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I loved your post...
Wake up people! We are the same, Every country has these inept fools who think that somehow something is owed. It truly shows which countries are the true under achievers, living in the past, and showing nothing but ignorrance. Yes one of the few instances I approve of stereo-typing a land by what the few say. If you don't like this find the few who put these stupid ideas on the internet, and kick them in the head. Afterall, they are your fellow citizens. LOL http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...ticons/lol.gif |
The Japanese are reputed to prefer northern girls, because they think they're more likely to be able to withstand the climate in Japan. It's possible. My wife, who grew up below a mountain in Chiangmai, prefers England to Bangkok, which was too hot. Most of the Thai wives of farangs in England are *not* dark, though many do look tanned. Some are dark, but most are not, even though the majority of wives do seem to be from Isaan. |
I once scared the helll out of such a person while shopping at Patpong. The only thing I did was looking at him and saying "Boo" all of a sudden. The guy almost got a heart attack while his Thai 'gf' couldn't help laughing, which gave me some satisfaction at that time. |
In fact if she had not told me her background, I wouldn't know the difference by skin color. I have also known Kon Neur's who are darker than her! Samut Pakan (specifically closer to Tehperak) would be where I would call home if I do achieve objective to start a factory in Samut Prakan, due to the nature of the industry and the suitability of the people living around that place. I would also expect most of the people I would be hiring to be Kon Issan, simply cos most of the people in this particular industry are Kon Issan. I am of the opionion that we may not be to tell the difference between people orginating from the 2 tribes unless one is very fair or very dark. Only from the dialect they speak, can one tell. So I did not know better until I got to know them for a longer period and heard them speak to their friends in dialects, cos they always speak to me in pasar thai as I am still learning it. |
Oh my, that question again... In Thailand, many of my friends were shocked that I didn't seem to care about getting dark (not that I'm at any risk of that...http://www.thailandqa.com/forum/imag...es/biggrin.png ), others, who either had encountered some tourists at beaches or had heard stories about them found it hard to believe that I never ever took a sun bath. So, they asked, you like white skin. Not particularly, I said. Would you like to have dark skin, then? Nope, neither that.
I spent quite some time explaining to people that I dindn't care what exact colour my skin is/gets, I just don't want to end up with a sun burn, that's all. I don't want to waste my time with sun-bathing and risk skin cancer, but I don't care about being exposed to the sun when I do any outdoor activities, as long as I have my sun cream with me. For that reason (always having to remember not to forget the sun-cream) I do think that in places like thailand dark skin would be something useful to have. As for the looks, I'm glad we do not all look the same. Going around asking what is more beatiful is not the right way to look at it, in my opinion. Personally, I'm happy with the colour I have, and if I had any other colour I would be just as happy with it.:p |
Sorry Paul, really cannot resist this one. If I offended you. I apologise. |
For me the idea of what we are talking about is a grey area indeed. I don't imagine it has ever been nor will be a black and white issue. I do agree, I see both sides. I agree if a pro is in it for the game and the John is too, all is good, and I could really care less.
What is a loser is the man from Germany that was in the news article posted on this very site 2 month's ago. The LOSERS who only come to infect, and do all but legally rape the citizens. Things they can not do at home. Note I said legally, we can be sure that there are thousands raped annually by these men, but because it started out as a business transaction nothing can be done. The other part of the loser title I was talking about are the men seeking a Thai wife. Ask them why, why not a French wife, or wait how about a woman from Taiwan, or Japan. It is because they have a pre-set preconceived notion that the Thai women are not as strong willed. Personally I think it is amusing at first, boy is that man gonna learn real hard and real fast. But then I realize that though he will learn he was wrong, often times violence will ensue for him to change her into what exactly he wants. Thus, completely breaking everything that was good. These are the losers, not the businessman that is in Thailand once or twice and hires a prostitute on a Wednesday night. Ohhh yes the search engine Yahoo, but not really the search itself, I was talking about the usergroups and chatrooms within the yahoo pages themselves. Vision I once read mangosauce, it lasted for about 10 minutes, and I left. I would classify the men who post there as losers. They exchange names and bar locations of the girls, discuss the girls that are Thai prostitutes posted on pornographic sites through the internet and where you can find these same girls. Those are losers, if you do not agree, then we shall disagree. Much love to ya http://www.thailandqa.com/forum/images/smilies/wink.png |
I also have happend upon other message boards where the topics of discussion are not my cup of tea. However, calling people "losers" implies that everyone is playing the same game. It appears that some men are not interested in a long-term relationship; that they seek a very casual exchange-type relationship. If people are getting what they want, then they are winning at the game they have chosen to play. I may not like or want to play that game, but it is certainly a personal choice based on my own values and worldview. If they are within the realm of consenting adult behavior, I have no quarrel with individuals who choose a lifestyle that is not congruent with my own personal values.
http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...icons/wink.gif |
My view from my person viewpoint and little experience.
