit as the Two eyes of India.

Vedas refers to Sindu river as florishing and no reference to Ganga, Indus dried compleetly by 1900BCE and drying started by 2200BCE, hence Vedic period could be 5000- 2000BCE

Dear Devapriya/solomon/whatever,
I got the question only after reading all your posts. All of your statements are unsupported. Never have you provided any actual proofs to support your theories. I appreciate that you have a fair knowledge of both tamil and sanskrit. It would be better if you could include any real proofs along with your statements.
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Old 04-26-2006, 08:00 AM   #23

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India is the mother of World Civilisation,and that with latest Archeological findings and Satelite views of Saraswathi river,Vedic Perriod can be dated to earlier than 3000 BCE and Tamil from Tholkappiyam and Sanam Lit. clearly refers Vedas at many places with Reverance and that is really unique.

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Old 05-04-2006, 08:00 AM   #24

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1. //..... only about 40% of the ancient Tamil words we are using in even the present Tamil-Literature, while it is only between ..... xxx 25 % xxxx.... in the Spoken Tamil with the admixture of words from other Languages like Sanskrit, Persian, Portugese, Arab, Greek ...xxx... etc....//

To be read as....

..... only about 40% of the ancient Tamil words we are using in even the present Tamil-Literature, while it is only between 25 % to 30% in the Spoken Tamil with the admixture of words from other Languages like Sanskrit, Persian, Portugese, Arab, Greek, English etc....

2. //...Simplicity in pronunciation through avoiding more than one phonetic....xxx... for ¸ (Ka), º (Cha), ¼ (Ta), ¾ (Tha), À (Pa) etc. has been maintained...... xxx .... //

To be read as....

Simplicity in pronunciation through avoiding more than one phonetic... at the Source of the letter itself (as already existed) .... for ¸ (Ka), º (Cha), ¼ (Ta), ¾ (Tha), À (Pa) etc. has been maintained, being the Unique Character of Tamil similar to English but unlike all other Indian Languages.
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Old 05-15-2006, 10:14 PM   #25
Big A

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Vairamuthuvin Varighalhil:

"Thamizhukku Zha Azhagu"
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Old 05-16-2006, 01:50 AM   #26

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Vairamuthuvin Varighalhil:
"Thamizhukku Zha Azhagu"

சரியாகச் சொன்னீர்! தமிழுக்கு "ழ" அழகுதான். ஆனால் தமிழர்களால் "ழ" - கரத்தை சரியாக உச்சரிக்க முடிவதில்லையே ஏன்? இது மிகவும் தர்மசங்கடமான ஒரு நிலை. Apart from Tamil Brahmins and Malayalees, there are hardly people who can pronounce this unique letter properly. The blame should squarely go on the government for not enforcing it as a pre-requisite during elementary school eduction. There is no proper training.

தமிழுக்கு "ழ" அழகு என்றால், அரபு மொழிக்கு "ض" (Lwad) அழகு. வேடிக்கை என்னவென்றால், அரபியர்களுக்கு நிகராக கேரளாவில் உள்ளவர்கள் மற்றும்தான் இந்த எழுத்தை சரியாக் உச்சரிக்கின்றனர். This letter "Lwad" is embedded in the "Allah" (اللّه) and it has to be pronouced properly. Interestingly, even non-Muslims in Kerala pronouce Allah correctly. If you watch any Malayalam movie, the word will be pronounced properly by all actors. On the contrary, look at our actors like Vadivelu and Cilambarasam (all good Tamil names), they murder Tamil.

இந்நிலை எப்பொழுது மாறுமோ!
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Old 05-16-2006, 03:41 AM   #27

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Originally Posted by nms Vairamuthuvin Varighalhil:
"Thamizhukku Zha Azhagu"

சரியாகச் சொன்னீர்! தமிழுக்கு "ழ" அழகுதான். ஆனால் தமிழர்களால் "ழ" - கரத்தை சரியாக உச்சரிக்க முடிவதில்லையே ஏன்? இது மிகவும் தர்மசங்கடமான ஒரு நிலை. Apart from Tamil Brahmins and Malayalees, there are hardly people who can pronounce this unique letter properly. The blame should squarely go on the government for not enforcing it as a pre-requisite during elementary school eduction. There is no proper training.

