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Old 02-19-2006, 07:00 AM   #21

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Some roots of sanskrit words.

Juram(fever)- suram=sur+am-suru+am. 'surunguthal due to heat'

suraththal,suranduthal,suriyan are from this root.

Pashana- pasanam- paichanam- pai is the root.

nirupanam- niruvuthal, niru/uru is the root.


elakkam,elakkiam- elatcham,elatchiam

giri-kiri-kuri means malai. kurichi,kuravar has same root.

Suththam- suthai+am - Suthai a name for 'sunnambu'(white/clean).
Asuththam might have evolved in sanskrit since equivalent opposite word forming might be difficult since sanskrit is artificial language.

For example, abaram-baram-param-varam(since 'v' is not in sanskrit) -varai+am, varai(border),Compare varayarai & var(belt).

Therefore abaram(-ve) means borderless-excellent in meaning.

Not only words.Sanskrit Grammar also is from tamil. We can conclude sanskrit is the northern replica of tamil. Sanskrit vedic religion is tamil adapted religion.

Inthran is eulogized in vedhas.

Inthran/varunan= inththu=im+th+u- Im and U are suttu words specified the water/cold water of river. varunan=vari(alai) again a name for water flowing/sea.

The same inththran was god of masses when tamils turned agriculturists. The same inththran was turned sivan later.

The god of water based/agriculturists was inththran. That is why
some of the castes of tamilnadu called themselves inthrakula katthiriyar(Shatriyar) and inththrakula vellalar.

Karikalan celebrated 'inththra vizha' in kallanai. Silapathikaram talks about inthra vizha.

Sanskrit adapted this caste system/ideology.

Sindhu the river name means the same cold water flowing.

Kangai,the river name is formed with the root 'kankai' which means light heat.

If the above concept is followed a significant breakthrough in tamil-sanskrit combination will be invented and the myth that sanskrit is all in india would be broken into pieces.

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Old 03-01-2006, 07:00 AM   #22

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Dear Friends,

'Aek'(okku) oriented sanskrit words (continuation)

Aeka vachanam - Orumai (without respect) - cursing god

Aeka vadam - Oru kayiru - one rope used to pull God's charriot.

Aeka vanai – Aek + Aanai = God’s command is same for all people

Aekan – Kadavul

Aekanki – Aek + Ankam = A man who adapted God. ‘Thuravi’

Aekaatchi – Aek + Kaatchi – Otraik kannan (a man of one eye – here ‘Sukiran’ God.

Aekaandam – Aek + Andam (ulakam) = God’s place

Aekaantham – Aek + kaantham = Kaantham is from Kantham – Pillar – here like pillar a place where god / person lives discretely.

Aekopiththal – Aek + Oppuviththal = Ontru cheruthal
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Old 03-02-2006, 07:00 AM   #23

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India has produced the two Worlds Topmost languages, and both are from same origin, but expressing it differently.

From same base, both can claim to be the origin, but both are same and equally different.

You say in Abroad, people do not accept Sanskrit's Antiquity, I DONot know which of the Universities you are talking about, and are they Scholars of Repute and Presented in ACADamics.

Few Thinkers spread this stories in India and Abroad, but nothing is accepted by any Universities, and are worth getting few claps in meetings.

No need to be any bad feelings on either Languages, and both are from India and both make us proud, and expressing opinions without proofs only would put Tamils at a disadvantage.
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Old 03-27-2006, 07:00 AM   #24
Big A

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Dear friends,

Sanskrit is called ‘DEVA BASHA’ in India.

It is actually true. Sanskrit slogans are used / insisted in pujas.

Just like Arabic & Hebrew, Sanskrit also adopted God’s name for every word used while worshipping.

You can observe this in many of Sanskrit words forming.

‘Piram’ is the root for most of the words of slokas in Sanskrit irrespective of the meaning of the word.

Just like ‘Al’ is added in Arabic words and ‘Allae’ in Hebrew words the word ‘Piram’ is added to Sanskrit words.

Tamil differs from this. But ‘Piram’ is from tamil ‘param’- which specifies ‘PARAMPORUL’ or God.

This itself shows from tamil –Prakirutham-samaskirutham was formulated for the sake of God’s prayers. The great cholas who were tamils accepted Sanskrit because of this fact.

Let us examine some of the words.

Pirakadanam- ‘Vilamparam’ – Param + kadanam – Kadanam – ‘Kadantha thanmai’ – means ‘Overtaking god’s popularity’.