I think people search for love and are attracted to those from who they believe they 'can be loved' by. And of course in our cases of vanity, we sometimes search for those who we can buy 'love' from. The latter is an illusion, if its true partner one is looking for. When farangs attract to dark skin people, I think maybe its because they see an innocent native in them, as we are often seen in books. Who will offer them uncomplicated love. No? Just like in villages, girls dream of the fair king who comes and takes her into a world of peace and harmony and greater freedom... away from the stereotype hardships she is bound to end up in - alongwith a stereotype husband and lifestyle? Of course there is a third possibility, which is neither the above and purely circumstantial... which is that you are not looking for something by intention... it to some degree... happens. I really do not agree with Seeker here... about losers theory. Earler I fet so and would think so. Now, I believe that whatever the cause of your bond with another person - stress or motivation or something in-between, or nothing - attraction is just a propoganda. What matters is are you honest? do you respect other people? Do you want to make the effort in a relationship? For once the propoganda phase is over, we end up into a new world with our partners. and then on, its a new story about nurturing a relationship and learning life through each other. Chances are that we will be loving the person for reasons poles apart the reasons we first began with. And then, when people try to remind you why you were attracted in the very first place - you will find it hard to remember. No? of course, as I mentioned earlier, we have to be honest, respectful and ready to put our energies for the other. Why do I think so? Because I think I have lived life from both ends!!! Being brown helps you understand all, except not everyone understands which side of the scale you lie in!!! LOL! |
Whoa, whoa guys... http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...cons/smile.gif
Quite funny how the mere mention of the word "loser" along with "Thai wife" brings all kinds of folks out of the woodworks, proclaiming what an incredibly happy life they are living, even if that has absolutely nothing to do with the original post. Saw it happening here and elsewhere - but no one could outdo the guy in another forum who was going to the extremes to prove that he indeed has a life worth living. He bragged about the number of children he has, IQ test results (wtf?http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...icons/rock.gif), and a whole plethora of other useless things. Makes the rest of us wonder what the desperate attempts really hide... http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...ns/biggrin.gif We discussed that topic to death more than once. I have nothing more to say, considering the low level those discussions degenerated to. I wrote a couple diary entries reflecting my views on those sludgeworms and their trophy wives. Anyone interested can read them over here and here, respectively. If one wishes to discuss the matter any further with me, one should do so by PM. My only comment here is that I agree with Stacker. Not all men with Thai wives are losers, but only those who came here especially for the reason of getting one. They are no less pathetic than those who order Russian mail-order brides. End of story. Like I said before, I shall elaborate more on the view expressed in the post that had to be cut short earlier. The whole comment was made based on the underlying Thai notion that darker skin color is the sign of poverty and manual (farm) labor. They also associate fair skin with urban hi-so. In my opinion, personal preference can only partially explain why so many Farang men end up with dark-skinned Thai women. It is one thing to impress an Isaan rice-field worker who's never been outside her village. The same man who'd appear as a 'white prince' to such a woman, could only elicit chuckles from my female friends here; educated, self-conscious women who've been or will be spending months or years in the West, on their own. Oh, and they all have fair skin - coincidence? http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...ons/tounge.gif The chance that any such woman would want to do anything with a wife-fishing Farang wimp is less than snowball's chance in helll. |
Well we all have many ways to deal with issues Vision, I am aware that name throwing on the internet is very ignorant. Reminds me of a saying I once read.... found it.
http://members.dodo.net.au/~grindercom/argument.jpg You know most people here seem to be of nearly the same set of morals, so let me ask, would you allow your children around these men who frequent these bars? Or would allow your children to read what they post in the chat channels regarding finding certain women in certain bars? I think the first two people who posted in this thread did not see a clear distinction between those of us who have married happened to of married a Thai woman, versus those who are in search of a woman that is Thai. I should take back the word loser and replace it the the term 'those kind of men'. My point was simply this :There is a world of difference, maybe even another dimension of difference between the two types of men. Edited---Note: I did not create the image, nor am I critical of those who may be impaired in any way, my favorite nephew has Downs Syndrome. I am simply making a point that no matter how long you argue on the internet, it does not matter. You are simply arguing into a monitor at yourself. That is just dumb. On the internet people take no note of what anyone says as nothing is reliable anyway. |
Yeah count me in too ka http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...cons/smile.gif i do wannna know ka.. Is that true tat most falangs like Thai dark-skinned gals? coz when i see Falangs in thailand - i always see that.. http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...icons/rock.gif |
Paul, I hope you take time to sit back and think through your experiences. And if there are bad ones. I urge you to get over them. Let the healing process begin.
I have been hurt (emotionally and financially) in the past too by a relationship with a Thai lady that failed, and it was all so easy to blame her for everything. But I have learnt to see that she has also suffered as a result (even financially herself). We both have put in a lot of time and emotions into the relation. So today, not only we bore no ill-feelings towards each other, we have managed to remain as friends. Not easy, perhaps, but if the r/s was based on proper intentions and principles in the 1st place, why not? |
On the other hand I'm embracing the changes to Thailand, as I know it is for the better. |
Ok now I understand, I thought you were talking about the search engine.
As for the 'losers' mentioned above, people who can't get a girl in their own country and as a result go to Patpong to 'buy' what they couldn't get at home are losers, period.
@Stacker: what is wrong with yahoo.com http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...icons/rock.gif |
At last, a question I think this old man may be able to answer. Hopefully.
Having enjoyed two wonderful marriages with Thai wives, and their children, I feel the colour of the skin is only the initial attraction. Yes, I did, and still do, find the colouring and build of the average Thai most attractive. But on passing beyond the colour, one finds some extremely attractive personalities, very caring and exceptionally perceptive. Appreciative of you, (me?) and very caring. I used to tell the children that if all the people of the world were put into a couldron and well stirred, the result would be a world populated by people of a Thai colour.I used to add that it was my fervent prayer that the temperament and personality would prevail too. Doubtless I could find these assets in europeans too,but all in one woman? and twice over? I doubt it very much. I know I have been very fortunate, but I put that down to looking in the right place, Thailand. http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...ns/biggrin.gif |
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