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SigNeewfoew 10-17-2005 07:00 AM


In the places I've stayed (mostly in the South) houses are generally single storey. In the south you also see some houses on stilts a bit like they have in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

You will certainly see quite a range of fashion in the cities - Bangkok in particular. People will mostly be a little more casually dressed than in Japan, because its sooo hot. I guess you'd say the dominant dress sense is casual but modest. You won't see as many outrageous outfits as you will see in Japan. Most of the time people (both men and women) prefer to wear long pants and short sleeved shirts. I guess if their jobs demand suits, they dress accordingly.
Cool, thanks Billk

SigNeewfoew 10-23-2005 07:00 AM

Please Help, Reseach Project
I'm not shore if this is the right form to post this in and if it is not the right form I apologize, I wasn't shore where this would fit.

As I was going to say, I have this projected for Hospitality but I have been I able to find many of the answer to the questions. So I was wandering if someone or some people would help me out? Please?

Anyway if you would help, here are the question: (If it bold I think I have the answer.)
Don't blame me for the somewhat weird questions, blame the teachers.
1 a) What is a stranded greeting in Thailand?
b) What are the dating and marriage customs in Thailand?
c) If say I was visiting a family at their home what would one expect?
d) What are a range of occupations there?
e) Diet - staple foods?
f) Recreation/Leisure?
g) Gestures - that are different to ours?
h) Is there a particular dress sense?

2) What do people expect when they visit Australia? ( would be have to have an answer to this one)

3) (If you have been)Why do people come to Australia?

4) (as above)What are they looking for as far as service is concerned?

5) (as above)What should we, as providers of service in the hospitality industry be aware of, when dealing with people from Thailand?

SigNeewfoew 10-23-2005 07:00 AM


Now that we know that you have difficulties with spelling, it's not such an issue here.

For school projects you should have the right to have somebody help you get the spelling sorted before they are submitted.

There is another forum I'm on (to do with rockclimbing in Australia) that has a couple of members with dyslexia. One never has any spelling or grammatical errors in his posts. If you like, I can ask him if he has any tips to pass on.
Thanks, a real lot. I mean really thank you but once I have all the info I lead I'd plug in my usb and take the info to my computer in my room, where I have a 'proper' word program and fix it there and if I really need I have one of my siblings help my with spelling or reading my work over for me. Thanks again though. http://www.thailandqa.com/forum/imag...es/thankya.gif

JennyStewarta 11-03-2005 07:00 AM

Hi Zaidee

Thanks for sharing that with us. It puts things into perspective.

A lot of students post here to get their projects done with minimum effort and some of the regulars get fed up with their laziness and lack of real interest in Thailand. Please accept my apologies on behalf of everyone for having made wrong assumptions about your situation. Having done that, what questions can we help you with?

Adamdjeffe 12-05-2005 07:00 AM

Zaidee-have just sent you a private message with my contribution-took me so long that you and billk have filled 2 pages-anyway, hope it is of use.

SigNeewfoew 12-12-2005 07:00 AM


"Research" comprises two parts...re and search. That means search for information, then search again...and again...and again...
It does not mean ask people a string of questions that could be answered with a little searching...then sit and wait for the information to come to you.
Thanks for the verbal abuse but I am still searching the net and if you looked I need questions 2 - 5 to be answered by "people" so I thought that someones thoughts might be good.

SigNeewfoew 12-16-2005 07:00 AM


Have you visited some of our websites like www.ThailandLife.com and www.EnjoyThaiFood.com yet? The first site in particular will have all your answers as Gor has written about his life from birth, through school, marriage and the birth of his own daughter.
Thanks, I found this form through his site, it's just taking me a while to read and I only really, 'at this moment' want to read what is useful for my school work, like the one about his marriage.

esconsise 12-25-2005 07:00 AM

"Research" comprises two parts...re and search. That means search for information, then search again...and again...and again...
It does not mean ask people a string of questions that could be answered with a little searching...then sit and wait for the information to come to you.

JennyStewarta 12-28-2005 07:00 AM

Also check this out


It's the best short guide around to Thai customs.

Yswxomvy 01-24-2006 07:00 AM

I am not doing research, but I would like to know what a "stranded greeting" is. Is it something you say to people who missed the last bus? Hehe..

SigNeewfoew 01-31-2006 07:00 AM

Hey billk, can I ask? Are most houses in Thailand like it is decribed by gor?

"In my soi there are 20 houses. I know all of my neighbours. Everyone is very kind.

I live in a terraced house. It is medium sized and has 2 floors, 2 bedrooms and 2 toilets. We don't have a dining room, but we eat our meals in the living room. There are 4 people in my family , my mum, my dad, my brother and me. My house doesn't have a garden but we have some plants in pots. We also have some small fish. My mum like the plants very much, she usually water and looks after them when she's at home."

Also I was wander about a dress sense there? if you where in japan you would see a range of fashion on the streets, from traditional, casual to very different shall we say. Is it similar in Thailand?

JennyStewarta 02-22-2006 07:00 AM

In the places I've stayed (mostly in the South) houses are generally single storey. In the south you also see some houses on stilts a bit like they have in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

You will certainly see quite a range of fashion in the cities - Bangkok in particular. People will mostly be a little more casually dressed than in Japan, because its sooo hot. I guess you'd say the dominant dress sense is casual but modest. You won't see as many outrageous outfits as you will see in Japan. Most of the time people (both men and women) prefer to wear long pants and short sleeved shirts. I guess if their jobs demand suits, they dress accordingly.

