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Old 04-04-2007, 09:14 AM   #21

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28 February 2000, Texas) A Houston man earned a succinct lesson in gun safety when he played Russian roulette with a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol. Mike, nineteen, was visiting friends when he announced his intention to play the deadly game. He apparently did not realize that a semiautomatic pistol, unlike a revolver, automatically inserts a cartridge into the firing chamber when the gun is cocked. His chance of winning a round of Russian roulette was zero, as he quickly discovered.

check out the darwin awards for more..........http://darwinawards.com/

however these dont walk amongst us fortunetly
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Old 04-04-2007, 09:35 AM   #22

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You should know that most of the Darwin awards are fiction. You can find the real scoop on some of them at Snopes: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
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Old 04-04-2007, 11:35 AM   #23

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My friend was wating to watch a program on television that aired at regular times.

Him: "What time is the 8:00 show?"

They walk among us...
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:02 PM   #24

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Not sure if they count if they're drunken stupid things, but I work in a bar and hear plenty.

"Pint of Tennants please", "Sorry, we don't have Tennants", "Oh, just a half pint then....."
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Old 04-08-2007, 08:32 PM   #25

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ROFL! How come none of those freebie buy none, get two free "they walk among us" incidents ever happen to me?
inilbowly is offline

Old 04-13-2007, 12:01 PM   #26

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Caller to a tech support line: I'm trying to install your program and its just not working!
Ok, I'll talk you through it. First insert disc one (this was in the A:/ era )
Ok, thats running now, done.
Now disc two
This is where I get stuck, it won't fit in over the first disc.

They type among us...
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Old 04-13-2007, 12:49 PM   #27

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Swiss man has lived in Thailand for 10 years.
He knows how much the King in revered and loved.
Decides to deface a huge poster of the King.
Expects not to be lynched...

The walk among us...
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Old 04-13-2007, 02:12 PM   #28

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You're kidding, is there a link?
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Old 04-13-2007, 02:30 PM   #29

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Its been in the news a while. This bloke was drunk on the King's birthday, goes home, gets a tin of black spray paint, goes to a government building and gets on a ladder and spray paints over the King's face. does the same to four more posters near his home.

This is captured on CCTV cameras.

He was tried and sentenced to 75 years which was reduced to 10 because he pleaded guilty after seeing the camera footage. The King then pardoned him and hewas deported back to Switzerland.

To me its like if you were in the Vatican City and thought it would be funny to piss on an image of Christ. While its not illegal to insult God, I'm pretty sure that the locals would lynch you and the cops would throw everything they can in the Book at you(eg. public urination, vandalism, etc)


At the same time, some arseholes (in the name of free speech) started making videos of the Thai King as a monkey and finishing off with a pair of feet standing on the King's head. This in turn resulted in the Thai government banning youtube.

Now in Thai culture and a lot of other places in South East Asia, the feet is seen as both physically and spiritually dirty. Its a great taboo and offence to put your feet for example, up on a table. It's the height of bad manners.

Its also the greatest insult to step on a person's head(because your head is meant to be holy). A friendly pat on the head or ruffling someone's hair in Thailand is rude. Seeing as how the King is loved greatly by all the Thai people...the video in question is basically a slap in the face to the Thai people.

I was quite appalled that they were hiding behind the right for free speech to insult the Thai people.

This guy on youtube sums up the situation pretty well.