தமிழுக்கு "ழ" அழகு என்றால், அரபு மொழிக்கு "ض" (Lwad) அழகு. வேடிக்கை என்னவென்றால், அரபியர்களுக்கு நிகராக கேரளாவில் உள்ளவர்கள் மற்றும்தான் இந்த எழுத்தை சரியாக் உச்சரிக்கின்றனர். This letter "Lwad" is embedded in the "Allah" (اللّه) and it has to be pronouced properly. Interestingly, even non-Muslims in Kerala pronouce Allah correctly. If you watch any Malayalam movie, the word will be pronounced properly by all actors. On the contrary, look at our actors like Vadivelu and Cilambarasam (all good Tamil names), they murder Tamil.

இந்நிலை எப்பொழுது மாறுமோ!
The fault lies ...NOT ON THE TAMILIAN INDIVIDUALS. who pronounce ZHA improperly.

The Lacunae is in the Teachers, Schools and Government who allow such SUB-STANDARD students to pass out.

Whenever I go to Kerala and move with the people there... including the poor and downtrodden folks...

I used to wonder... how they pronounce each and every letter of Malayalam, including ZHA, like Tamil...PHA like Urdu... GHA like Sanskrit.

There is NO WONDER... several present-day Tamilian teachers themselves, are unable to pronounce the Tamil letters including ZHA properlly.

Then how can we expect the students to learn and practice Tamil correctly.?

Lacunae is... LACK OF SINCERETY.... from the Schools and the Government.

Another Lacunae is... Tamilian-People are tolerating it.!!. CLASSICAL LANGUAGE.!!.

This is the present deteriorating state of affairs... since the past about 50 years.
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Old 05-18-2006, 04:38 AM   #28
Paul Bunyan

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I must agree with you both on this. The fault lies on the Thamizh Nadu government for not enforcing it as a mandatory subject. I mean it is very ironic that a state named after the language does not bother to teach the language to the kids that live in it.

I reside in Canada and we get some of the game shows aired in Thamizh Nadu here as well. I am embarrassed for some of the contenstants when they can't answer most of the Thamizh related questions. It is such a pity that nothing is being done to preserve this precious language.
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Old 05-21-2006, 10:24 PM   #29

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I FULly agree with the state of Teachers and poor Tamil pronouncements.

Tamil Film SOngs are another worst example.

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Old 06-13-2006, 08:00 AM   #30

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English is considered as not only the most Update and Modern but also the most FERTILE-LANGUAGE possessing an abundant extent of Vocabulary amongst all the International languages in the cotemporary Global Society ....

Yes... Indeed... It is true....

But under this aspect ... in several cases ... Tamil is better equipped ... not only more than all the other Indian Languages ... but also amongst the International Languages too .... so to say... even more than English ...

Under this aspect of Vocabulary...

Further to the above-quoted Example of word to mean .."GIVE" ...

Let us see one more Example:-- Tamil Words to mean in English .. "ACCORDINGLY"

For the sentence ... I will do.... "accordingly"... in Tamil, it varies according to the context.

1. "Avvaarhae" :-- ¦¾Ã¢Â¡¾¨¾ò ¦¾Ã¢óЦ¸¡ñ§¼ý.... "«ùÅ¡§È".... ¦ºö¸¢§Èý.

When a student asks the Teacher on how to solve a problem.. or.. a stranger seeks guidance from any Guide .. or...in some such cases ... to learn or get to know more or get clarified.. all due to total or partial IGNORANCE OR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE .... In reply .. the other person clears the doubts as a reply.

In such cases the seeker accepts IGNORANCE and says ... I will do accordingly...

2. "Appadiyae" :-- ±ÉìÌò ¦¾Ã¢Â¡Å¢ð¼¡Öõ Òâ¡Ţð¼¡Öõ ¯í¸û ÅÆ¢ ²ü¸¢§Èý. ¿£í¸û ¦ºö¾¾ý / ±Ø¾¢Â¾ý ¿¸Ä¡¸§Å .... "«ôÀʧÂ".... ¦ºö¸¢§Èý....

The seeker agrees to COPY / IMITATE the same method of another person .. as .. DITTO.