Pirakasam- Param + Kasam – Kasam – ‘Lightening like Pon Kasu’- means lightening

Prakiruthi- Param + karu + e - means ‘moolam’

Pirasankam- Param +Sam+ Am—Addressing about god in front of masses

Pirasandam – Param + chandai (Chandam) – means ‘Kodumai or Kadumai’

Pirasavam- Param + Chavam – Chavam means ‘marupaduthal’ – Change – just like Pinam from ‘Pinangu’ base. Giving child birth is change in situation.

Pirasannam- Param + Channam- Channam means ‘Nunniya’ – ‘Alagiya’. ‘Jannal’ a word for window is not portugese origin as tamil pandits say. It is tamil word only.
Pirasannam means ‘shown clearly’

Pirasatham – Param + satham. Satham is from ‘sathu’ root which means ‘soft’. Tamils tell ‘Choru’ is tamil and 'satham' is sanskrit’- There is no 'satham' in Sanskrit. God’s satham is ‘Pirachatham’.

Pirasapathi- Param + Arasu + athi + pathi - This is the name for God ‘Piraman’

Readers are welcome to add more in this way. (will be continued later)

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Old 04-20-2006, 07:00 AM   #25

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Dear Solomon,

I stand by my views. Saraswathi Mahal libruary is still there in Thanjavur.

The question is here about sanskrit antiquity. You seems to be talking other issues which is not necessary now.

You kindly talk your views under the heading 'Tamil is elder to sanskrit' topic.

Prove that sanskrit is elder. You can't do it. You don't have proof.

Kindly note adichanallur findings recently in 'THE HINDU' paper. The earlier script of tamil dated through carbon dating back to 500 B.C.

Dont divert the topic.

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Old 04-30-2006, 07:00 AM   #26

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Dear Thiru Nedunchezhian,

Forget about Tamil pandits. In my postings I have revealed their restrictive thinking. They have closed mind and unneccessarily they will expect exact view which are not at all required to derive something.

There won't be any difference with valaivu / Konam purely in literary sense. For mathematical purposes you can differentiate exactly the words.

'Ko' is 'suttu oli' to specify 'Uchchi' top. King was called as Ko. Kone also evolved from this root to specify King. 'Konam' evolved to specify the sharp edge or top point when two lines cross in certain angle. When two straight line turn (valaivu) someway to cross, the word 'Konal' is used. Deviating may be in line deviating in circular path or line itself bend circularly.

Always tamil pandits compare their language with sanskrit which is wrong. For example take miruthangam. Mathangam was used in tamil. Tamil pandits will say Mathangam turned miruthangam with Miru added just like methu turned miruthu. I say melithu - merithu- miruthu is the correct evolution.

'Koni' also specify this 'valaivu' and flexibility.

Kudamuzhukku is synonym to Kumpabhishekam.

Sanskrit was evolved from paly and prakrid which were offshoots of tamil before 4000 years back. So all sankrit words only evolved from tamil roots. Later phonetically changed / shriked tamil words seems to be sanskrit words.

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Old 05-02-2006, 07:00 AM   #27

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Solomon wrote:

Archeology is the best to guide and based on Stone Inscriptions the Tholkappiyam can be never dated earlier than 200-150 BCE, and first Tamil inscriptions are done after Samane North Indians wrote it in their scripts- the Tamil words, Tamil did not have previous scripts, atleast in pre-500 years prior to 500 BCE, Indus Seals, if you cut the Missionaries, 50% read it as Sanskrit and 50% as Proto-Tamil, but with morethan 4000 types of Pictures, they are more Picotorial than Scriptal. The claimed antiquity of S'krit was itself based on speculation. Historical events like Buddha's passing away, Asoka's missionary work, accounts from travellers from outside India --- from the dates of these events. you have to work back and speculate the Aryans entering India must have come in at least two thousand years before and should have taken at least 2000 years to reach the Gangetic plains issuing the vedas. Hence, 2000 yrs before the Christian Era + 2000 yrs in CE. Buddha's demise is calclulated or speculated by references to whatever records are available from Tibet!!

If one does not believe in Aryan Migration into India - worse still, You cannot use the above speculation method to say when the Vedas were written and when the other works came into existence.

As for Tamil, at least there is a legend / history of Kumari Kandam. S'krit has nothing .