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Old 04-13-2007, 02:30 PM   #30

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A number of years ago (during the Trivial Pursuit craze) we were sitting around drinking and playing that silly game with our neighbors. It was Debbie's turn, she was blond and quite pretty, but she couldn't answer the question. When someone else answered "Quasimodo", she asked who that was. When I informed her that he was the Hunchback of Notre Dame, she waved it off and said "I've never cared much for football." It still makes me chuckle when I think about it.
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Old 04-13-2007, 03:39 PM   #31

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What a mess.
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Old 04-13-2007, 03:53 PM   #32

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A few days ago, at the car wash I work at, someone brought their car in while it was poring down rain. I send them through, and a few minutes later they come back and complain that their car is still wet. Funny thing about being in the rain, it makes your car wet. Crazy, huh? haha.
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Old 04-13-2007, 03:56 PM   #33

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Now in Thai culture and a lot of other places in South East Asia, the feet is seen as both physically and spiritually dirty.
That very interesting, Meng,
Why "spiritually" dirty?
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Old 04-13-2007, 04:28 PM   #34

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That very interesting, Meng,
Why "spiritually" dirty?
One's feet tread on the earth, apart from the things like dirt and crap you could step on(hence, the custom of removing your shoes before entering a household), you also tread on other things which are considered unclean. For example, after you go to a funeral it is said you should wash your bare feet before you enter your house. This is to wash away whatever 'impurities' you may have picked up in a place of death. By 'impurities' one can view it as negative emotions in the air(the depressing atmosphere of a funeral), or restless spirits one might encounter. There's a little superstition/belief that spirits may follow your footsteps/prints back to your home and that by washing your feet. You sever the trail.

Your feet then, comes in direct contact with a lot of bad things on the earth/ground. It is therefor, the most unclean part of your body.

Hmmnnn...how can I explain this...my mother taught me this old saying when I was a kid.

"Your belly button is your link with your mother/the womb and your head(the crown) is your link to heaven."

Your head then, is a very holy part of your being. So putting your feet on somebody's head is seen as disgusting.
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Old 04-13-2007, 04:50 PM   #35

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A few days ago, at the car wash I work at, someone brought their car in while it was poring down rain. I send them through, and a few minutes later they come back and complain that their car is still wet. Funny thing about being in the rain, it makes your car wet. Crazy, huh? haha.
Oh man...which one (carwash)? You're doing my VW this weekend!
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Old 04-13-2007, 04:54 PM   #36

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Recently I've been on a quest to obtain a dog. Being the conscientious person i am..(tongue in cheek) I looked on line at the local Humane Society's website for a dog to adopt. After several weeks, my family agreed on a cute one (Cute in that Oh My GOD it is so HIDEOUS IT IS CUUUUTE sort of way called Rooney, (Note: The local humane Society is always complaining that they are overbooked with dogs, and that people simply do not invest in older dogs...and "only you can save the life of a dog..etc..etc..you know..make you feel bad, blah blah blah..)anyway we all went down and decided to adopt "Rooney".

The meeting went like this:

Me: "Hi! Are you open yet? We came to see Rooney, we saw him on your site and we hope he's still here!"

Not so Humane Society Dude: (Looks at me like I'm a transient) "Uh..yeah..we're um..not open yet, soooo if you could come back in let's say.....an hour..that's be greeeeeaaat. Oh, and here, take this:"
(He hands me a flyer showing lists of Animal Shelters in the area.)

Me: "What's this?"

Jackass: "Oh..That's a list of Animal Shelters in the area..you know..in case you want to visit them."

"Uh..ok..but I really want to see Rooney."

Jackalope: "Well, we open in a hour..."

So...I go grab some Flapjacks at a greasy spoon with the family, and come back 30 minutes later....The place was wide open with dozens of people there. Hour my a$$!

So then I go inside, and Dipthong is standing there, looking at me...

"Can I help you?"

Me: (Ignoring the fact that I JUST spoke with the guy 30 minutes previously.)
Yes, "I'd like to see some of your dogs please."

Nutmeg: "Go ahead and go on back."

(NOTE: Now, these animals are kept in tiny smelly dank cages (This is supposed to be the Humane Society) and you'd think that they'd want to find these animals a good home as soon as possible.....
How wrong I was...

"Hi there again..Er..I noticed Rooney's cage is empty..is he out for a walk?"

Knucklehead: "Uh....I think he's out for a "meet and greet"..."

"Oh cool! Where is he? (I turn to go outside)"

Dunderbrain: "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Sir! Um..ok..Do you want to submit an application to adopt a dog?"