3. "Avvidhamae" :-- þÐŨà §ÅÚ Å¢¾Á¡¸§Å¡ ¾ÅÈ¡¸§Å¡ ¦ºöÐ Åó§¾ý. þô§À¡Ð ¯í¸ÇÐ Á¡üÚ ÅÆ¢¨Âò ¦¾Ã¢óÐ ¦¸¡ñ§¼ý. "«ùÅ¢¾§Á"... ¦ºö¸¢§Èý.

Reply ... in agreement to perform on a CORRECTED METHOD...

4. "Anganamae" :-- ¯í¸û ¬¨½¨Â ²ü¸¢§Èý ... "«í¹É§Á"... ¦ºö¸¢§Èý.

In reply to a COMMAND ... either from a King or Ruler or any Superior or God ...
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Old 06-14-2006, 08:00 AM   #31

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Ok, Mr Srinivasan!
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Old 06-25-2006, 08:00 AM   #32

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//I don't see how it is said kannada and telugu came from tamil.The presence of old tamil words in kannada is give as the proof.....How do you say if there are two identical words in kannada and tamil tamil was the giver and kannada was the receiver ?//

Simply because one Language is the Giver or the Source for another Language being the Offshoot or the Taker... no language is considered inferior. For example, English is not a Classical-Language of Total or even partial Originality of its own... but an admixture of several Classical Languages like Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Tamil and so on.

However English is considered a Great one amongst the International Language due to some other reasons and factors unique to it. And the English people are aware of its History and they unhesitantly accept the Truth as established by the Common Scholars....

They accept a Spade as a Spade... Nothing else... because it is the Truth and Reality.

Language is a part of Culture which Mankind has mutually exchanged to their best advantage time to time. So either Kannadigas or Telugus or other Non-Tamilians have nothing to feel denigrated ... but gladly accept the fact... whatever it be.

Now let us see logically the answer for your Question....

(1) The primary point to be observed here is, that out of all the Indian Languages currently spoken,....

....Tamil is only declared as the the Most Ancient CLASSICAL-LANGUAGE as well as the First Language ever spoken by Mankind...

... as authentically accepted and proved ever since several centuries back by the International Linguistic Scholars...

... like Dr. Percivel, DrHarts, Dr.Caldwell, Dr.Maxmuller, Dr. Suneethi- kumar Chatterji and such others.

(2) Another only Indian Language named CLASSICAL is.... SANSKRIT...which has been classified as a DEAD- LANGUAGE in the whole International Arena.

It is clear that Kannada and the other Non-Tamil Dravidian Languages, are almost the ADMIXTURES of Tamil and Sanskrit in different forms or modes.... of these Two Classical Languages., which justifies. the point

(3) The most important factor is.... the Comparative Character of Tamil with other Indian Languages. Unlike all other Indian Languages... Tamil is the only Language, where the PHONETICS IS CREATED BASED ON THE LOCATION OF LETTERS, conrary to other Indian Languages where the Phonetics are created right at the Root- Source of each letter itself like Sanskrit. So to say Tamil Phonetics is SYLLABLE-BASED, similar to English unlike Sanskrit and other Indian Languages in which the Phonetics are LETTER-BASED. A language of such an independant phenomenal character cannot be the Offshoot- Language NOR FROM ANOTHER LANGUAGE of far-different basic character..

(4) Compared to other Indian Languages Tamil is the only Language where we do not have 4 types of sounds varying on each Consonant letter like Ka, Cha, Ta, Tha, Pa. Such another factor of independant character justifies further on the impossibility to be named as the Offshoot Language.

(5)Although Sanskrit words are mixed in all the Indian Languages including Tamil, the conspicuous discerning factor in case of Tamil is...

.... when we add more and more Sanskrit words.... it is called a Highest standard of Literature in case of other Indian Languages...

.... whereas it is the opposite case for Tamil...

... So to say... the more we avoid Sanskrit Words... it is classified as the Rich Tamil of Highest Literature value....!!!

(6)Out of all the Indian Languages Tamil grammar is unique and far different from the other ones since they are mostly based on Sanskrit Grammar. In such a case Tamil cannot be deemed as the Offshoot Language of even the other Classical Language of India so called Sanskrit.... So similar question on Kannada or Telugu as the Giver- Language is totally unacceptable by Reasoning.

