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Avgustslim 09-04-2006 07:47 PM

It is very sad, reguarding what has happend in Russia in the past few weeks. My Heart goes out to all those who have lost someone dear to them.

About My trip: I have purchased my plane tickets and will be leaving for Thailand at 8am Thursday November 4th, 2 days after the long awaited presidential election here in the USA. I'm not discouraged by the possible threat of terrorism and I'm sure I will have a blast hanging out with my girl friend and my other friends in Thailand.

BrianGoldsmith 09-05-2007 04:20 AM

hehe, good for you. Hope u have a great time http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...cons/smile.gif

Mappaindy 09-04-2008 09:27 AM

Bon Voyage! http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...ns/biggrin.gif

Avgustslim 08-04-2012 03:42 PM

Danager in the air?
Ok This thread kinda goes along with the last one I started but I know I am opening a whole new can of worms with this one.

I'm planning to go back to Thailand for the 3rd time this year in November, election month for the good ol' US of A; my home land. I'm thinking I will go sometime very early in november, within the first week or so. This morning, when I got off of work, I see a local news paper with the headline :BUSH SURE OF TERROR ATTACK IN NOVEMBER.

This moron, this idiot, this rich spoiled bastard at the top of the United States food chain. I know this is election time rhetorhic (spelling??). It's like he's saying to all of our enemies "Come on and attack us, I dare you!" This might even be a little extreme, but I think he would be estatic if there was another attack here so he could use the mass hystaria to his advantage.

None the less, I have still found this a little unnerving. Should I listen to these warnings and change my plans or go ahead with them and disreard my "leader's" words of advice?

Abraham 08-04-2012 06:14 PM

It's not Thailand I'm worried about. It's the flight departing the US that was my concern. I'm still going regardless, but all media hype has me slightly worried.

Mappaindy 08-05-2012 03:42 AM

I think the satisfaction you get from visiting your dearest is worth the little risk...

Abraham 08-05-2012 04:26 AM


Quote[/b] ]I think the satisfaction you get from visiting your dearest is worth the little risk...
I agree.


Quote[/b] ]Accept the risk or sit home, watch TV and surf the net. That is the choice that you have to make.
I agree.

OK. Risk Accepted. I guess I'd rather die randomly on a catistrophic plane accident than of bordom.

I once heard a saying that pretty much sums it all up. "Moving targets are harder to hit."

shinesw 09-21-2012 02:23 PM

Hi Frightened Farlang! Well, Mr. Bush.......... Not going to input my comment here in fear of retaliation lol! Dont worry abt it, Terroists are eveywhere, look at this weekend's events in Russia!!!! Just go and have a good time, think of it this way, u could wither stay home and be bombarded with campaigns and pressure to vote..... or go to the land of smiles and drown a heiniken on a hot day and eat Som Tum hehe! http://www.thailandguidebook.com/iB_...cons/laugh.gif

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