Tamil was always known as Tamil. When you talk of Sanskrit, you have so many different names like Chandasa, Vedic etc., It is disputed whether the other names mean "Sanskrit". Why change names if it is the same language? why many times?

Historians say that it was Sanskrit which did not have a writing system.
Why apply that situation to Tamil?

If the first stone inscription was in 100 CE (for example), that does not mean Tolkappiyam was written in 100 CE. What's the connection?. Tomorrow if another stone insc. is found and it is 10000, would the date of Tolkappiyam become also 10K years old? What's the relevannce??

If Sanskrit is IE, why is it not have a writing system like Greek and Latin - Ah, Bah, Cah, Dah etc.,

If it is not IE, why still depend on the dates speculated on the basis of its IE origin?
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Old 05-15-2006, 07:00 AM   #28

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Beside all of these religious influences and the belief in supreme being, the current words in use in Thamizh which specify supreme being, such as Iraivan, KadavuL, theivam, Bagavan, are they of Thamizh origin? I have recently read an article in which a Thamizh scholar argued that the word 'Iraivan' indicated King and not Supreme being (GOD). Moreover, the Thamizh Scholar said that 'Iraivan' is a better usage of Thamizh than the word 'Arasan.'

Not only that, the word Theivam is also found in ThirukkuraL in kural such as:
"Theivaththal aakathu eninum muyatsithan
meivaruththak kUli tharum"

Did ThiruvaLLuvar, really said that kuraL? or was it one of the inserted kural? What did Thiruvalluvar meant by Theivam? The word, Theivam is it Thamizh?

The Word Bagavan is believed to have come in usage in the latter centuries. Although the first ThirukkuraL says, "Bagavan"

"Akara muthala ezhuththellam aAthi
bagavan muthattae ulagu"

In which some Thamizh scholars says that bagavan may have been mistook for the word 'bagalan' which meant 'sooriyan.' If so then how about the other kurals under the first chapter 'praising of the supreme being?'

Which other chapters were inserted into ThirukkuraL? What was the original name of Thiruvalluvar? What was the original name of Illango adigaL?

Does Thamizh have a Golden Mean, like the one Aristrotle found for the Western Philosophy? Are words categorized or can be categorized into being different and meaning different in accord with Golden Mean in Thamizh?

nanRi, paNhivu
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Old 05-25-2006, 07:00 AM   #29

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When M.Deivanayagam took the ...... (snipped)
...... (snipped)

Devaneyan's quotations have been used his final work, Phd Thesis to attack the Tamil's Aborgins. .... (snipped) Solomon, you don't confuse the two persons, M. Deivanayagam and G. Devaneya Pavanar.

Pavanar did not write any book like 'Thiruvalluvar Christavara?".

But if Christians like M. Deivanayagam, wish to claim that Thiruvalluvar was as Christian - and belongs to the Christians, please let them have him. There are claims that Valluvar was a Jain, Buddhist, Muslim, Vedic Brahmin etc etc. Good!

It just shows that the man Valluvar is being admired by everyone, and once they read the little book of his, The Kural, they fall madly in love with him.

Ha! Valluvar must be one 'helluva' handsome guy.!
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Old 06-07-2006, 07:00 AM   #30

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Dear friends,

‘Okku’ is a old tamil word means ‘Thani’. Since a replica of something becoming the same of a thing this ‘okku’ turned in meaning as ‘Pontra, ontrana’.

The same okku is used in telugu as ‘Okkati’.

‘Kokku OKKA kompum paruvaththu’- kural use this word.

This okka turned as ok – ak – aak (ontru) in Sanskrit.

Since Sanskrit is ‘DEVA BASHA’ this ‘aak’ is taken in many words of Sanskrit as root.

‘God is one’ is the principle in any religion. Other gods are specified as ‘Thoothuvar’ in Christin / muslim religion and ‘Avathaar’ in Hindu / Inthu religion.

Hence this ‘AAK’ specifies god’s nature and is root of many words like ‘param’ in Sanskrit.

Observe the following words.

Aaka kundalan – Okka + kundavan = Palaraman was called in this name.

Aaka Chakrathipathi – Okka + Chakkaram + Athi + pathi = Arasan

Aaka thandi – Okka + Thandam = Sanniyasi / godman

Aaka Thanthan – Okka + Thantham (elephant) – Vinayakar / pillaiyar / Lor Ganesh

Aaka pokam – Okka + Pokuthal / spend – ‘Thani yaka anupavi’ – Enjoy singularly.