(7) If we compare the Root-forms or the Sources of Kannada and other South-Indian Languages.... like Halae-Kannada, Acha-Thelugu, Ezhuthachan-Malayalam with Senthamizh ... we find an astonishing similarity.... denoting that Tamil is the SOURCE for all the dravidian languages.

(8) The History of Tamil dates several centuries earlier to all other Soujth-Indian Languages, the Vice-versa is out of question.

(9) Tamil is an International Language since several thousands of years, which highest status of Age, no other Indian Language including Sanskrit can claim.

(10) We find Tamil-Script Stone-carvings, Metal-plated Documents and Palm-leaf records in the ancient Epigraphies all over India including the Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam speaking regions and not the Vice-versa.... so to say Kannada or Telugu or any other Indian Script Documents cannot be found in the ancient Historical- Epigraphy of Tamilnadu regions.


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Old 07-21-2006, 08:00 AM   #33
Big A

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//....Whereas in Tamil, even for the other ordinary Creatures there are differentiating Gender-based terminologies like.... ....¿ñÎ - «ÄÅý for Male-Female Crab, ......//

There is another school of opinion amongst the Tamil-Scholars that .....

The Crab is named by Three different words ...

¿ûÇ¢ (Nalhlhi) = Masculine Crab to say as ... ¿ûÇ¢ Åó¾¡ý

«ÄÅý (Alavan) = Feminine Crab to say as ... «ÄÅý Åó¾¡û

¿ñÎ (Nandu) = Neuter Gender to say as ... ¿ñÎ Åó¾Ð.

Such an unusual Linguistic facility by Gender-based difference, has been taken advantage of, to analytically describe the love-affair between the lovers amongst the crabs in the Tamil-Literature and another word in Neuter gender for the need of Common usage in Stories and Conversation.

From this example we can find that ....

.... such an emulative analytical facility of abundant vocabulary ....

.... to express radically true to anybody's Imagination and creative thoughts...

.... in a diverse Outlook .... varied Purposes ... and different Contexts...

.... has been unparallelly made available in this ...

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Old 07-23-2006, 08:00 AM   #34

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Old 07-28-2006, 08:00 AM   #35

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Hi R.Srinivasan.

I fully agree with you that TAMIL is classical and ancient complete language and S.I languages are indebted to TAMIL. (My mother tough is Telugu).
But in my opinion a language becomes rich and will serve the purpose more if it can accept the words from other languages (EX: English).
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Old 08-28-2006, 08:00 AM   #36

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TAMIL WORDS in other Languages

Global Linguistic-Scholars assert that several ancient Tamil words are found in not only in other Indian Languages but also in many world Languages like Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Mangolian, French, english and the like too.

Most of such words corroborate with the ancient Tamil-Literature and some in the present day usage also


The word "TEA" is a French-word pronounced in French as "THAE" unlike the 'TEE" in English.

It is an adopted Tamil word to French... which means in Tamil as "SWEET- þÉ¢Â" and pronounced the same phonetics as of French as THAE "§¾".

In pure Tamil we call TEA .... as §¾ò-¾ñ½£÷- THAE-THANHNHEER.

"§¾ ÁÐÃò ¾Á¢§Æ¡¨º ¯Ä¸¦ÁÄ¡õ ÀÃ×õ Ũ¸ ¦ºö¾ø §ÅñÎõ".... says Bharathi.

In Hindi :--

The word ¸òÐ (Kathu) as found in Aathichoodi by Auvaiyaar .... "¸Ç×õ ¸òÐõ «È" means "CRUELTY" the Hindi word "KATHRA" meaning "Danger" and another word "KATHARNAAK" meaning 'Dangerous"... or "Cruel" have developed.

From this Tamil word ¸òÐ- KATHU another Tamil word ¸ò¾Ã¢ì§¸¡ø- "KATHARIKKOAL" meaning "Scissors" has developed.

In Bengali:--

In Bengali- Literature "Maegnath" by the Author Michale Madhusudan Dutta...

... in Bengali worded line: .... Athah konae... "ORINDHAM" ... morila bishaadhae...