Me: "Yes, I'd like to adopt Rooney."

MonkeyNuts: "Uheh..No. It doesn't work like that."

(Looks super annoyed) (sigh) Here's how it works:
1. You fill out an application for adoption.
2. The Staff here will meet once a month to review the application and decide if you meet our minimum requirements for adoption.
3. if we approve the application, we will contact you by mail. Do not contact us regarding the status of the application.
4. We will then arrange a time to come out to your home for inspection, to ensure that you have the proper facilities to care for the dog.
5. The last process, the most important one, is one of our trainers (myself) will assess your behavior and interaction with the animal.
6. Then we will assign a set of regulations and rules which you will agree to abide which will be a legal and binding contract.
7. Finally, the fee for adoption is $250.00 which is non-refundable if we, or the pet decides that the new home is not "working out."

(He didn't actually number the items, but it sure FELT like he did.)

Nimrod: "Until that time, there WILL BE NO INTERACTION WITH THE ANIMAL."

"Huh? you mean I can't even meet him?"

Barfmouth: "I'm sorry, Absolutely not. We feel it is an emotional strain on the animal if he gets too attached to people."

Me: "Are there any other people wanting to adopt Rooney?" (By the way, Rooney was a "Mutt and Mutt mix with a bit of Mutt tossed in for good measure..It's the sort of Dog that I'm sure Animal Control officers have no issue with shooting the Pink stuff into because "He's just to freaking bizzare looking and Oogly to live.
In other words, his a$$ looked better than his face."
--So no, he was not papered or anything..

Oh..and he was missing a foot. yeah..a freaking foot. The Dog is a blinking Tripod and I wanted to adopt him. Silly me. I'm such a Bastard. How dare I even think it.

But I digress..
Me: "Are there any other people wanting to adopt Rooney?"

Stupid McDumb-Ass:
"Oh..yes..You would be the third to apply. Though you still may have a chance. (He leans over and whispers) The woman before you doesn't look like she'll make the cut..."

Me: (What I should have said, but didn't have the grapes)
So let me get this straight:
I came down here to take into my heart and home a dog which someone else threw....away.....and has a physical appearance which, if the Elephant man mated with a Manatee would still produce a finer looking beast than the one you've got there,.....and IS A TRIPOD to Boot!

I mean, my God man, all the beast can do is twirl over in circles to you when you call, and even then he falls down about 14 times! AND, for the Caramel on this crap-cake, you want me to PAY YOU $250.00 for the privilege? Not to mention the forms, invasive inspections of my home, a waiting list and a committee to JUDGE ME on whether or not I can care for a creature which by all of the laws of nature says should not even exist?

Aren't there like, a zillion perfectly good cats and dogs being killed each second because no one gives a rats snot if they live or die?
Is that what I'm hearing?
(Screams at the top of my lungs)

They bark among us folks..
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Old 04-13-2007, 05:03 PM   #37

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They bark among us folks..
Hmmnn...Dog taste like strawberry soda.
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Old 04-13-2007, 05:07 PM   #38

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One's feet tread on the earth, apart from the things like dirt and crap you could step on.....and further excellent instruction
Thank you for that explanation!
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Old 04-13-2007, 05:34 PM   #39

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That's why you never want to go to the Humane Society. Always go to the local Animal Control shelter. The animals at the Humane Society are not in danger of euthanasia, for the most part. Those at the local Animal Control shelter are. Much cheaper, much less crapola, and the people are genuinely grateful to have you adopt an animal so they don't have to put it down. The Humane Society folks that I've met have all been pretty much PETA-ized.
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Old 04-13-2007, 07:49 PM   #40

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The Humane Society folks that I've met have all been pretty much PETA-ized.
~Nail square on the head.
The guy was actually munching granola while talking to me, er..I mean..looking down on me.

Only I'll bet it wasn't granola....I'll bet it was organic vegatarian dog kibble.
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