Readers are welcome to contribute.

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Old 07-03-2006, 07:00 AM   #31

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Dear friends,

(Continuation of Param oriented sanskrit words)

Pracharam – Param + charam - Charam has root as ‘Charu’ – means ‘messages about god’ equivalent to ‘Chorpozhivu’

Prachiththam - Param + Chiththam - ‘Kadavulin velippadu’ - ‘arivippu’

Prachinam – Param + Chinam – ‘ a question asked against god’ – vinaa / Kaelvi

Prasuram – Param + saram – Praising of god – later to mean ‘pathippithal’

Prajai – Param + kudisai – parakusai – pirausai – Prajai – citizen / kudimakan.

Piranayam – Param + Nayam - Anbu – kind

Piranavam- Param + Avam – about god – kadavulaip patri – to specify ‘Oom’

Pirathatchinam – Param + Thattu + enai - Thattukku enaiyaka – Thatchinai given to god / Prokithar. Check ‘Thatchina Poomi’ - flat like structure. Check ‘Anka prithatchinam’

Pirathamam – Param + Amam – Amam here is equivalent to ‘Amar’ – means ‘ Muthanmai.
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Old 07-09-2006, 07:00 AM   #32

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Thank you Thiru. Idiappam for revealing the bogus views of Soloman

Readers shall observe his repeated bluffs. Sanskrit language won't have any roots since it is an artificial language. Root words combined with archeology are the main source in interpreting the history.

After Piram & Ekam the godly artificial Sankrit has most of the words from roots ava,aba which also found interchangeable with each other. Words based on ‘Ava’ are lesser than the words from ‘aba’ in Sanskrit. ‘Ava’ is tamil origin since ‘Va’ sound used at the beginning of words is found negligible in north Indian languages.

Ava (Av) is ‘suttu oli’ in tamil – one of the primary communication used in tamil. ‘Ava’ is used as third person / thing which is identified as foreign / farrer thing / new to first and second thing reviewed in mind which are nearer to each other.

Avani – ulakam (world), avan- avvidam(that place), avai / avayam- (persons of distance origin assembled), Avayam kaaththal – adai kaaththal (hen protects to deliver new chickens), aval – a new thing from arisi / choru. ‘Avi’ / aviththal – a new thing created by heating. Avaa / Avaavuthal – desire to attain new things. Avayavam – Uruppu - Extra fittings / elements fitted with body after mind and body.

Sometimes this new things may have aspect of negative to first thing.

avathi / avalam – varuththam (sadness) which is opposite to happiness. Avathooru- Pazhi – bad name also has negative meaning.

Avaai nilai – person in needy (abayam & Abaayam in Sanskrit)
There are lot of words in tamil in this root “Av”. Avvai is one of the words of Ancient tamil.

If we replace this ‘Av’ with ‘Ab’ we will get all Sanskrit words While Sanskrit sometimes use direct tamil words with ‘Av’ roots.
Avatharam / Avathari – used for God’s coming / birth on earth (readymade tamil word)

Avasaram, Avamaanam, Avathanam, avamathi etc. are readymade tamil words that Sanskrit uses.

Abinayam- Abi + nayam = new expressions made in God’s idols.

Abibpirayam – Abi + param + Aayam = The essence of God’s intension (new to ordinary human)

AbiMaanam – Abi + Manam – a love to God who is third to one’s love to himself and his wife

Abimukam – Abi + mukam = meeting with God directly.

Abiyukthan – Abi + uththi + an = Extra ordinary ( distant to ordinary ) knowledged person normally God’s Avathars.

Abiraamam / Abiraami – Abi + aramiyam = God’s meant for beauty. Raman / Paarvathi.

Note : Aramiyam was ancient tamil word to specify Beauty. Aran- Arami-Aramiyam Aran –Arani – Ani ornaments. Aramiyam was used to specify Palace,nila mutram & Green place in earth. This Aramiyam turned ‘Rammiyam’ in Sanskrit.

Abilashai – Abi + Aasai- Extra / new desire normally for God.

Abiviruththi – Abi + Viruththam – Extra / new growth by God’s grace

Abeeshtam – Abi + ittam – Extra / new Bagthi to God.

AbaKeerthi – Abi + Karuththu = new intensions of people created against on someone normally against God.

Readers can add more.