... the Word "ORINDHAM - ´Ã¢ó¾õ" is an unusual and unknown word in Bengali. It is said that it is an adopted word from the Classical Tamil (¦ºó¾Á¢ú) not found in Sanskrit

Even though far from Tamil, Bengali is another Rich Language of India and the closest to Sanskrit, but highly UNIQUE in a different aspect unlike other North Indian Languages
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Old 09-08-2006, 08:00 AM   #37

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¾Á¢ú ¯ûÇ ´Õ Å¡÷ò¨¾ '±ò¾¨É¡ÅÐ' ±ýÀÐ! ¿£í¸û ¯í¸û «ôÀ¡ «õÁ¡×ìÌ ±ò¾¨É¡ÅÐ À¢û¨Ç? - þ¨¾, ±ò¾¨É¡ÅÐ ±ýÀ¨¾, ¬í¸¢Äò¾¢ø ±ýɦÅýÚ ÜÚÅ£÷¸û?
þ§¾ ¦À¡ÕÇ¢ø ... ²¨É ¦¾ýÉ¡ðÎ ¦Á¡Æ¢¸Ç¡É ¦¾ÖíÌ, ¸ýɼõ, ÐÙ, Á¨ÄÂ¡Ç ¦Á¡Æ¢¸Ç¢ø ¦º¡ü¸û ¯ûÇÉ.

¬É¡ø ... ż þó¾¢Â ¦Á¡Æ¢¸Ç¡É †¢ó¾¢, ÁáðÊ, ¦Àí¸¡Ä¢... §À¡ýÈÅüÈ¢§Ä§Â ¦º¡ü¸û þø¨Ä ±ýÛõ§À¡Ð... «ýɢ ¿¡ðÎ ¦Á¡Æ¢Â¡É ¬í¸¢Äò¾¢ø þøÄ¡¾Ð Å¢ó¨¾ «ýÚ.

±É¢Ûõ ¿£í¸û ±ÎòÐ측ðÎõ ÁüÚ§Á¡÷ ¦º¡ø ¯¾¡Ã½õ ... ¿¡ý §ÁüÜȢ ¸ÕòÐôÀÊ ...

... ¾ü¸¡Ä ¯ÄÌ ¦Á¡Æ¢¸û «¨Éò¾¢Öõ º¢Èó¾ ÅÇÁ¡É ¦Á¡Æ¢Â¡¸ì ¸Õ¾ôÀÎõ ¬í¸¢Äò¾¢§Ä§Â ܼ þøÄ¡¾ ÅǨÁ ¾Á¢Æ¢ø ¯ûÇÐ ±Ûõ Å¡¾ò¾¢üÌ §ÁÖõ µ÷ ¬¾¡Ãõ.

«Ã¡À¢Â ¦Á¡Æ¢Â¢ø, º¢Ä Å¡÷ò¨¾¸û .....

¿À÷,(¬û) Á¡Â¢ (¾ñ½£÷) (¿õÁ¢ø Á¡Ã¢, Á¸Á¡Â¢, ±ýÚ Üڧšõ...ºÀ¡( ²Ø) Ó¾¢÷( ãò¾/ ¦Àâ ), º£¾¡ (§¿Ã¡¸) º£¨¾ìÌ §¿Ã¡ÉÅû ±ýÀ¾¡ø¾¡ý «ô¦ÀÂ÷....

þÐ §À¡ø þýÛõ ²Ã¡ÇÁ¡É Å¡÷ò¨¾¸û ¯ûÇÉ..

¾Á¢Æ¢ø ¾¢¨ºî ¦º¡ü¸û... «ÃÒ, ¦À÷„¢Âý, §À¡÷и£Š, Äò¾£ý... §À¡ýÈ «ýɢ ¦Á¡Æ¢î¦º¡ü¸Ùõ ¸ÄóÐ ÀÄ áüÈ¡ñθÙìÌ ÓýÀ¢Õó§¾ ¿ÁÐ ÒÆì¸ò¾¢ø ÅóÐûÇÉ ±Ûõ ¯ñ¨Á¨Â þó¾ ÁýÈò¾¢ý Àø§ÅÚ þ¨Æ¸Ç¢ø ¿¡ý ±ÎòÐì ¸¡ðÊ¢Õ츢§Èý.