JennyStewarta 03-03-2006 07:00 AM


"h. Gestures - that are different to ours" doesn't explain a whole lot to me.
The main gesture that is different to Australia is the "wai". When Thais are greeting each other on more formal occasions they make a gesture like the Christian prayer hands gesture, usually with thumbs touching between the eyebrows. Younger people will generally wai first and older people will respond.

Thai people visiting Australia will probably expect to shake hands rather than to wai. They are also very understanding about people not being aware of their customs.

AcecePesFeacy 03-22-2006 07:00 AM

If you are an academic researcher, you really need to shore up your English language grammatical skills. To communicate effectively, you need to have a firm grasp of the English language.

This post probably seems a bit harsh, but if you are a native English speaker from Australia, you deserve the scolding.

On the other hand, if you are not a native English-speaker, see the other posts about the duties and responsibilities of a researcher.

JennyStewarta 03-23-2006 07:00 AM


I'm not shore if this is the right form to post this in and if it is not the right form I apologize, I wasn't shore where this would fit.

As I was going to say, I have this projected for Hospitality but I have been I able to find many of the answer to the questions. So I was wandering if someone or some people would help me out? Please?

Anyway if you would help, here are the question: (If it bold I think I have the answer.)
Don't blame me for the somewhat weird questions, blame the teachers.
1 a) What is a stranded greeting in Thailand?
b) What are the dating and marriage customs in Thailand?
c) If say I was visiting a family at their home what would one expect?
d) What are a range of occupations there?
e) Diet - staple foods?
f) Recreation/Leisure?
g) Gestures - that are different to ours?
h) Is there a particular dress sense?

2) What do people expect when they visit Australia? ( would be have to have an answer to this one)

3) (If you have been)Why do people come to Australia?

4) (as above)What are they looking for as far as service is concerned?

5) (as above)What should we, as providers of service in the hospitality industry be aware of, when dealing with people from Thailand?
Getting back to your original list of questions:

2. My guess is that Thai people are typical of visitors to Australia - wildlife and spectacular landscapes are highest on their agendas. They might not expect Australia to be as highly urbanized as it is. (Wait and see if any Thais respond to this Q. I could be wrong).

3. I expect a big proportion of Thai people coming to Australia are here for work or study, rather than specifically for sightseeing.

4. I expect the number one thing Thais are looking for is friendly and polite service. Thailand is a very friendly country and, in Thailand, Australians have a good reputation for their friendliness.

5. Thai people are generally very easy going. They don't like confrontations so they won't be too quick to complain. Perhaps that means service providers need to be proactive in ensuring that Thai customers are getting all the services they want.

SigNeewfoew 03-25-2006 07:00 AM


Hi Zaidee

Thanks for sharing that with us. It puts things into perspective.

A lot of students post here to get their projects done with minimum effort and some of the regulars get fed up with their laziness and lack of real interest in Thailand. Please accept my apologies on behalf of everyone for having made wrong assumptions about your situation. Having done that, what questions can we help you with?
Thanks, sorry for my spelling and if my posting hear may have annoyed people. A reason that I didn't say for posting hear other then that questions 2 - 5 need a person voice so to say. My brother has cap our internet because telstra changed the date from the end of the month to the 22nd and didn't tell us and so it running real slow. Maybe for that reason I should use a book but I haven't any on Thailand and it easier for me to copy and past dot points and word on the comp that to look back and forth with a book.
Also I chose to do this work on Thailand because it's a place I don't know about.

If someone has been to Australia it would be great if they could answer questions 2 - 5, I think I can (and should) find the answers question one a - h. Although question g might be helpful as it's gestures that are, I'm asuming since my teacher didn't real use "good English" and tell me what the dot point questions meant, the same but different in meaning?

"h. Gestures - that are different to ours" doesn't explain a whole lot to me.

timmybrown 04-25-2006 07:00 AM


I'm not shore if this is the right form to post this in and if it is not the right form I apologize, I wasn't shore where this would fit.
As I was going to say, I have this projected for Hospitality but I have been I able to find many of the answer to the questions. So I was wandering if someone or some people would help me out? Please?
2) What do people expect when they visit Australia? ( would be have to have an answer to this one)?
Take photographs koala bears and kangaroos.

3) (If you have been)Why do people come to Australia?
Take photographs of koala bear and kangaroos.

[4) (as above)What are they looking for as far as service is concerned?
Allow us to hug the koala bears and take photographs of kangaroos.

[5) (as above)What should we, as providers of service in the hospitality industry be aware of, when dealing with people from Thailand?
We like to take photographs of koala bears and kangaroos.

I am not doing research, but I would like to know what a "stranded greeting" is. Is it something you say to people who missed the last bus? Hehe..
I'm shore he meant "standard". http://www.thailandqa.com/forum/imag...es/biggrin.png

SigNeewfoew 05-27-2006 07:00 AM


Zaidee-have just sent you a private message with my contribution-took me so long that you and billk have filled 2 pages-anyway, hope it is of use.

SOgLak 05-30-2006 07:00 AM

Yeah, watch those possums too. In NZ they are our equivalent of the cane toad.

SigNeewfoew 06-20-2006 07:00 AM


If you are an academic researcher, you really need to shore up your English language grammatical skills. To communicate effectively, you need to have a firm grasp of the English language.

This post probably seems a bit harsh, but if you are a native English speaker from Australia, you deserve the scolding.

On the other hand, if you are not a native English-speaker, see the other posts about the duties and responsibilities of a researcher.
Thanks for your consurnes about my "bad" English but maybe if you had brain damage from being in a comer and nay dieing and then not leaning to read and wright till grade five, which means I would have been 11, you would have trouble too. Maybe in the furture you should take leaning difficulties into thought before verberly abusing someone!

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