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Old 08-03-2006, 07:00 AM   #33

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A lot of assumptions you have posted there! Never mind! But just to punture a gapping hole in your thought! Refering to what you said:

Sanskrit Literature has its good as much as Tamil, and We donot have One Pre Sanskrit Tamil work. Ashtadyayi fame, Panini of 400BCE did not name Sanskrit (or samksrut, samskrit - or whatever that may be its name) as a language he is talking about.

For what language did Panini write grammer for, then? Some Prakirts? When was the "Samskrit" came into being as a name for a language??

All this point just to one thing. Sanskrit was non-existence prior to the 2nd Centure CE - when Valmiki Ramayana was written!

The rest of your lament is noted!
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Old 08-14-2006, 07:00 AM   #34

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whatever you are saying here are quite revolutionary to my mind. I am amazed by these. Can you explain the etimology nehind this. Also can you provide historical evidences that support this hitherto unexplored line of thinking?
Thanks and congrats.
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Old 08-23-2006, 07:00 AM   #35

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* deleted *
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Old 08-23-2006, 07:00 AM   #36

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Dear solomon,

We tell you that there is no common origin for tamil and sanskrit and sanskrit is an offshoot of tamil.

The same Maxmuller words about language history has been revealed to you in the topic 'Tamil is elder to sanskrit. Your words seems to be opposing his views.

Our view is what Maxmuller followed through languages' words is correct and his interpretation was wrong since he neglected to get into or didnot have enough days in his life get into the dravidian group or tamil. The last mindset of Maxmuller is reveled by Galduwell which I noted you in 'Tamil is elder to sanskrit' thread.

Why people will hate if sanskrit literature really good for Indian people ?

You specify common enemies are Europeans and they spread false message.You and your views of your forefathers for the past 150 years believed Aryan theory.

You always confuse and mix the so called Brahmins who are identified as caste now with Aryans which is not true and this has been revealed in 'tamil..' thread.

You seems to be based on RSS ideology which neither have evidances nor have proof but it is a belief.

Historieans must have outlook and vision based on evidances and not on beliefs and we have to scroll through all the persons having some positive elements of proof.

Kindly do not lambast the shortcomings of yesteryear scholars. Derive always some positive elements if presented by scholars.

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Old 08-28-2006, 07:00 AM   #37

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From MosesMohammedSplomon:

FSG- I want you to look at the historical facts and not on wishful thinkings. Aryan Invasion was brought in By Maxmuller, Caldwell etc., and that is because they want to split Indians.
When were the Indians united??? What is the caste system the the Rig Veda prescribed all about?? Is it not about spliting Indians??

I have facts and go by International consenses of Dating of Literature and where as you Spread false assumptions. Of course, of course! Cook up more 'facts' and go by 'International' consenses. Give more unknown names and unknown facts, and say 'Universities' support them.

Sanskrit Literature has its good as much as Tamil, Sanskrit has more filth than good! I just don't want to flood the Hub with those filth - I will if you insist on lying. We have all the filith from the Rig Veda to Ramayana to Mahabharata to Manu Smriti to KamaSutra. Do you want me to post them - I am sure the Admin won't like it - they are already having a bad time keeping the peace here!

and We do not have One Pre Sanskrit Tamil work. That is a blatant lie. And solomon, it does make to happy if Sanskrit is Older right??

We know this is not a right interpretation, but anybody can publish and another put it in Net and this will only put Indians as People-meaninglessly split and claim ubsurd roots and waste time. Looks like you are talking through your a.. If you can exhibit some of your 'linguistic' prowess in proving that the Sanskrit words named here are indeed of Sanskritc orgin - Please do. Else stay away from commenting on roots of words. YOu lack the skill.

Archeology is the best to guide and based on Stone Inscriptions the Tholkappiyam can be never dated earlier than 200-150 BCE, Why can't it be??

and first Tamil inscriptions are done after Samane North Indians wrote it in their scripts- the Tamil words, Tamil did not have previous scripts, atleast in pre-500 years prior to 500 BCE, Indus Seals, if you cut the Missionaries, 50% read it as Sanskrit and 50% as Proto-Tamil, but with morethan 4000 types of Pictures, they are more Picotorial than Scriptal. What has the scripts got to do with the Language. Scripts can be changed anytime. There was no Devanagari Script for Sanskrit until fairly recently. Sanskrit had never a sricpt of its own. It was written in the regional scripts - Telegu, Gujarati, Tamil (Grantha), Bengali, etc.