ÌÈ¢ôÀ¡¸,... ¾¢ÉÓõ ´Õ Å¡÷ò¨¾ ... þÄ츢 §Á¨¼... Å¡Øõ ¾Á¢ú... Tamil-Diction.... §À¡ýÈÅüÈ¢Öõ... §ÁÖõ þ§¾ þ¨Æ¢ø ÓýÉÕõ ... ¸¡½Ä¡õ.

¯¾¡Ã½Á¡¸ ¿¡õ ¾Á¢Æ¢ø º÷Å º¡¾¡Ã½Á¡¸ô ÀÂýÀÎòÐõ... ¾¢¨ºî¦º¡ü¸û...

... ºÃ¢, ¾¢ÛÍ, ¸Î¾¡º¢ .... ±Ûõ ¦º¡ü¸û ¦À÷„¢Âý ãÄ¡ü¸û.

... ƒýÉø, ÍõÁ¡Î ... ±ýÀ¨Å §À¡÷òи£º¢Â ãÄ¡ü¸û.

... ƒ¢øÄ¡, ÀÃÅ¡ö, ¾¡Ê, ÌøÄ¡ö, ¾¡Ö측, ¾¡º¢ø¾¡÷, Å측ÄòÐ, ¾ÃôÒ, ¿¢ƒõ, «ºø, ¿¸ø ... «ÃÒ ãÄ¡ü¸û.

1. ¿À÷

¿£í¸û ÜÚõ ... "¿À÷"... ±Ûõ ¦º¡øÖõ «ÃÒ ãÄ¡ø§Ä....

«¾¡ÅÐ... «ÃÒ ¦Á¡Æ¢Â¢Ä¢ÕóÐ ¾Á¢ØìÌ þÈìÌÁ¾¢Â¡ÉÐ.

2. Á¡Â¢ (¾ñ½£÷) (¿õÁ¢ø Á¡Ã¢, Á¸Á¡Â¢, ±ýÚ Üڧšõ...

¾Á¢Æ¢ø "Á¡Ã¢" ±ýÈ¡ø Á¨Æ ±ýÈ ¦À¡ÕÙõ Á¨ÈÓ¸Á¡¸ò "¾ñ½£¨ÃÔõ" ÌÈ¢ôÀ¢Îõ ¦º¡ø.

¬É¡ø "Á¡Â¢" ±ýÈ ¦º¡ø ¾Á¢Æ¢ø Á¡Â¡-§¾Å¢Â¡É ¸¡Ç¢¨Âì ÌÈ¢ôÀÐ.

"«ý¨É" ±ýÈ ¦À¡ÕÙõ ¯ñÎ .....

"Á¡Â¢" ±ýÈ ¦º¡ø ÁáðÊ ¦Á¡Æ¢Â¢Öõ "¾¡ö" ±ýÈ ¸Õò¾¢ø ÅÆí¸ôÀθ¢ÈÐ.

"¬Â¢" ±ýÈ ¦º¡øÖìÌõ "«ý¨É" ±ýÈ ¦À¡Õû ¯ñÎ.

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Old 09-13-2006, 08:00 AM   #38

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Old 09-24-2006, 08:00 AM   #39

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Thanks a lot for honouring and Complying with my request promptly and thus ....


..So DELETED THE IRRELEVANT, UNWORTHY Side-Tracking and Impertinent INTERFERENCES by one TAMIL-HATRED GUY..named "Terminator" in this IMPORTANT-THREAD...one amongst such... many here.

...as also BLOCKED his future participation in ANY THREAD UNDER THIS VALUABLE FORUM.

Many Many Thanks. Please KEEP IT UP.

R.Srinivasan( Initiator of this Thread)
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Old 10-05-2006, 08:00 AM   #40

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Apr 2007
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Dear Mr. Dictionary !

.... Yes.... The Gentleman behind a Dictionary !".....

You can know more about Tamil.... under this Thread..... hereabove...

Further on your criticisms as .....

//what can i say.. tamil language is the funniest ive ever heard u know..no kidding...//

Thanks for your open-minded criticism..... May I know in detail as to ...

What made you feel FUNNY about this Language of high Standard and Values....

as approved so by the duly qualified Global Scholars.....

Is it by means of its Pronunciation.... or....

Inadequacy of Vocabulary....... or....

Sounds UNREFINED and Crude.....or...

The Users you found..... appeared Funny .... or ...

Any other Reason.

Please speak out, so that I can pick-up your point and duly reply on the pertinent aspect.

// i've live in a country in Asia of multi-racial society n people there tend to make fun of the tamil language... u know what.. most non-tamil speakers would never ever dream of trying to learn tamil...//

At Hyderabad, the State Capital-city of Andhra-Pradesh.... deemed to be the capital of Telugu speaking Region of India, that Language Telugu is practically INSIGNIFICANT.....whereas...

we can get on well at ease with Hindi alone..... comparatively better than with Telugu.

.... the local Majority people of the Telengana Region.... were the Oppressed mass of people under Nizam rule..... for Centuries together....

.... Thousands of innocent Telugu Male-members' Organs were cut off at their Boyhood stage... without their prior knowledge...... just as Slaves..... for making them serve in the Nizam's palace... in the name of Hizdas.... so to say callously created Eunuchs. ....

Since these local Telugu people were poor.... became the Victims of the Oppressive Rulers... So they do not have proper status and economical standard.... for want of adequate Education and Employment.... for generations together....... these innocent Telugu people are comparatively much BACKWARD than even the other State people domiciled here....... .

So they are forced to lead a Hand-to-mouth status in the Society in their own land of birth...under the obligation of others...including the domiciled alient state and foreign people!

.....serving them even now... as Servants, Rikshaw-pullers, Coolies etc. mostly .... while the Employers are mostly Hindi-walas from North-India.

So You can imagine.... what respect such local Telugus, including their Language...

.. can hold amongst others..!

Similar case applies to the Tamilians at Singapore....

despite their sizeable extent of population of long ancestry of centuries...

even though Tamil is one of the National Languages there...

you cannot manage with Tamil... but only with Mandarin (Chinese-based Language).....

.... because the Chinese are dominant there... even though of far lesser amount of population

.. even though the Government there was never so callous towards Tamilians like the former.....

but were left uncared for under Poverty and lack of adequate Education....

allowing the foreigner Rich people to dominate over the locals as unrecorded Slaves

So You can imagine.... what respect they and their Language can hold amongst others..!

There are several cases like these, where for want of adequate Humanitarian treatment at par with other citizens....Tamilians are in the lowest Ebb of Life-status Globally...

mainly since the Indians.... especially the Tamilians are ....

Non-Retaliatory, Tolerant and Peace-loving Calm-goers.....

....trusting the Reciprocal-Sincerety of their Masters.....

Whereas for centuries together ... Domicilded Tamilians comparatively have been....

EXPLOITED .... and kept SUPPRESSED.... in several parts of the world.....

as concerned to the people who were taken to such foreign places for employment as Labour...

...but treated as Slaves for ever... and ever...

passing the same to their posterity too,....

leading a miserable life like Beggars in their own Lands of Birth.!

So You can imagine.... what respect they and their Language can command amongst others..!

Besides, the Tamil Language of such people of domiciled origin several centuries back will be far different and even crude, when compared to the Language Standard of their Land of Ancestry.

So anybody should not evaluate the worth of a Language spoken by the domiciled Servant-community of a foreign land.

//.... really tamil don't sounds good at all unlike english, french, arabic, japanese etc //

You can find the Tamil Language of Tamilnadu, or even at the advanced Nations like the US, UK, Australia etc.... especially of the educated elite Society far different and well-refined than the foreign-settled Tamil-Servants' Slang-form.

If you have really came in touch with the Educated Tamilians....

I am sure you will radically change your such a WRONG NOTION and Unfounded INFERENCE...

and baselees CRITICISM on a Language which has been acclaimed to be....

the Classical, Ancient, Fertile, Easiest, Simplest Internationally ....

at par with similar Classical Languages like Hebrew, Sanskrit, Latin, Greek ... and so on.

And I do not support the contention that the TAMIL IS THE BEST LANGUAGE.... No. Not all.

No Language is the Best either Internationally or even Nationally..... so to say in Totality.

Every Language has its own Values, Uniqueness (and some even Great) as also in its Beauty

If anybody poorly judges the worth of an Ancient Classical Language Internationally gaining such unbiased high acclamation from even the Foreign Linguistic-Scholars....

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