Then by your logic, Sanskrit is just as old as Devanagari Script - about 800 years old.

with Sanskrit on the insistence of Clergy becoming a Grammatical language, giving way to Pali and Prakrits. No, it is the other way round - Pali, Prakrits and the Dravidian Lanauges gave birth to Sanskrit.

We have Pali Books telling Vedic/Ramayan/Mahabaat stories and these books have gone to neibouring countries in 250BCE, Asokan periods, now you bluff, no Vedas till 100 BCE, would be childish. That's nonsense!

RSS is not a bad word thought I have no connection with it or accept its ideologies, its much better than Dravidians Parties of Tamilnadu, who now follow Varnasramadharma of putting Sons and Grandsons in all Posts. YOu affiliation is clear -- you are a Vedic stooge, an anti-Tamil and you are fast becoming an anti-Idiappam. Take care my boy.
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Old 08-31-2006, 07:00 AM   #38

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From MosesMohammedSplomon:

FSG- I want you to look at the historical facts and not on wishful thinkings. Aryan Invasion was brought in By Maxmuller, Caldwell etc., and that is because they want to split Indians.

I have facts and go by International consenses of Dating of Literature and where as you Spread false assumptions.

Sanskrit Literature has its good as much as Tamil, and We donot have One Pre Sanskrit Tamil work.

Breaking of words are not Linguistc Science to fullness, An example- Computer is a Pukka TaMIL word- what a computer does- It Processes the Date given. i.e.,
Canthial of Puhithiya Tharavukal- which becaome Cani-Puhu-Tharvu as Computer'; Kanini or Kanipori is not that suitable.

We know this is not a right interpretation, but anybody can publish and another put it in Net and this will only put Indians as People-meaninglessly split and claim ubsurd roots and waste time.

Archeology is the best to guide and based on Stone Inscriptions the Tholkappiyam can be never dated earlier than 200-150 BCE, and first Tamil inscriptions are done after Samane North Indians wrote it in their scripts- the Tamil words, Tamil did not have previous scripts, atleast in pre-500 years prior to 500 BCE, Indus Seals, if you cut the Missionaries, 50% read it as Sanskrit and 50% as Proto-Tamil, but with morethan 4000 types of Pictures, they are more Picotorial than Scriptal.

Look at facts . India and Indian Culture extended from Celon to Iran, with both Tamil and Sanskrit , with Sanskrit on the insistence of Clergy becoming a Grammatical language, giving way to Pali and Prakrits. We have Pali Books telling Vedic/Ramayan/Mahabaat stories and these books have gone to neibouring countries in 250BCE, Asokan periods, now you bluff, no Vedas till 100 BCE, would be childish.
RSS is not a bad word thought I have no connection with it or accept its ideologies, its much better than Dravidians Parties of Tamilnadu, who now follow Varnasramadharma of putting Sons and Grandsons in all Posts.
Go by facts without Prejudices and accept truths.
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Old 09-20-2006, 07:00 AM   #39

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This is the thread that I opened to reveal tamil roots of sanskrit words.

So we shall discuss the issue now going on in 'Tamil is elder to sanskrit' thread.

I expect co-operation from Mr. Solomon.

I request Mr.Idiappam also to put your thought on 'Tamil is elder to sanskrit' thread to avoid parallel discussion.

We shall discuss only word roots in this session.

Thanking you,

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Old 10-10-2006, 07:00 AM   #40

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Some words of tamil day today use are found in sanskrit. When these words are seen, tamil pandits get inferiority complex and instead of finding out that root they term this as sanskrit derived words.

Thulaparam-thulai+param= weigh balance+weight

Darshan- theriyanam-therisanam -darshan

kaariyam- karumam-karmam-kariyam-kaariyam

pasu- pas in sanskrit means rope. All think cow is controlled through pas so pasu. But pas is from pai-pasai-pasu a tamil root.Pai is the root for pachai and pal(milk)

Shakshi- satchi(santru)- satshat is very often used in stories written by sanskrit influenced writers

Visumbu- visuvam

palam- valam

dayai- thalarvu-thayavu

prachanai-problem- prazhchanai

Sigichai- Sikizhchai- Tamils pandits use 'panduvam' for sigichai thinking that sigichai is sanskrit word.

vishayam- vidayam

osti- uyarthi-osaththi-osti

(will be continued)

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